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Moonlighter is a highly recommend action RPG adventure that's a must buy for genre fans with a Switch. Whether you dig deep into the shop mechanics or just do a quick dungeon run while on the train to work, it ticks a lot of the right boxes and quite frankly I didn't want it to end.
One or two conceits to video gaming aside, 11-11: Memories Retold is a powerful narrative experience that explores turmoil beyond battlefield violence. With a unique look and haunting soundtrack, it is a respectful tribute to those whose lives were affected by the First World War.
While I was initially unsure what to expect at the game's outset, Call of Cthulhu is certainly recommended for fans of horror and mystery titles. Along with the satisfying detective work and wonderfully creepy narrative, the twists and turns in this game are quite something.
I look forward to continuing my quest to save my little community. I really like the game and if you like open world games with a lot of grinding and running back and forth like i do, I cannot see why you wouldn’t enjoy it. Apart from the visual bugs, I think this game could do well. I hope people give it the chance is deserves.
It's not just one of the most realistic games to come out this generation, it's also one of the most gorgeous to look at. There's no question that this is the biggest game release of this year, so if you own either a PS4 or an Xbox One then this is one you should definitely check out.
With some great fan service and an authentic tone, Reigns: Game of Thrones uses its simple format to offer one of the most enjoyable video game takes on GoT to date. If you're an avid watcher or reader of Westeros' dynastical drama, you'll enjoy this Choose Your Own Adventure-style approach to ruling the Seven Kingdoms.
The online play is severely lacking and disappointing. But many hours of fun are to be had with this game and even more so with friends.
It's a step in the right direction after Dynasty Warriors 9, but still needs a lot of work to match up to some of the other great titles in the series.
As a Call of Duty veteran, I'd say give it a chance. If you want an even harder Zombie experience, this game has provided it with bells on, and I look forward to what the DLC brings in next few months.
Picking up steam and adding new story and gameplay elements to the mix, Burning Bridges leaves us barreling towards The Council's concluding part, but unfortunately the added haste means the excitement is marred by annoyances.
Managing to up the ante once again, Playground Games have delivered a feast for racing fans that continues the series' trend of balancing real-world driving and flat out fun. If you're after something slightly less arcadey than Burnout Paradise but not as slavishly simulated as Forza Motorsport, Forza Horizon 4 has got you covered ten times over.
Ninjin: Clash of Carrots' decent gameplay and lovely graphics make for an enjoyable experience, and there's enough differences between the characters and with weapon customisations to keep you playing. The completionist in me could spend days trying to unlock them all but the button masher in me just wants to pick up whatever is at hand and whack enemies. It's an addictive title with great replayability.
Fun to both build and play with, the Nintendo Labo Vehicle Kit is a very unique video gaming experience that is sure to delight kids that are already fans of both construction toys and Nintendo.
While some may complain that this retelling has brought with it some tired modern tropes such as skill trees and crafting, the core game still retains what has made and will continue to make Lara Croft the original Tomb Raider.
Two Point Hospital has astonishingly managed to capture the feeling of Theme Hospital, taking all the best elements from original while adding improvements and enhancements. It's not just a sweet dose of nostalgia - it's a fun, funny, and very good game to boot, and will keep you up into the wee hours researching cures or just trying to unlock one more star rating.
With a fresh take on the character in both story terms and gameplay, Insomniac have delivered a superb experience that harks back to when Rocksteady revitalised Batman with Arkham Asylum. Marvel's Spider-Man is a brilliant, thoroughly needed entry in the superhero genre that is a must play whether you're a hardcore comics fan, casual Spidey aficionado or simply a lover of action adventures.
As it stands, Strange Brigade is a blast, with some great hooks that lend the game to some readily accessible fun. It's just a bit of a shame that the potential is being eked out for DLC.
The game could be some spectacular with some changes via updates or even an expansion, but right now it misses the mark.
If you're a fan of Formula 1 or even if you've given it a cursory glance when it's on at the pub then there's a lot to enjoy here.