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Daily Mirror

472 games reviewed
76.6 average score
80 median score
70.0% of games recommended

Daily Mirror's Reviews

May 1, 2017

Despite its straightforward gameplay, Little Nightmares is a title worth putting in the handful of hours that it'll take you to complete, and you'll be surprised by how much ends up sticking with you.

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The Disney Afternoon Collection is clearly the work of a team who care a great deal about video games and their preservation. Extras include high-quality images of design documents, cover arts, posters and more - many of which had previously been considered lost. A lot of love has gone into every frame of this, right down to its menus, and I cannot wait to see which titles developer Digital Eclipse tackle next. However, whilst some titles are platformer gems, others are somewhat unextraordinary and I can't imagine newcomers would stick with any titles.

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Apr 10, 2017

The harsh reality is that I wanted to love it just as much as anyone else. The team is clearly talented and Yooka-Laylee is a work of passion, but it's simply not enough. Yooka-Laylee is simply a chore to play and it relies too heavily on past glories and self-referential humour.

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Apr 5, 2017

There's some real fun to be had here in spite of its nuisances and both platformer fans of old and newcomers alike will find this enjoyable.

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Apr 1, 2017

Whether you're new to Mass Effect or a long-time fan like me, there's a passable adventure here. But in order to actually have any fun you'll have to ignore the enormous amounts of chaff and stick to the story.

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Mar 21, 2017

NieR:Automata is one of the finest games I have ever played. It is a genuine masterpiece.

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A rich gaming experience that offers seasoned Zelda players a breath of fresh air and newcomers an engaging adventure to get to grips with. If you're a role-playing fan then you should be playing this game right now.

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Mar 3, 2017

Blending familiar gameplay with a stunning new world and dynamic lead character, Horizon is a tour de force for Sony's console

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Tides of Numenera is best approached as one might a weighty sci-fi novel from the likes of Clarke and Asimov; intimidating at first glance, with more exposition than explosions. Allow yourself to become immersed, however, and you'll find a trippy, twisty title with a myriad of ways to experience it.

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Feb 25, 2017

This sequel is another decent attempt at bringing strategy games to console, but gameplay can feel shallow at times

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Feb 22, 2017

If you're looking for a fun Hitman-esque sneaky murder sandbox to blast about in, you'll have an absolute ball here.

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Feb 16, 2017

There is an undeniable charm to the game. You call tell that real effort has been spent on trying to craft a unique world with interesting characters.

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Feb 13, 2017

This adorable atmospheric puzzle platformer is a gentle title that's full of charm

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- Nioh
Feb 10, 2017

Make no mistake, this is a harsh, unrelenting title that will test your skill, and the level of challenge makes it difficult to recommend to everyone. Nioh is never unfair though, with its well-designed systems giving you the tools to survive in its beautifully brutal world. Stick with it, plant your feet and you'll find your persistence rewarded with a thrilling and satisfying adventure.

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It's a well-made machine, and the game remains a well-crafted journey throughout – one that makes great use of its first-person perspective and one that brings a renewed sense of urgency to gaming's most famous horror series.

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Jan 17, 2017

With a playtime of around three to five hours (a chunk of it down to death-induced restarts), Rise and Shine mercifully doesn't outstay its welcome. Unless you're keen to replay the game on its unlockable permadeath Ironman mode - or hunt for a handful of useless collectibles - you'll have little reason to return to Gamearth. However, if you can tolerate/appreciate the hammy humour, there's a tight and often tricky adventure that delivers a decent, if fleeting experience.

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Dec 14, 2016

Will there ever be a perfect Dead Rising game? Probably not, at this point. But to paraphrase Alan Partridge , zombies by their very nature are inconsistent. So be happy that this shambling series is still capable of raising a goofy smile.

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Nov 16, 2016

A perfect example of what can happen when world design, story and game mechanics click harmoniously into place, Dishonored 2 is just as good as we’d hoped it would be. Dust off that sword, pull on that mask and slink into the shadows for this year’s stand-out sandbox adventure.

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Cartoon Network: Battle Crashers is a repetitive, boring disaster of a game, and almost offensive in its disregard for the vibrant characters it's utilising. To suggest that kids would find any degree of enjoyment from this would be a disservice to their intelligence.

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Oct 10, 2016

With an attractive art style, generally fun gameplay, catchy music and some fantastic narration, Manual Samuel isn't just another clumsy physics-based simulation game - it stands alongside Octodad and Surgeon Simulator as the cream of the physics-based crop.

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