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Daily Mirror

472 games reviewed
76.6 average score
80 median score
70.0% of games recommended

Daily Mirror's Reviews

Sep 28, 2016

A visually stunning title that looks and feels superb, FH3 blends the technical nuance of the main Forza series with the accessibility of Need for Speed and the unabashed joy of Burnout Paradise into a package that is a must-have for anyone with even a passing fondness for racing games.

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Jul 15, 2016

Carefully crafted and tuned to perfection, Inside may not last long but will live in your memory for a lifetime. You’d be a fool to miss it.

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Jun 9, 2016

It’s a quality-over-quantity approach for Overwatch, and one that works superbly. Blizzard always has long-term plans for its properties, so it’ll be exciting to see how Overwatch eventually evolves, too.

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Apr 13, 2016

As a bloody swansong though, it’s the perfect send-off.

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Mar 11, 2016

But where Stardew Valley comes into its own is the way these characters slowly reveal themselves – carry out a task or quest for them and they’ll tell you a little more about themselves, before the stereotypical town goth or jock eventually blows you away with their depth.

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Dec 2, 2015

But hiccups and glitches however, in a game so generous in size and adventurous in ambition, are forgivable – for every minute of raised eyebrows at floating dogs or the spasming corpses of the long-dead, there are tens upon tens of wonder and excitement as you trek from one unbelievable wasteland landmark to the next.

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It’s a vast game that, some backtracking aside, could engross you with fresh ideas for dozens upon dozens of hours.

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If you have a Minecraft fan in the house this could well be on their Christmas list.

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But if for some reason you missed Dark Souls 2 first time around, or need a great reason to go back, this superlative edition is a nightmare worth having.

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Not since Valve’s The Orange Box collection has a game's singular price tag offered so much bang for your buck. Whether you're after a spruced-up trip down memory lane, or entering the series for the first time ahead of Halo 5's launch, the Master Chief Collection is a stunning, meticulously crafted deal.

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Oct 31, 2014

Like chasing a bag of Haribo with a can of coke, playing Sunset Overdrive is like indulging in a sugar-binge high. If the brown muted tones of Gears of War came to define the Xbox 360, there's a good chance that the primary-coloured madness of Sunset Overdrive will become the poster child for the Xbox One.

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Oct 8, 2014

This is about as good as open-world driving gets.

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