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Nindie Spotlight

4054 games reviewed
70.8 average score
70 median score
43.2% of games recommended

Nindie Spotlight's Reviews

Jan 31, 2019

With a story I don’t even know if I can adequately explain the emphasis here is squarely on throwing crazy challenges at you that will demand you nail the timing and execution to get through them...

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5 / 10.0 - Drowning
Jan 30, 2019

What makes Drowning notable is the subject matter, which is depression...

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6 / 10.0 - Paladin
Jan 29, 2019

In the game you’ll first choose your ship, and there is at least a marginal level of importance in this decision, though most of the difference comes down to cosmetics and the behavior of your specials and at their core they all play roughly the same...

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Jan 29, 2019

Starting out as the title Sphinx you’ll be charged with obtaining the Blade of Osiris, trying to avoid the attention of beam-firing evil castle that is feeling very Eye of Sauron...

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Jan 29, 2019

In this pulled out 3D action adventure you’ll play as Zia, a young girl who finds one day that she’s a mage when she accidentally sets her house on fire...

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5 / 10.0 - Heroes Trial
Jan 25, 2019

Working from the baseline in the game you’ll be on a quest where you’ll be able to move between controlling either the Warrior brother Zoel or his spellcasting sister Elia...

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7.5 / 10.0 - Flowlines VS
Jan 25, 2019

Most likely you’ve seen this sort of game before if you’re into puzzle titles...

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Jan 25, 2019

I’ll admit that particularly in docked mode I initially struggled to figure out what precisely I was supposed to be doing since there’s really no tutorial or explanations, but once I understood the use of ZL for managing anything consuming gold and ZR for anything consuming mana it clicked...

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Jan 24, 2019

What’s somewhat odd to me is that there’s obviously some ambition at play here...

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5 / 10.0 - #killallzombies
Jan 24, 2019

Overall there’s not too much to know, though granted that’s typical of the genre in general...

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6 / 10.0 - Monkey Wall
Jan 24, 2019

Somewhat like another earlier title, Puzzle Wall, this challenges you to contort into a pose to pass through a specifically-shaped hole in a wall...

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Jan 24, 2019

After watching his woman Nara get abducted by the evil Korg, Jack will need to brave some tough opposition to save her...

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Jan 24, 2019

Starting with what works each of your squad members has a general role based on their weapons and abilities...

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7 / 10.0 - Bad Dream: Coma
Jan 24, 2019

I would imagine initially most people will have the same approach I did, just trying out what can be interacted with and what happens when you do...

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8 / 10.0 - Pikuniku
Jan 24, 2019

If you’re interested to know anything at all about the story in the game you can check out the video, but as a whole I’d say if you’re thinking of getting it you’ll want to see and know as little as possible...

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8 / 10.0 - My Memory of Us
Jan 24, 2019

Overall, this is yet another great visually-impressive puzzle adventure to add to the Switch library...

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Jan 24, 2019

You’ll play the game as Don Ramiro, a knight on a quest to save his land from an invasion of all sorts of evil creatures...

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Jan 23, 2019

While the system has a number of bridge building physics games, this one takes that general premise and does some new things with it...

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Jan 23, 2019

Among the many weirdo physics games I’ve played there’s never been anything quite like Goat Simulator...

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8.5 / 10.0 - Unruly Heroes
Jan 23, 2019

Especially considering it’s pretty modest price Unruly Heroes is a rock-solid platformer that looks phenomenal and plays well whether you’re taking it on by your lonesome or with some friends...

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