Nindie Spotlight
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Making budget games that in some way feel familiar when compared to beloved classics is always a bit of a gamble, but when they’re pulled off reasonably well and offer just enough to make them distinctive it can work out nicely...
With the classic point-and-click adventure genre in full-on renaissance mode and a preponderance of options available to fans on the Switch it’s getting tougher to separate the merely average titles from the good to great ones...
More than anything else with the Luminous Avenger titles, you could never say they aren’t visually stunning with their pixel art...
Roguelikes can be really tricky to evaluate as their often inherent challenge is an addiction for some but can obviously put others off...
Games that are in some way timely to the circumstances of the world have a tendency to rely more on impulse buys than quality, at least that has been my experience...
As a fan of new and odd ideas, the thought of a game that has a mix of elements from beat-em-ups, shooters, and a little music to boot sounded like it had real potential...
One opportunity that the smaller teams and budgets behind typical indie games have is to take bigger risks, either blending together or warping genres to create experiences that are difficult to categorize...
Tactical strategy RPGs have gotten some decent traction over the years since launch on Switch, but to date no indie game in the category has broken out as the clear champion in the category...
What I genuinely love about indie games is their ability to surprise me...
Budget puzzle games are a bit of a “dime a dozen” proposition on the Switch eShop these days, but when they’re made well and with a decent hook they’re still able to grab my attention...
When you’re looking for a way to try to add some spice to a tried and true style of play in a game it doesn’t hurt to use theming that skewers an institution people generally understand...
This is one of those indies where I can appreciate what they were setting out to do but the final implementation just doesn't quite deliver the experience they'd aimed for...
I’ll admit to having a bit of an old school weakness for the weird spectacle that the original Windjammers managed to create by mixing a relatively simple game played with a frisbee with the over-the-top attitude and personality of a professional wrestling match...
My tendency with games is to gravitate towards things that are higher in intensity and will throw a challenge my way, but I’ve also come to appreciate slower-paced experiences over time as well...
What can I say, my ears always perk up at the suggestion of a game that in any way features mechs...
With the general Switch line-up when it comes to both RPGs and Sports titles being thinner than would be preferred, my eyes lit up at the prospect of RPGold Legends managing to knock out two under-represented birds with one stone...
Typically when I think about the survival genre the focus that comes to mind is a balance between crafting, exploration, and fighting to stay alive...
I suppose since a little while ago I reviewed a puzzle collection covering a variety of styles hyper-focused on domesticated animals of the feline variety; it is only fair that one celebrating the canine persuasion is available as well...
Among the genres represented on the Switch, survival is one of the thinner ones, so new entries are always appreciated...
When you think of RPG dungeon crawlers you’d normally assume it will fall into one of two camps, a traditional turn-based affair or a more action-oriented hack and slasher...