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Switch Player

190 games reviewed
67.7 average score
70 median score
75.3% of games recommended

Switch Player's Reviews

- RiME
Nov 13, 2017

Rime is one of those games that has all the potential to be one of the all-time greats, but falls short at the last hurdle. Choppy framerate and poor visuals in handheld mode hold it back from being a day one recommendation, but it's also an adventure that, one day - despite the flaws - you'll be glad to take.

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Nov 13, 2017

By putting you on the shoes of a blind woman, Perception creates a unique survival horror experience, with heavy focus on narrative. It does a good job of playing with your… well… perception of the darkness and your surroundings.

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Farming Simulator is not something that you can recommend for everyone but there is something here that offers a really unique and enjoyable experience. If tycoon games of any variety tickle your fancy, I’d like to think you’ll find something in Farming Simulator that you’ll enjoy for a fair amount of time.

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Nov 10, 2017

Not since Super Mario 64 has a Mario adventure had me this captivated, immersed or impressed. Super Mario Odyssey is Nintendo's finest Super Mario title yet, and easily the most impressive Nintendo Switch title available. With so much to see and do - long after you've dispatched Bowser - you'll be returning to the Odyssey for a long time. Essential for all Switch owners and worth buying a Switch for. It's that good.

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2.9 / 5.0 - Morphite
Nov 9, 2017

Morphite is a space exploration adventure that does well in creating the feeling that you’re visiting its many alien worlds. With a unique low poly style, it falls short for having poor and inconsistent combat. Those that can overlook this will find a deep and enjoyable journey.

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3.3 / 5.0 - Just Dance 2018
Nov 9, 2017

Just Dance 2018 is an unremarkable addition to a tired series with little to entice returning players back into the fold. It's a shame such a large portion of the game is hidden behind a pay wall, but newcomers will nevertheless find plenty here to be getting on with for a while, particularly if you play in a party environment with friends and family.

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3.5 / 5.0 - Sonic Forces
Nov 8, 2017

Sonic Forces isn't a particularly bad game, it's just a game that never seems to find it's true potential. An overly complicated story and some design flaws stop Sonic Forces just shy of greatness, leaving a decent enough experience to enjoy.

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Nov 8, 2017

By no means a bad game, Monopoly for Nintendo Switch just seems to miss the point a little. As far as replicating the board game goes, this title does a great job. However, the things that make Monopoly great - the arguments, the social aspect etc are somewhat lacking here. For the price of this title, you'd be better off spending your money on the actual board game and playing with friends and family - it'd be cheaper and a heck of a lot more fun!

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3.4 / 5.0 - Elliot Quest
Nov 7, 2017

Elliot Quest looks like a lost side-scrolling game from the NES area. Very nostalgia-driven, it takes form as a hardcore side-scrolling action game, which may be too for some tastes. Those up to the challenge, though, will be rewarded with a surprisingly deep game.

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1.9 / 5.0 - Wheels Of Aurelia
Nov 7, 2017

Wheels of Aurelia is a disappointing attempt at bringing the Visual Novel genre to the Switch, it's too short to be engaging, and at its current price tag seems a bit too steep.

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3.6 / 5.0 - Time Recoil
Nov 7, 2017

Time Recoil is a quick-paced, enjoyable shooter-come-puzzler, which has plenty to keep players entertained. It's not quite a unique entity in the Switch eShop, which has a number of other games from the same genre, but it's definitely worth a play if you've got the funds for it.

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3.3 / 5.0 - Moon Hunters
Nov 6, 2017

Moon Hunters is more than the retro-styled action game that screenshots would lead you to believe, but it is also less than the “personality test RPG” that it sets out to be. A fun evening with friends could be had, but don’t expect to find a lasting experience.

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3.8 / 5.0 - Splasher
Nov 6, 2017

Splasher is a platformer that wears its influences on its sleeve from a story taken straight from Oddworld and gameplay that can almost match Rayman. The game offers a nicely refined platforming experience that really nails the fast and fluid style, the game is a great showcase of how these games should play and the only praise this game needs is that I would like to see a sequel that expands on these ideas.

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Nov 6, 2017

As I've previously maintained, these games' worth can only really be determined if you have loads of people handy, and people who can think of entertaining answers at that. Sadly, the price point is far too much for what it is - you're going to need to fork out about £100 for all four of the packs. The sum of the parts isn't worth what's being charged for the whole.

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3.6 / 5.0 - Knight Terrors
Nov 6, 2017

A fantastic combination of the old and new. Small in content, but Knight Terrors gives a quality experience that you can pick up and play any time. It's really cheap, and I'd definitely recommend it to anyone that takes their Switch on the go a lot and wants something to pass the time.

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3.2 / 5.0 - Violett
Nov 3, 2017

Violett is a pretty looking point and click title that does have its moments but is let down by poor storytelling and some strange design choices. Fans of the genre and newcomers alike will find the game to have a certain charm, but frustrations will creep in and I found myself appreciating the stalwarts of the genre even more by the time I saw the end credits.

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4 / 5.0 - NBA 2K18
Oct 31, 2017

As part of a wave of sports sims to be hitting the Switch right now, it's once again a great time to be a sports fan who just plays Nintendo systems, like me. Just like FIFA, WWE and the like, NBA's absence has been sorely felt by Nintendo fans, so you ought to go out and add this stellar entry to your shelves.

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3.8 / 5.0 - Tiny Barbarian DX
Oct 31, 2017

Tiny Barbarian DX is a lot of fun, uncomplicated, challenging and yet hard to put down. It’s perfectly suited to the Switch in both handheld and TV mode. Whilst it’s not one of the cheapest games available on the Switch it is good value for money in terms of its overall quality and length. I would highly recommending snagging the physical release if you can as you also get some neat extra goodies.

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Oct 30, 2017

Despite accurately interpreting a respected franchise and having solid foundations for a fighting game, Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle delivers a slither of content that is not only disappointingly lacklustre. but also unwelcoming for newcomers and littered with inconsistencies and glitches that further hinder the quality of the experience. Local multiplayer is where this may redeem itself, but even that's stretching it for a retail game. For the price, it's not something I'd recommend.

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4.4 / 5.0 - The Count Lucanor
Oct 26, 2017

The Count Lucanor is definitely worth a place in your Switch eShop library. Comprising a castle of a range of different puzzle challenges in each room, it's like a scarier version of the Crystal Maze. Well-written storytelling also helps its case, and while it may not be long, it certainly is memorable.

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