NoobFeed's Reviews
Bring the Crunch is a short but entertaining South Park adventure that will give fans another reason to return for another playthrough.
The Banner Saga 3 is a fitting conclusion to a story that needed to be told.
The Council – Episode 3: Ripples continues the tale of Louis as he attempts to figure out what happened to his mother and the enigma that is Lord Mortimer. Unlike Hide and Sneak, Ripples is a constant source of exciting moments and tense confrontations between political juggernauts. The episode soars until the final act then falls short.
Narcosis is a polarizing game, on one hand, the underwater setting and isolation captures the sense of unnerving tension of being alone but at the same time, the gameplay is slow and vexing. The developers successfully crafted stressful situations forcing you to cautiously walk through the next room but also included frustrating moments of getting stuck in the world's geometry. Narcosis is a great horror title for fans of the genre if they can endure the slow pace.
Octopath Traveler uses 2D sprites and low-resolution 3D models to create an RPG that faithfully combines retro and modern aspects in many ways. The graphics create a distinctive atmosphere that is complemented by artistic touches that bring every town, character, and enemy to life. Extravagantly drawn captures the essence of old-school RPGs such as Final Fantasy, Breath of Fire, and Earthbound while providing its own unique identity. Octopath Traveler hits you with its charming graphics and beautiful art style before sucking you in with its densely packed adventure that truly captures the essence of a great JRPG.
Sonic Mania or have yet to play it, Sonic Mania Plus delivers more of the same great gameplay the original game provided.
20XX is a difficult and fun rouge action game that will challenge platforming veterans and delight traditional Mega Man fans
Mothergunship's glorious, fast-paced action is let down in the long run by a small enemy roster and repeating room layouts.
Those who invest the time and effort into The Mooseman will find a deep narrative adventure.
Nidhogg 2 provides the same smart minimalist style dueling found in the original game providing both intense and hectic battles.
Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered Edition's gameplay provides overwhelming issues that only some gamers can endure.
If you come into Super Bomberman R expecting a Bomberman game you’ll love it.
Puzzle and action fans will find a lot of noteworthy moments and difficult challenges throughout Figment.
NieR: Automata is a true masterpiece that shines throughout, and a must play for all PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One owners.
Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr feels like a collection of ideas that haven't yet matured.
Vampyr is a functional 30-hour diversion with occasional dashes of brilliance, but not much else.
Shape of the World is not a game for everyone but those looking for a relaxing adventure with beautiful environments will find the adventure worth taking.
Agony proves that setting is only one component needed to make an excellent horror game.
Moonlighter provides an engaging loop of dungeoneering and shopkeeping.
Detroit: Become Human is an excellent narrative-driven game, just don't come in expecting compelling gameplay.