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While the narrative does take a few beats to get started, the real problem lies in the overly simple puzzles that the game is built on. It’s a lovely experience that is quickly forgotten.
Unfortuntely, if you’re looking for a great survival roguelike to put your time into, then you’re probably better off setting sail in more abundant seas.
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Building on the foundation of last year's game, WRC 9 fleshes out the experience with new features and content.
All things considered, Crusader Kings 3 is perhaps one of the most immersive and flexible strategy games ever put together.
I don't know if I'll see more games inspired by classic existential literature. Is a gaming adaptation of Camus' The Stranger on the way? Who knows? But for what it is, Metamorphosis is a pretty fun way to experience an all-time classic story.
Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions marks the franchise's return to gaming after a ten-year hiatus.
Dontnod knows just what it wants to say and it says it beautifully.
The team at Saibot Studios have made exactly what they promised to their Kickstarter backers, but I was left wanting more.
At the end of the day, Madden NFL 21 is only worth a look if you want in on Ultimate Team or you were turned off by its attempts at being an NFL simulation and are looking for something even more arcadey.
If you’re a big fan of the original Wasteland games, or just an RPG fan in general, then I highly recommend picking up Wasteland 3 and giving it a try.
No Straight Roads needs to retire from touring, rest its vocal cords, and make a comeback tour when it's found itself as an artist. Right now, it can't carry a tune.
UnderMine may look like a Super Nintendo game, but it takes some of the best (and sometimes frustrating) elements of games like Binding of Isaac and Enter the Gungeon and brings it altogether to create an addicting journey.
With characters and a story so true to the source material, Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time is an excellently executed adaptation that Samurai Jack fans will adore.
Battletoads does have its good moments, between its beat 'em up gameplay, metal-heavy soundtrack, and strong boss design. It's just drowned out by its awful pacing and poor comedy that gets maybe a couple of chuckles from the entirety of its brief five-hour adventure.
Unfortunately, while Mortal Shell has a heart of gold, there are mechanics and core decisions that prevent it from being a truly great entry into these hallowed halls.
With everyone looking to the upcoming consoles to provide the next-generation experience, don’t let this one slip off your radar.
The gameplay of UFC 4 is stellar and rewarding, but once the novelty begins to wear off, there’s not much more to keep players invested.
genuinely enjoy when a game can innovate meaningfully in this evermore cramped space. Hyper Scape brings a lot of concepts to the table that, in theory, I thought were interesting, but the execution… this ain’t it.
I wish the spiders would have killed me