PowerPyx's Reviews
Pokemon finally joins the 21st century by going off the 2D Standard and incorporates many long-overdue changes that make it a more user-friendly experience. Albeit void of any challenge, it’s a leap in the right direction, and worth checking out for all age groups.
Man of Medan does some things extremely well, particularly with its well-crafted story that offers great replay value, and choices having more impact than in Until Dawn. But then it completely fails on other fronts such as the many game-breaking technical problems, a horrible online experience, lack of a flowchart or cutscene skip in Chapter Select, and an absurdly convoluted trophy list.
A fantastic addition to the Metro series that manages to be more accessible to new users, while still remaining challenging for fans.
A perfect remake or Resident Evil 2 and an amazing game overall. I got what I expected it to be and even more than that. Definitely a recommendation for fans or the series as well as for everybody else.
Beat Saber is the best use of PSVR to date. It's the most fun I've had with a game in years.
A great sequel, which captures the magic of the first game. Without taking many risks, the game manages to satisfy my five year long hunger for a sequel. The game doesn't add many new mechanics to the gameplay, but enough to not bore the series veterans.
Lost on Mars plays like a completely new, fleshed-out game and has a surprising amount of content for a DLC. A funny yet predictable odyssey to the red planet.
The Crew 2 surpassed my expectations. The 14 racing disciplines are a big step up from the first game and keep it interesting in the long run.
Vampyr is the worst glitchfests of 2018 so far.
Hours of Darkness is a good start for the DLC trilogy of Far Cry 5. It’s a part unexplored in previous games but is quite short and doesn’t have much in terms of story.
Sony hits another home run with Detroit Become Human, one of the top cinematic adventures to date.
God of War is the most beautiful piece of art ever made! If you play this and still don’t think games are art, then what is?
A Way Out revives a dying breed of co-op gaming. While on the shorter side (3.5 hours total story length), it keeps things moving with new styles of gameplay at every corner. The ending is particularly good and makes it worth the trip.
Ni No Kuni 2 teaches kids some powerful lessons: how to be a good leader, a decent human being (or cat-person haha), and how to solve political differences by peaceful diplomatic means opposed to brute force. While it may be too simplistic for hardcore gamers, it’s one of the best role-playing-games for younger audiences.
Bravo Team is the best tactical shooter on VR so far! It’s immersive, accurate, well planned and just fun to play.
KCD is a game of stark contrasts. The cutscenes, story and lore are phenomenal yet the game is unpolished, has outdated graphics and is very buggy. If you can turn a blind eye on those things it’s still a game worth playing that has a lot of content to offer.
Monster Hunter World is one of the best games this console generation so far. What a fantastic start to 2018!
A DLC that locks main game content? Yes, it exists, and it’s called Curse of Osiris. If you have the main game but not the DLC it has locked content that was previously accessible to you. Now locked behind a DLC paywall: Prestige Strikes, Prestige Raids, Trials, and the Platinum Trophy / 1000 Gamerscore. This is content you already paid for with the main game. The introduction of the DLC stole all of this away from base game players. Whether this is an ‘inventive’ way to push a DLC purchase or just a mishap, it’s a slap in the face to all Destiny 2 players and divides the player base. $20 is way too pricy for a 2 hour story and tiny new area. When a full game is $60, a $20 DLC should be one third the size, not one tenth.
The Frozen Wilds delivers a 15-hour story expansion at a very fair price, following the production quality of the main game. The new additions are fun and it’s the most beautiful Winter Wonderland ever created.
It's sad to see a beloved franchise like Star Wars being destroyed by corporate greed. The only good thing to come from SWBF2 is the campaign. The rest they could have delivered in form of a $20 DLC to the first Star Wars Battlefront. The entire online progression is built around micro-transactions on a pay-to-win basis with randomized loot boxes. It's simply no fun to play in an online ecosystem like this. Shame on you, EA.