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Arcade Sushi

382 games reviewed
77.7 average score
80 median score
62.0% of games recommended

Arcade Sushi's Reviews

Mar 26, 2014

Even though Sucker Punch still hasn't evolved the moral narrative of the Infamous series, Second Son is thoroughly enjoyable game. The abilities are awe-inspiring, the combat is easy to understand and master, but most of all, it's fun to play. Whether you choose to enjoy Infamous: Second Son as the hero or the villain, Sucker Punch once again shows just how great it is at developing exciting superhero adventures. We can only hope that next time around, we actually feel the weight of our decisions, and are compelled to choose by more than carrots at the ends of ropes.

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Mar 19, 2014

As a way to show off all these new controls and concepts, Ground Zeroes is a success. As a full game experience, Ground Zeroes doesn't quite stand up. For everything Ground Zeroes does new and exciting, it's just a glimpse into the future of the franchise, and isn't a full-fledged game. Does it have us even more excited for The Phantom Pain? Absolutely. Did Ground Zeroes warrant a full retail release across multiple platforms? That's a bit more debatable. There are just too many empty calories here, and despite all the new facets presented, Ground Zeroes left us wanting.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Titanfall
Mar 13, 2014

It's definitely one of the most entertaining multiplayer shooters we've ever played, but it's still too rough around the edges to truly challenge any of the incumbents right now. Still, Titanfall stands on the cusp of this new generation, ready to blaze its own path to greatness. Titanfall is not a perfect game, but it sure is fun. Sometimes, that's all you need.

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All in all, A House Divided provides a more exciting installment of The Walking Dead adventure game and lets us see just how much Clementine has grown while taking us on an exciting venture out into the woods to escape a dangerous man. It's also deceptively quick because of the many changes in setting, leading you to believe that it's shorter than it is.

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The game is perfectly crafted to push you closer to the end, and with it the answer to a mystery that has been built up over the last three titles.

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Feb 28, 2014

All-in-all, Garden Warfare is a fairly unremarkable experience. The gameplay is fun, but it's definitely also derivative of elements we've seen executed better elsewhere. That's not to say there aren't some interesting aspects. There just aren't enough to make it stand strongly on its own. Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare isn't a bad game, it's just not a very inventive one despite its catchy premise.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Strider
Feb 28, 2014

Strider wears its influences on its sleeve, but ultimately, this reboot doesn't bring much to the table beyond its stellar presentation.

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Feb 24, 2014

If you own a Wii U, you have no reason not to pick up Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. Its challenges are numerous and demanding, but not without leeway, its secrets are nigh-infinite and most importantly, it brings with it that classic Nintendo sense of fun. DKC: TF is meant to be a challenge, but it's a challenge that excites you with the joy of triumph, not one that frustrates you with failure.

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8 / 10.0 - Rayman Legends
Feb 18, 2014

If you haven't played Rayman Legends yet, and you own a PS4, then forget everything I have said and run out to purchase it now. It's still a phenomenal game, I cannot stress this enough, and for the people who haven't purchased it yet, this is probably one of the better versions. . . . [A]nyone who already owns the game, which at this point is most of the Rayman fanbase, can simply overlook this release. It's just a port, and you aren't missing much by passing it up.

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7 / 10.0 - Outlast
Feb 13, 2014

There's actually some fun in traversing the asylum with friends around, or by streaming it online via the PlayStation 4's many sharing options. Plus, there's a decent enough mystery at the core of Outlast, and uncovering it bit by bit can be enjoyable if you're able to get invested. There's just not enough engaging material to keep you from getting bored after a few hours. There's plenty of room in the survival horror market for someone to come along and really revitalize the genre. Outlast just isn't that game.

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Feb 13, 2014

[W]e wholeheartedly recommend that fans of any form of fantasy storytelling, especially those who are fans of Pendleton Ward's style (who actually is part of the cast), must play Broken Age: Act 1. We have a good feeling that if Double Fine held off for just another year, the full version of Broken Age would have easily been a nominee for game of the year.

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Feb 12, 2014

While her story is quite different from previous DLC protagonist Adam Kane's, it's still just more of the same.

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8.5 / 10.0 - The Banner Saga
Feb 11, 2014

Ultimately, the steep learning curve and focus on statistics management which could be considered a hindrance is vastly outshined by The Banner Saga's absolutely memorizing production value.

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Feb 10, 2014

The Lego Movie Video Game should be looked to as a shining example of a movie game done right. It's fast, it's fun, and it feels like a well-polished, video game, version of the movie. Traveller's Tales mastered the format of these Lego games and can pretty much set things to cruise control from here. The Lego Movie Game may not be the most original or complex title out there, but it's an enthusiastic, uncynical bit of fun, filled with brightness, cheer and awesome.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Loadout
Feb 4, 2014

It turns a lot of shooter conventions on their heads. There's just a lot of stuff you can do in Loadout that you can't do in any other shooter on the market, which makes it worth putting up with some grinding and money siphoning. It's fun, it's frantic and it's filled with the types of guns that you drew in the margins of your notebook in grammar school. It's worth a free trial at the very least. The developers, Edge of Reality, promise tons of new maps, game modes and even gun parts will release in the future, and if that's the case that Loadout might even give Team Fortress 2 a run for its money.

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Feb 3, 2014

Dadliest Catch may have the worst control scheme of any game I've ever played, and that's the entire point.

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Jan 22, 2014

While it was definitely interesting to see all the pieces fit together in regards to Dead Rising 3's story, Operation Broken Eagle just doesn't offer enough new content. The experience is over all too quick, and even though there are some extra missions, it all seems like filler rather than a necessary addition. The new weapons are appreciated, but we hope the next add-on has a bit more depth and purpose

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Jan 15, 2014

From what our top men have been able to glean from the materials included within, there is another world out there that is ever changing. The dangers are vast, but the prospect of being the first people to explore this new frontier is too great to turn away. It seems no matter how you left our world, you always ended up in this strange place with nothing but the clothes on your back. The learning curve was a bit much for the first few to be sent there it seems, but as more went, things grew easier over time.

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Jan 2, 2014

Besides its impressive sound effects, everything about Spartan Assault felt like a rushed-over port and does not offer any type of depth or impressions to warrant its release as an Xbox One downloadable title. Nevertheless, it still felt like Halo, which means a lot to would-be buyers.

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Dec 31, 2013

Ultimately, we can only recommend The Curse of Brotherhood to those with an Xbox One who must have a platforming title on their system. Whether its Braid, Limbo, Fez or Super Meat Boy, there are plenty of other indie platformers out there that excel far beyond The Curse of Brotherhood in terms of everything except its graphics.

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