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Arcade Sushi

382 games reviewed
77.7 average score
80 median score
62.0% of games recommended

Arcade Sushi's Reviews

8.5 / 10.0 - Dr. Luigi
Dec 31, 2013

With so many ways to play for so little a cost, it's hard not to recommend Dr. Luigi. The Dr. Mario gameplay has held up over the years because, like Chess, Checkers, or Don't Take a Whiz on the Electric Fence, it's easy to pick up but constantly shifting. Plus, it only costs fifteen bucks to download Dr. Luigi, which, given the amount of replayability here, is a friggin' steal. If you've got a fever, you know the prescription. No, it ain't more cowbell. It's more Dr. Luigi.

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I recommend Freedom Cry to anyone who has ever hoped for a better story within the Assassin's Creed franchise. There are still plenty of technical hiccups and basically all the exploratory freedoms of Black Flag are now gone (which was Black Flag's best quality), but the story more than makes up for it.

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4.5 / 10.0 - NES Remix
Dec 19, 2013

NES Remix is a game that you desperately want to like but just can't. The NES was a great console with great games and the idea of playing them all with cool new mechanics and twists is a good one, but NES Remix falls far short of its potential. It feels rushed, which is appropriate since it released on the same day that it was announced!

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As young as she is, Clementine has grown to be a very complex character who is definitely the product of the people who have taken care of her. But she's no longer the scared girl in the treehouse. She's a survivor. And we can't wait to see where the next four episodes take her.

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3.5 / 10.0 - Fighter Within
Dec 11, 2013

We know that there are plenty of fighting game enthusiasts out there who are hoping to expand their hit boxes beyond Killer Instinct, but Fighter Within is not the title to do it with. Furthermore, Fighter Within only sets an immensely bleak tone in regard to future Kinect-exclusives. Even with its reduced price tag, the Fighter Within is a broken mess everyone could do without.

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8 / 10.0 - Peggle 2
Dec 10, 2013

So… yeah. Peggle 2. It's more Peggle. Go and buy it now. Review over.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Dead Rising 3
Dec 10, 2013

Dead Rising 3 not only shows off the Xbox One's power, but also happens to be a solid zombie survival game to boot. With it's vast open-world, seemingly endless weapon combo system and New Game+, there's virtually no end to the fun you'll have trying to survive in a world overrun with the undead.

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The latest adventure starring Link is The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, a sequel to 1991's The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Crimson Dragon
Nov 27, 2013

Crimson Dragon doesn't live up to its Panzer Dragon ancestry. If we were to compare it to the rest of the console titles of the series, Crimson would most rank towards the latter end of the franchise. Its final levels are pretty, but everything up until then is repetitive, difficult and annoying to the point where Crimson Dragon feels more like a chore than it is any actual fun.

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7 / 10.0 - Powerstar Golf
Nov 27, 2013

Powerstar Golf doesn't quite match up with its contemporaries, but it's a solid first effort from Zoe Mode longtime golf gamers will appreciate.

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9.5 / 10.0 - Forza Motorsport 5
Nov 27, 2013

Forza Motorsport 5 offers something for everyone. You don't have to be a racing fan to appreciate how thoroughly detailed Turn 10 was in their development. Within just a few hours, we raced SUVs, Asian imports, luxury cars and even Formula-1 racers. Toss in a ton of customizations for each vehicle, and no race ever felt the same. The Drivatar concept brings about a sense of unpredictability. Even better is that your Drivatar will race for you while you aren't playing Forza 5 in order to keep a steady cash flow for you to keep upgrading cars or to buy new ones. Forza 5 is an excellent fan service to all aspects of racing and shows that the Xbox One has started the next gen console race at full speed.

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Nov 27, 2013

We must say that Ryse offers no long-lasting value, it is definitely a renter at best, but it is a beautiful one. Once you complete Marius' story mode in about five to six hours and try out the co-op multiplayer once or twice, there isn't much else to it. Ryse does an excellent job at showcasing the capabilities of the Xbox One itself, but it lacks any real substance.

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4.5 / 10.0 - LocoCycle
Nov 27, 2013

If you ever have friends over and they say something like "Oh is that the Xbox One?" And you want to show off the system to them, Lococycle should be the last title you would ever want to consider playing. But if you have children who wouldn't know any better, then yes, Lococycle would be for you.

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5 / 10.0 - Knack
Nov 25, 2013

Knack is one of the launch titles for the long-awaited PlayStation 4. Being a launch title, there's some pressure for it to perform well and become a sort of benchmark for future console-exclusive games. With Mark Cerny and SCE Japan Studios at the hem, Knack's got the kind of backing and developer pedigree that should make it a hit. But, as with Knack's size, our enjoyment proved to grow and diminish with each minute spent in the game.

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Nov 25, 2013

For the first time in years, a Call of Duty game actually feels like it's more of the same. Infinity Ward's additions to the formula don't always hit the desired mark, and the single-player is a spectacular disaster. The franchise has been derided in the past for its repetitiveness and lack of innovation, but Ghosts is the first entry that lives down to that reputation. Where once Infinity Ward forged ahead with new ideas and bold narrative execution, Ghosts walks down a path we've been down countless times before.

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8 / 10.0 - Battlefield 4
Nov 25, 2013

It certainly feels as if it's a great time to be a Battlefield player, especially with all of the advances made in the gameplay and all of its technical aspects. The only problem now is scrounging up the money needed to pay for Battlefield Premium to get access to all of the upcoming expansions. Sign up for this ride. You won't regret it.

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Nov 22, 2013

It’s quick, it’s slightly less random, and it’s fun, which would be great if the game was released for a console. Unfortunately, as a handheld game, you’ll find that Mario Party Island Tour just isn’t much fun until you find a whole bunch of people playing with their 3DSes at a convention or something, and even then you’ll likely just play Street Pass mini-games anyway.

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7 / 10.0 - Madden NFL 25
Nov 20, 2013

Madden NFL 25 doesn't quite herald in the next generation of football, but it is a much more competent debut.

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In the end, Burial at Sea - Episode One is only a passable experience due to its length and the amount of content found within. With that said, it still has me wanting to play the next few episodes of DLC immediately. And, at the very least, it reunited me with some old friends, like Booker and Liz, as well as some even older enemies.

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6 / 10.0 - Contrast
Nov 15, 2013

Is Contrast art? Yes, but it's flawed art. While its concept is great and the atmosphere is phenomenal, that's as far as the brilliance goes. The gameplay simply doesn't hold up the weight of Contrast's dark and serious narrative, which proves that art games still need to be actual games.

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