Dr. Luigi

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Top Critic Average


Critics Recommend

7.5 / 10
8 / 10
Game Informer
8 / 10
5 / 10
7 / 10
Nintendo Life
7 / 10
God is a Geek
4 / 10
Metro GameCentral
6 / 10
Creators: Nintendo
Release Date: Dec 31, 2013 - Wii U
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Critic Reviews for Dr. Luigi

The Year of Luigi ends with Dr. Luigi, a fun twist of the 23-year-old classic Dr. Mario.

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It's a real pity. Wii U's eShop has been starved of decent fare of late, and Nintendo should be leading the way. Yet it's easy to see Dr Luigi as a symptom of the current malaise affecting its home console business. It features a strange gimmick no one's really that interested in, it highlights an increasing reliance on past glories, and most will find it somewhat overpriced. The outgoing Fiscal Year of Luigi draws to a close with a whimper, then - here's hoping the coming months see Nintendo offer a more convincing tablet-based cure for what ails it.

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Game Informer

Mike Futter
8 / 10.0
Game Informer

Virus placement and random pill drops can create extremely difficult starting scenarios, but head-to-head play with friends is great fun.

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Dr. Luigi repackages the Dr. Mario formula with some new ideas, but limited options and slow pacing leave it feeling anemic.

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Dr. Luigi is content with safety over invention

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Dr. Luigi is a fun, if overly familiar puzzle game that will satisfy anyone who knows what they're getting when they download it from the eShop. While we would have liked a little more variety and some more twists for Luigi's puzzle début on Wii U, Dr. Luigi is a good way to end the Year of the Tall Green Brother. It's a simple, clear experience with strong gameplay that reminds us why we love the Mario Bros. in the first place.

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Other than the new Operation L and Virus Buster modes, there is little in the way of new content that makes this a better deal than the previous (and cheaper) versions. For up to £5, Dr. Luigi would have been an OK puzzler, but at almost half the cost of a retail Wii U game, the person who decided the price for this retread probably needs some medical observation themselves.

A competent and unexciting update to a competent and unexciting puzzler, which is not nearly praise enough to forgive the optimistically high price.

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