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Noisy Pixel

607 games reviewed
76.9 average score
80 median score
47.1% of games recommended

Noisy Pixel's Reviews

Noisy Pixel
Nathan Meji
May 18, 2021

I spent two hours playing Outbreak: Endless Nightmares, which was more than enough to know it wouldn’t get better. This game fails at being a roguelike and survival horror with its terrible systems, controls, and asset flipped layouts, but that’s only the summarized version of this awful experience. The endless nightmares of Outbreak come from knowing you wasted any amount of time from your life playing it.

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Noisy Pixel
Jake Yoder

Deadly Premonition 2 might be fun for a tiny group of gamers, but I had a terrible time drudging through it. The B-movie esque plot and narrative scenes can be enjoyable in a cringy sort of way, but everything from the graphics to the controls makes it insanely hard to enjoy. Instead of wasting 20 hours with this game, I’d say you’re better off just going back and replaying Deadly Premonition.

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3 / 10.0 - Waking
Jun 18, 2020

Waking will have you eager to wake up within the first few hours. Its compelling self-reflective narrative is overshadowed by some of the worse adventure mechanics and systems that I have played in quite some time. Perhaps the game should go through some self-reflecting of its own and figure out exactly what it wants to be because this is a complete mess.

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3.5 / 10.0 - Tamarin
Sep 14, 2020

Something went terribly wrong with the development of Tamarin. Nothing works and everything comes off like it was slapped together causing this entire adventure to feel like a random and confusing mess. Still, if you’re trying to experience one of the most bonkers 3D platformers ever developed, you found it, but I urge you not to put your money into this game.

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Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai is not an experience I recommend to anyone. Regardless of your familiarity with the series, I can promise you that this is not worth the time. Even fans who love the source material will get nothing positive from this title, as the miserable gameplay loop and surface-level storytelling will do nothing to initiate or enhance anybody’s love for the IP. What is here is more representative of a mobile game’s structure, with a console coating that’s mostly deceitful above all else.

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Noisy Pixel
Nathan Mejia
4 / 10.0 - Monster Harvest
Sep 17, 2021

Monster Harvest feels like it wants to set itself apart from its counterparts in the genre, and there is undeniable potential here. However, I felt like I was playing an early access game despite being fully released. So much of the world feels like fundamental revision and polish are missing, and I can’t see myself revisiting Planimal Point anytime soon.

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Noisy Pixel
Orpheus Joshua
4 / 10.0 - Zengeon
Aug 18, 2021

I know I’m coming off as overly pessimistic, and I apologize for that, but Zengeon fails when executed in almost every possible way. The variety of playable characters is neat, and the co-op feature is nice, but I can’t see myself recommending this. After playing, players will swiftly notice the inept synergy between the combat mechanics alongside the mangled performance and atrocious enemy frequency. There are plenty of other roguelikes out there, and I promise that any one of those is likely better worth your time than Zengeon.

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Jul 29, 2021

Unbound: Worlds Apart has the appearance of a familiar indie platformer. However, there’s an exceptionally charming and memorable narrative here that guides the adventure through its many challenging areas. As beautiful as this game is, a high amount of skill is needed to progress, so thankfully, there are enough checkpoints to push yourself until you get it right.

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Noisy Pixel
Colin Buchanan
4 / 10.0 - Blightbound
Jul 27, 2021

Blightbound is a perfect example of a game as wide as an ocean but as deep as a puddle. There’s a story, customization, and many characters, but they all take so much time to experience and have so little payoff that I can’t really recommend this game to anyone in its current state. Coming from the studio that made Awesomenauts, Blightbound feels like a step down in terms of execution and polish. It’s disappointing to see something that clearly had lofty ambitions fall so far short of what it could have been.

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Noisy Pixel
Colin Buchanan
4 / 10.0 - Quantum Replica
May 28, 2021

Quantum Replica is a broken experience. Its challenge stems from awkward control schemes and unfair systems, while the buggy and unresponsive maneuvering makes sure you’re rarely having any fun. As cool as this game may look at a glance, it quickly loses that qualifier after 30 minutes of gameplay.

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Noisy Pixel
Orpheus Joshua
4 / 10.0 - Lost Ruins
May 18, 2021

Lost Ruins manages to stand out from others in the genre and establish itself as a unique experience. The masterclass of pixel artwork alongside the conceptually engaging gameplay ideas more than shows that much effort and care went into this adventure. Still, implementation is everything, and sadly, Lost Ruins doesn’t seem to have a clear idea of what it wants to be. Opting instead to throw everything at a wall and see what sticks.

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Noisy Pixel
Jerad Gribben
May 17, 2021

Hood: Outlaws and Legends can be a lot of fun. The heist gameplay is best when you have a party of friends who communicate and coordinate the attack, allowing the multiplayer heavy game modes to provide much of the enjoyment. Still, there’s a lack of polish in this adventure, but more importantly, a lack of content. Adding new weapons, levels, collectibles, and challenges could add value to the experience.

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Noisy Pixel
Semy Rahman
4 / 10.0 - The Fabled Woods
Mar 31, 2021

What works about successful walking simulators is the vigor and vitality put into both the narrative and the surrounding world. You want to feel engrossed and experience something unique and attention-grabbing. The Fabled Woods had the environments and graphics on point, but everything else, from plot to dialogue to gameplay mechanics, felt lackluster in comparison.

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Mar 3, 2021

Forward To The Sky on Nintendo Switch is not worth the price of admission. It’s almost comically bad and requires a lot more refinement than the Switch release provided. Everything is just dull, from the story to the platforming and combat; I don’t think I was ever really having fun. The moments of challenge in the platforming piqued my competitive nature, but it was only due to the game’s unresponsive controls and unpredictable camera angles.

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Noisy Pixel
Orpheus Joshua
Feb 25, 2021

While I am a fan of the Neptunia series, I can not lie and say I enjoyed this game. Aside from the unfun gameplay, which has plagued the majority of the latest entries considerably, the superficial characterization and interaction, lazily done narrative and lack of evolution make Neptunia Virtual Stars yet another mediocre title in this franchise that refuses to modernize and overhaul its systems.

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4 / 10.0 - Bright Memory
Nov 25, 2020

Bright Memory shouldn’t be played; it’s just not ready. The one-person developed action is a decent concept, but it should have been released as a demo in anticipation for Bright Memory: Infinite. The Xbox Series X version adds nothing to the experience, but if you’re eager to spend an hour mindlessly shooting enemies and rolling your eyes, then, by all means, pick this up.

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4 / 10.0 - What Happened
Aug 4, 2020

What Happened gives you very little reason to even care about answering that question. The narrative is consistently flimsy as you dive into the mind of an unlikeable protagonist. There are very few moments of redemption with some well-detailed environments and clever transitions, but that is not nearly enough to keep you invested. If the motion sickness doesn’t get you to turn the game off, then the self-deprecating storyline and in-your-face symbolism will cause you to roll your eyes to sleep in no time.

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Oct 19, 2023

No one asked for Gargoyles Remastered, and I can see why. While the 16-bit gothic graphics are gorgeous, the gameplay does not hold up regardless of what style you’re playing in. The combat is dull, the platforming sections are frustratingly difficult due to bad controls, the bosses are laughable, and the experience is over before you know it. Although the added modes and rewind feature are cool, I’d say this is a Remastered release for the die-hards only and not a reason to play a game that you think you missed out on.

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4.5 / 10.0 - Gleamlight
Sep 9, 2020

Gleamlight may have been great in concept, but it does not work in execution. There’s nothing here that players can attach themselves to as a reason to continue playing outside of some great visual and sound design. The battle system is basic, the upgrades are the bare minimum, and the level design is a copy and pasted maze. The UI-less experience has worked in other games, but it comes off as lazy game development here when the team didn’t try to provide a reasonable explanation of its systems or narrative.

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5 / 10.0 - PAYDAY 3
Sep 28, 2023

Payday 3 is fun and engaging when it works, but more often than not, it doesn’t. The servers that are constantly down, the overall lack of content, the cut features from Payday 2, and the lazily put-together cutscenes all prevent this from being a title worth experiencing, even for the diehard fans. I have no doubt that Starbreeze will polish this title in time, but for now, it’s an easy skip.

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