VDZE Media's Reviews
With its much-improved stealth, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla has won me over. This feels like the best AC in a long time. It gives you the choice on how you want to tackle your objectives, something Odyssey lacked if you wanted to stay in the shadows like the Assassins of old.
Watch Dogs Legion is a great game. London is an excellent setting and the gameplay variation makes for a really fun experience. The recruit anyone mechanic is an interesting idea that works well if you are willing to overlook the awful lip-syncing and some odd-looking characters. If you enjoyed Watch Dogs 2 and don’t mind a game that is a little light on narrative, you will enjoy this third entry in the series.
Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time is a truly exceptional game. Going in I just wanted a sequel that did the original three games proud, but what we have here is the best Crash game to date. It’s visually stunning, difficult yet accessible and always has a trick up its sleeve. This is a must-buy game.
Cloudpunk is a stunning narrative adventure with a solid story and a satisfying gameplay loop. Some initial performance issues are being addressed by the developer, but on the whole it’s made an excellent transition from PC to PS4. If you’re looking for a chilled ten hours, this is for you. Beautiful graphics, fully voiced, well-paced story. I strongly recommend Cloudpunk to absolutely everyone.
FIFA 21 is not a huge leap forward from last year’s iteration. It does, however, take some strides forward and while not all the new features add to the experience in my opinion (I’m looking at you agile dribbling), these can be turned off in the settings. I do hope we see more gameplay additions in the next-gen version though.
I enjoyed my time with 9 Monkeys of Shaolin. I have always had a soft spot for side-scrolling beat ’em ups going all the way back to the original Streets of Rage games. This is a worthy addition to the genre and even though the story didn’t quite click with me, the gameplay is fun, responsive and varied.
Mafia Definitive Edition is a brilliant remake. I get a feeling of déjà vu saying that because of all the great titles that have been modernised for console this generation, but Hanger 13 have gone over and above here to make this the best title in the Mafia series. This is a must-buy for all fans of open-world action game. Just note that it is a lot less open than you may expect.
Projection: First Light is a charming, beautiful and interesting game that 2D puzzle-platforming fans will enjoy. It doesn’t quite hit the heights of Creaks, but it’s certainly a welcome addition to the genre. In the end, it may last a little longer than it needed to, but there is value here given the generous price.
Overall, Swordsman is a fun time. It’s similar in a way to games such as GORN and Drunkn Bar Fight. It doesn’t have much variety, in that you will see most of what the game has to offer inside half an hour. But that gameplay loop is addictive and kept me coming back for more. At £13.99 I definitely recommend checking the game out if like me you enjoy first-person combat in VR. This is one of the better examples of it on the PlayStation headset.
Thanks to Super Mario Galaxy, Super Mario 3D All-Stars is an essential purchase for Nintendo Switch. Even if you can’t get to grips with the ageing Super Mario 64’s controls, and if you never bother to so much as load up Super Mario Sunshine, Galaxy holds its value and is still worth paying full-price for to this day. Of course, it’s a bonus if you have nostalgia for one or both of the other two games, and their modern enhancements will help those glasses of yours feel just a little less rose-tinted.
Overall I really enjoyed WWE 2K Battlegrounds and it is a game I will continue to dip in and out of, especially when the DLC characters are added. The limited move lists were a bit of a disappointment but both the graphics and the campaign over-delivered. Microtransactions may still be an issue for some, but they can be avoided. I have no problem having to grind to unlock characters. It’s the way things used to be.
In short, Hotshot Racing is great. As someone who never really sticks with racing games for long, I can honestly see myself coming back to this one a lot. It’s just so much fun to pick up and play. Drifting is so satisfying and the different modes add some variation. With free content coming in the future and a rock hard trophy list, there is always more to strive for. In terms of over-the-top arcade gameplay, this is my favourite racer on PlayStation 4.
While this is as the name suggests just a season update, it does improve on PES 2020 where it matters most and that is on the pitch. Once you add a option file in and get the latest transfer updates applied it really is a good package and one that will be iterated on throughout the year. In terms of modes PES needs a serious overhaul, but while we wait for that in 12 months on PS5, this is a good stop-gap.
I honestly challenge anyone who liked the original games not to enjoy this remaster. It met my expectations in every way and then exceeded them by being an even better game than I remember. Sure, it’s frustrating at times, but that’s because I sometimes fall below the required skill for the really high combos. The game is unforgiving, but it makes you want to get better and keeps you coming back. This is a must-play.
Street Power Football is one of my big gaming disappointments of 2020 so far. I had really hoped this game would scratch the itch that FIFA’s VOLTA mode did not. However, what we have here is a basic (at best) arcade game with very little redeeming qualities. Couple this together with the outrageous price and this is a game you should pass on.
I am a big fan of both narrative adventure and episodic games. Over the course of this generation, Dontnod has provided us with some great stories that stick with me to this day. So when I say that this is their best work to date I don't make that comment flippantly. There are themes tackled in this game that we don't see enough of and they are done so in a mature and natural way. It really is great to see boundaries being torn down. Tell Me Why is a must-play title.
EA Sports have taken the formula of the previous games and made subtle improvements. Career mode is great fun, even if it does lose some steam by the end. The new KO mode allows players who don’t want as technical a battle to stand and bang, while online will retain a base of players until the inevitable UFC 5. Marry all this up with big improvements to the ground game and you have not only the best UFC game to date, but one of my favourite fighting games on PlayStation 4.
PGA Tour 2K21 is an excellent golf sim. I would like to have seen more official courses on display, but with the course designer, the likelihood is that some kind soul will rectify that before the week is out. The gameplay is on point and both career and online modes will keep you entertained for months. This is the best representation of golf on current gen systems.
I really liked Cuphead. While not having the skills to finish the game – yet – I will be plugging away at it. It’s a mountain and I am determined to reach the summit. The game has one of the best art styles I have ever seen and while I do wish there was an ‘easy mode’ so that more people could enjoy what Studio MDHR has created here, it’s impossible not to admire the execution.
I can’t help but feel the wiser choice would have been to add some more sarcasm and adult orientated humour. As it stands Skully is an interesting title, taking cues from Super Monkey Ball, Crash Bandicoot and Knack – although lacking the charm of the two former. If you like what you see in the trailer my suggestion would be to pick this one up in a sale, which likely won’t be too far down the road.