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Far more than just a match-three puzzler, Clash Of Heroes is a unique strategy role-playing hybrid that has a massive amount to offer in terms of both its solo campaign and multiplayer.
A very peculiar online shooter that manages to be both quietly original and shamelessly derivative all at the same time. It does have dinosaurs in it though and that counts for a lot.
Nintendo successfully reinvents Pikmin as a Stardew Valley style cosy game, that's both much bigger and more approachable than ever before.
A highly imaginative puzzle game whose clever concepts are frequently used in the least appealing way possible – although they're imaginative enough that the game remains engaging despite itself.
Feather Cup is one of the best selections in the whole of the DLC line-up, while Cherry Cup is one of the worst. That term is always relative when it comes to Mario Kart, though, and even the most boring course is still fun if you’re playing with other people.
Three great 2D shooters, lovingly recreated and, in the case of RayStorm and RayCrisis, updated for the modern era – even if some corners have been cut.
This slightly spooky sequel continues its tale of real people in strange situations, picking up the story and characters of Oxenfree and retaining its style and puzzle-adjacent gameplay.
Classic co-op party-gaming fare that's unpretentious and very quick to pick up. It may be just a little too similar to Overcooked. but given how rare local co-op games are this is a welcome riff on a familiar theme.
A beautiful and exquisitely violent ballet of gunfire and telekinesis, that feels incredible to play but lacks the challenge or variety for long term play.
A wonderfully strange and imaginative indie adventure that delights in terms of its visuals, storytelling, and enjoyably unpredictable gameplay.
A midcarder to the WWE 2K23 main event, AEW Fight Forever lays down some solid foundations and is fun to play, but without much depth it falls short.
A game whose very existence is absolutely baffling, with a tiny collection of completely uninteresting mini-games, that remain dull and unimaginative no matter how many people are playing.
The overall package doesn't quite match up to any of the Danganronpa titles, but Rain Code's storytelling and characters make up for its minor shortcomings.
Time has been surprisingly kind to Ghost Trick, with its bizarre plot and gorgeous graphics, and while some old problems remain, they're very easy to excuse.
A crisply drawn futuristic racquet sport with consistent and nuanced physics that's let down by a user base too small to support online matchmaking.
Turning Crash Bandicoot into a MOBA is certainly a choice but not one that's paid off, in this paper thin platformer that has little to offer either franchise fans or newcomers.
Extreme video game nostalgia enters the world of VR but the novelty can't excuse the sub-par gameplay and repetitive humour.
An excellent battle system shackled to a dispiritingly dull and long-winded fantasy adventure, that takes an inordinate amount of time to say nothing of value.
One of the best Aliens games ever made and a clever and innovative real-time strategy all of its own, that needs just a bit more polish and a lot less bugs.
A glorious looking and warm-hearted adventure in modern healthcare, let down by tedious mini-games, bugs, and lengthy conversations that often go nowhere.