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Some unfortunate technical problems distract from what is otherwise a very generous compilation, and an entirely legitimate alternative to Destiny.
Entirely inessential and lacking in any genuinely new ideas, but if all you want is more Dragon Age: Inquisition this download is unlikely to disappoint.
Still the best Japanese role-player of the last generation, even if squeezing it down onto the New 3DS does it few favours.
The cops 'n' robbers theme often does more harm than good to the Battlefield formula, but this peculiar spin-off has just enough tricks of is own to be worth a collar.
A solid second episode that meanders a little at first but has some of the most complex and thought-provoking moral decisions in any video game to date.
One of the best action games of the generation and a stunning achievement in terms of gameplay, art design, and encouraging players to push themselves beyond their limits.
Fantasy enemies clearly work very well with Far Cry, but this abridged version of the main game really should be having more fun with its characters than this.
A disappointing second episode that's 90 per cent filler and, apart from a good turn by a ghostly Handsome Jack, severely lacking in humour.
The true successor to the SimCity legacy, and even though it only restates what was great about the original it still does a better job than the last decade or so of official games.
The combat has it's moments but it has very little to do with Final Fantasy, although the awful storytelling is all too familiar from the rest of the Final Fantasy XIII series.
A mostly successful mix of the best of classic and modern era Resident Evil, with some of the most enjoyably unique co-op options of any recent game.
Fast-paced and accessible are not words commonly used to describe turn-based strategy games, but Sid Meier's latest is a fun, breezy strategic time killer.
Amiibo Party is a welcome step back towards the franchise's more enjoyable past, but the main modes aren't proper board games – they're just plain boring.
Only masochists will appreciate all of the new features, but they do help to round out what was always an unfairly pilloried and already highly competent action game.
A disappointingly familiar entry in the long-running puzzle series, that comes across as very cheap (in terms of production values, if not price) but not particularly cheerful.
Gorgeous visuals and some sublime visual storytelling, Ori And The Blind Forest might not do much that is genuinely new but almost everything it does attempt is genuinely great.
Possibly the scariest 12-rated game ever made, although the attractive visuals are better designed than the poorly balanced difficulty.
Exactly as simplistic and one note as the name implies, but if you want to shoot undead Nazis with your friends then you can't say the game doesn't deliver.
If only it had been considerably cheaper, or considerably bigger in scope, this could've been a fun ride, but as it is ScreamRide is not really worth the price of entry.
Almost exactly the same features as Dynasty Warriors 7 Empires, and although it's still more entertaining than the main game the lack of effort put in is downright insulting.