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Portraying existential quandaries as gameplay puzzles is a daring idea, but ultimately this is a more enjoyable game to watch and listen to than it is to play.
A near perfect remastering of a classic strategy game, that succeeds not just because of nostalgia but because there's never been anything else quite like Homeworld.
As competent as the last two updates but still a fighting game held back more by its creepy designs and boring characters, than its purposefully simplistic action.
No doubt a dream come true for fans, but with so little innovation in the core gameplay the boast of being an interactive cartoon seems more like a liability than a positive.
A successful start to the first episodic Resident Evil, with some genuinely inventive co-op features and the most effective scares the series has seen in years.
An excellent expansion to what remains the PlayStation 4's best exclusive, and one of the most enjoyable retro shooters of the decade.
Beneath the technical wonder this is just a dull, aimless Gears Of War clone – where the attempts at storytelling are just as boring and lifeless as the action.
Not much more than an HD update of the last gen version, but still one of the best arcade shooters around and a loving homage to the original Asteroids.
Only a minor evolution of Rome II, and with many of the same bugbears, but the stunning visuals and deep strategy bring a fascinating period of history fully to life.
A great idea in theory, but in practise the novelty wears out extremely quickly, with a serious lack of variety in game modes, maps, and tactics.
Some of the best 2D sprite work ever seen in a video game, and all used to support an impressively varied and imaginative Metroidvania.
The action may not be up to quite the same standards as the writing, but the bizarre world of the Underzee is more interesting to explore than almost any other recent game world.
More accessible and more immediate than ever before, whether it's a hit or not Monster Hunter 4 is definitely the best of the series so far.
If indie gaming is just a state of mind then Ubisoft is getting increasingly good at encouraging it in their developers, especially in this novel plant-based platformer.
Another uninspiring episode of nothing but filler and hopes for the future, although that's as much a criticism of episodic content as it is the game itself.
Clever and consistently inventive platformer, with a disarmingly powerful storyline… plus some of the strangest visuals this side of Katamari Damacy.
One of the best Metroidvania games around, with some inspired visuals and great use of its Ancient Greek setting – despite some minor issues with the gameplay mechanics.
Always a jewel in the Zelda crown, and this remake successfully smooths out some of its rough edges – without losing the edgy appeal of Link's most unique adventure.
A small improvement on Dead Island, but there's still barely anything that either works as well as advertised or is isn't just stolen wholesale from other, better, games.
A wonderfully assured first episode, in what has the potential to outdo both Telltale Games and Quantic Dream in terms of successful video game storytelling.