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It offers no surprises or innovation, least of all in the new Exo Zombies mode, but most of the new maps are great and this first download is surprisingly good value.
More a reissue than an actual remaster, but the game itself is still as wonderfully unique and entertaining as ever – with some of the most memorable characters in all gaming.
One of the best real-time strategies for some time, although it's a shame that despite a few new ideas it's not really interested in pushing the genre forward.
It looks like EarthBound, and to a degree it plays like EarthBound, but this has none of the charm or character of the SNES classic – and considerably worse combat.
Despite the outrageous plot and bizarre weapons this is a disappointingly mundane expansion beneath all the silliness, and one that addresses none of the parent game's failings.
The remake is no longer the technical marvel it once was, but Capcom has done their best to reissue it in a way that maintains all the splendour, scares, and laughs of the original.
It makes the stealth more interesting and there's a successful tonal shift from the main game, but free or not this expansion fails to improve on any of Unity's major problems.
A successful halfway house between a Command & Conquer style button-masher and a thoroughbred strategy game, with tense, fast-paced, but pleasingly tactical battles.
No fun at all on your own, but together on the same couch this is one of the most entertaining co-op puzzles for many months.
The weapon-crafting is great but given the manipulative microtransactions this free-to-play shooter is not worth your time, let alone your money.
One of the best looking fighting games ever and the most successful attempt yet to make an interactive anime, even if it is a little lacking in content and new ideas.
A welcome return for the pioneering space adventure, but despite a solid start it will need a steady supply of new content and tweaks to reach elite status.
There's a fair number of new features and missions here but none justify the price, and the experience will pass from your memory almost as soon as it's over.
Beautiful to look at but the story and gameplay prove far less fascinating than the real world model-making skills of the developer.
An odd mix of Test Drive Unlimited, Assassin's Creed, and Destiny. And while the combination is tastier than it sounds it also has an awful lot of lumps in it.
Not as compelling as its predecessor, but as a four-player alternative to the Lego games this an enjoyable enough attempt at a Tomb Raider lite.
A hugely disappointing follow-up for To The Moon, whose trite and overly sentimental story feels long at just 60 minutes.
An uninspiring start to the season, that even fans of the show will find stilted and tedious. Although they can still foster high hopes for later episodes.
A fantastic crossover that despite a few necessary simplifications manages to do some things better than either of its parent games, especially in terms of accessibility.
Utterly charming on (literally) every level, it may not offer much in terms of fast action but this is just as imaginative and engrossing as any Super Mario game.