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Chicas Gamers

599 games reviewed
72.5 average score
73 median score
73.1% of games recommended

Chicas Gamers's Reviews

An ideal game to delve into the monster hunter franchise that will help us get to know each one of them, their weaknesses or what parts we can remove from them. Ideal for JRPG lovers and young people since the difficulty is quite affordable

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Jun 13, 2024

Monster Hunter Stories once offered us one of the most endearing and original spin offs that we could enjoy among many of the different existing franchises, just as it did with other installments such as Dragon Quest Monsters, Portal or Mario Kart, only now tuned, adapted and with extra dressings for the new generation. In this way, Monster Hunter Stories offers us its most definitive version, including all the updates that have been available so far, such as the monsters Teostra, Kushala Daora and Rajang or the content included post launch such as the tower of deception and the new ones. customization pieces for our rider or feline companion. An adventure that, although it may be very simple with a fairly predictable story full of JRPG clichés, becomes very enjoyable, fun and accessible to play for anyone who loves JRPGs and wants to poke their nose into the Monster universe. Hunter from whom you will learn a lot thanks to how well he captures its essence and universe during the almost 40 hours that it can take us to finish its main campaign.

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May 28, 2024

Nintendo offers us, once again, to remember one of its most legendary games from previous generations, recently the Game Boy Advance with Mario vs. Donkey Kong and even more recently from Super Nintendo with Super Mario RPG, only this time for the Gamecube. Paper Mario: The Millennial Door is a great game that every fan of the big N should enjoy, and now is a great opportunity to do so thanks to the great facelift it has in addition to the subtle, but interesting additions it brings. An adventure that, let's be honest, will not pose any challenge for an average gamer, but it can easily take 30 hours to finish, a few extra hours if we want to do it 100%, but little more.

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May 27, 2024

A graphically spectacular narrative adventure, but with few playable innovations compared to its predecessor.

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6 / 10.0 - Goliath Depot
May 23, 2024

Goliath Depot will remind you of one of those arcades from the mid-80s that were successful in arcades. It's incredible how such a simple game, both graphically and playable, can be so entertaining.

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8.7 / 10.0 - Ghost of Tsushima
May 22, 2024

Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut for PC is the definitive experience to live the story of Jin Sakai in his fight against the Mongols. If you have already played on a console and finished the game, nothing is going to attract you about this edition more than the replayability and the enjoyment of a more cinematic version with a slightly higher quality, if you have a machine to run it at maximum performance.

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7.3 / 10.0 - System Shock (2023)
May 20, 2024

It's hard not to get carried away by nostalgia, especially if you've played the original game, so we're not too impartial when we tell you that this remake of System Shock is a game worth playing. The additions are very interesting and allow the level of difficulty to be adjusted to all types of player profiles to make it attractive to new generations. If you have not played the original, it is a good time to approach this game and discover one of the precursors to great games like Dead Space or Bioshock.

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May 14, 2024

A graphic adventure with a story that will touch your soul and make you reflect on very deep and interesting topics

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With Pac-Man Mega Tunnel Battle: Chomp Champs Namco we are offered a new Pac-Man that, although it is 100% faithful to the original, implements mechanics that make it a very interesting option to take into account, offering us a very fun title to Play it both “alone” and with friends online. And I say “solitude”, since it is a battle royale, you have to play no matter what against other players, without a doubt, a good way to meet other followers of the popular comecocos on any system/support, since the game It has a crossplay function between platforms (an option that we can activate or deactivate at will from the “options” menu). If you want to have a fun time (of course, exclusively online) Pac-Man Mega Tunnel Battle: Chomp Champs is a very good option, but keep in mind that to be able to play it you will require, yes or yes, both a connection online as a subscription to PSN Plus, otherwise, you will have an unplayable title, in my opinion, a great handicap since not everyone is willing to pay for an online membership. As for the length of the game, this will be directly proportional to how much we like the old Pac-Man, so keep this in mind when picking it up.

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7 / 10.0 - MotoGP 24
May 3, 2024

MotoGP 24 arrives with a continuous line and with few new features, but it is still the king in the two-wheeled genre.

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May 2, 2024

Tales from Candleforth is a 2D puzzle game with excellent visuals that tells a horror story set in classic folklore and will keep you glued to the console for almost 4 hours.

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7.8 / 10.0 - Stellar Blade
Apr 30, 2024

Stellar Blade is excellent in many aspects, it brings a new style of gameplay and some interesting new features. Also, think about less skilled players by including a story difficulty mode. Comparisons with other more established titles weigh on it

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6.8 / 10.0 - Sand Land
Apr 29, 2024

This new Bandai Namco title has left us with mixed feelings. On the one hand we find very fun concepts such as the use of vehicles and their more than interesting customization, but on the other hand we see a development that is too classic and not very innovative in its open world. Despite these chiaroscuros, we can recommend this game if you are a fan of Toriyama's comics and want to be able to interact for about 30 hours (more if you want to explore the entire map) with its post-apocalyptic world and its quite charismatic characters. If, on the other hand, you are bored of open world games in which hundreds of points appear in which to repeat the same actions over and over again, perhaps you are not going to enjoy this game much.

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Mar 28, 2024

In the Mushroom Kingdom there is life beyond the plumber. That is why it is a pleasure to see how the Princess takes the reins of the game to lift it herself. With a strong focus on the little ones, the simplicity of the levels is accompanied by a plot that is easy to understand, but that still shows high moments (such as the final battle). The transformations in the different archetypes will be accompanied by a change in the gameplay, becoming a succession of phases in which we will try different approaches and mini-games. For the most dedicated players who feel that this title will not have any challenge, there are collectibles that will be difficult to obtain in the first round, unlocking added challenges at the end of the game (in addition to the trials). Without a doubt, it is a pleasant approach for the new generation to start playing different genres while being protected by a friendlier adventure.

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We can only reaffirm the great work that Nixxes has done to provide an experience as similar as possible to its PS4 and PS5 version for those who decide to opt for the PC. You have the perfect excuse to get the game and be able to enjoy it in exceptional conditions if you have not had access to the title before, both for those who can squeeze out their equipment, without forgetting those less powerful systems to offer them a great experience. If you liked the first one and you hadn't been able to play this second installment, you can't miss it. It will give you hours of entertainment, which you will undoubtedly enjoy, becoming essential in your library.

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Mar 26, 2024

While waiting to receive that long-awaited incursion by Ubisoft into Japan with its Assassin's saga, we can affirm that Rise of the Ronin is the best experience to date of an open world set in the land of the Rising Sun. If you are a fan of games of this style, do not hesitate to approach this new Team Ninja title because you will really enjoy its combat mechanics and the exploration of its spectacularly set world with a duration of between 50-60 hours. You won't find anything revolutionary, but everything it does is done very well regardless of its somewhat outdated graphical appearance for the current generation of consoles.

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Mar 25, 2024

It is a very fun and frenetic game, which will challenge you for about 6 hours if you calmly observe what surrounds you, and which can increase if you want to repeat the chapters to complete the different challenges. The story will quickly escalate to the madness that you can expect from South Park, leaving the origin of the conflict between humans and elves forgotten and presenting you with a different and fresh idea for the saga. In addition, they have the facility to add more content, as it is a chapter format, and continue to grow.

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Unscored - Dragon's Dogma 2
Mar 20, 2024

It has taken 12 years to arrive, but the wait has been worth it. Capcom has made us enjoy like dwarfs traveling through the immense and vast world that Dragon's Dogma II offers us. A game that, it is true, can overwhelm anyone who wants to delve into all its ins and outs and things to discover thanks to everything it can offer, but which, without a doubt, will not leave anyone unmoved. Dragon's Dogma II offers us a very lively world in which I have been immersed in the most varied situations such as starting a fight against a cyclops in one area and during the heat of the battle it ends up moving to another. part where I have forced other bystander NPCs to enter the fight and lend their support, which has greatly facilitated the confrontation; or making certain decisions of dubious ethics but that, against all odds, end in a happy ending for everyone (especially for my pockets), or... And so I could continue with a multitude of anecdotal situations in a game in which it is seen that The details have been greatly cared for. On the other hand, I have to say that I was disappointed by the lack of a performance mode that has deprived me of the possibility of enjoying the experience at 60 FPS, which would have been amazing during the enormous number of hours of play that it has to do. offer. Because, let's be honest, Dragon's Dogma II invites you to get lost, making it almost impossible to stick to its main campaign: Secondary missions, errands, brothels/romances, epic confrontations, and a long etcetera are to blame and believe me when I tell you that they will not disappoint nobody.

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Mar 19, 2024

Adapting a classic like Alone in the Dark to modern times has been a very tough gamble, improving a timeless classic and a precursor to what for many was the horror genre of the 90s is something very difficult, so we can't help but applaud trying. Unfortunately, we have to say that they have tried to innovate so much that the idea of what they should have really focused on, being alone in the dark, has been diluted. Far from being a bad game, it entertains, but it has completely lost its essence and does not give the real feeling of being a survival horror as its original was, but rather a simple action game. As if this were not enough, it needs a good polish, since we have experienced quite a few situations where we have been forced to restart the game because the character has gotten stuck between two elements of the scenario. Fortunately, the game allows recording at any time and this is easily corrected by loading the nearest checkpoint with all the objects taken up to the time of saving (and there are checkpoints every so often!). The game has a Deluxe edition that includes comments from the director, a 20s-style sepia filter and, most interestingly, the possibility of playing with the skins of the original 1992 characters! By the way, finishing the campaign with one character took us around 8 hours, so if we want to do it with both it will easily take us about 12 hours (the second round will be faster because we will already know what we have to do and where to go). And finally, mention that by completing some sets of collectibles in the second and third game you can unlock different endings or alternative scenes, a good incentive for the curious and that will further extend the duration of the title.

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Taxi Life A City Drive Simulator evolves the basic control of any arcade mode, offering new layers that will make you suffer when trying to reach everything, but that will become smoother with experience and learning. The control of the vehicles will be similar, only changing some options that will allow you to access some clients or others. Customization works both in the mechanics and in the cosmetic section, the first being something essential to avoid some accidents. The recreation of the city is wonderful. It is one of the great points, although it ends up being more maligned due to the irregular AI, the graphical errors and the fairer performance on several occasions.

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