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Last Word on Gaming

87 games reviewed
73.8 average score
80 median score
72.4% of games recommended

Last Word on Gaming's Reviews

Dec 9, 2021

Fights in Tight Spaces don’t forget to make all this planning look cool. All cards have a corresponding animation that features meaty strikes coupled with satisfying audio feedback. The game is usually compared to Superhot due to its dispassionate removal of details, highlighting certain bright colors in a washed-out white background. The different audio tracks are also commendable due to them hitting the exact tone to denote intense action, yet not too noisy to distract you from your planning. With creative cards, threatening enemies, and aesthetics that drips style, Fights in Tight Spaces is a worthy addition to any veteran deck builder's library. It is also a great game to introduce new players to deck-builders and roguelites, as well as other gamers who were initially turned off by the genre.

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Dec 6, 2021

Whilst there are some annoying quirks in the game, they are mostly able to be overlooked and could easily be rectified in a post-release patch although I passionately believe that post-release patches shouldn’t be needed but I digress. For adventure fans and fans of graphic novels, there is plenty of content in Beyond a Steel Sky with great character portrayal and music that really evocates the world you must survive in and overall it is a great game worth serious consideration.

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8 / 10 - 6Souls
Dec 3, 2021

It’s rare that I don’t have a bad word to say about a game but 6Souls is an example of a video game done right. It didn’t overreach and promise the world, it focused on delivering what it could and making the most out of the game’s core concept. While it isn’t a game of the year contender or even a game that MUST be played this would make for an excellent addition to anyone’s gaming library.

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Dec 3, 2021

It is fabulous to find a game that was once lost be brought back to life but not only that, brought back to life with such care and commitment. Yes, it’s really short but you will love beating up robot penguins and crazy fish heads and you genuinely will feel a sense that you have been given the privilege to play this game at long last. This has to be in your game collection not just for the nostalgia but quite simply because it is one superb piece of gaming.

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9 / 10 - Fatum Betula
Nov 25, 2021

There’s been something of a PlayStation One era revival in the indie gaming scene over the past few years, with a visual style and presentation reminiscent of PS1 classics. Fatum Betula is no exception, adding further credence to the idea that we are seeing an early 3D era renaissance of sorts. Even for those that hold next to no nostalgia for such an old-school presentation, Fatum Betula’s problem-solving gameplay and borderline haunting mood make it a must-play.

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7 / 10 - Beyond Blue
Nov 19, 2021

I still stick by my feeling that this isn’t a game but an educational tool but it’s a bold attempt and overall it does work well, anyone with an interest in the Ocean will find plenty to learn and discover and for that alone this is worth being applauded. If you want a chillout experience with some great mood melodies and you have a thirst for education, Beyond Blue is worth a look. For anyone else, it is probably not going to float your boat.

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7 / 10 - Epic Chef
Nov 17, 2021

Epic Chef is a strange game really. It sits somewhere between a cooking game and land management sim and has a wealth of activities for many hours of entertainment. At times it can feel a little too slow-paced but I feel it is an ambitious effort to do something a little different with a tested formula and in the most part it does work well. It is not a game for everyone but if you like this type of game and you can overlook its shortfalls, you will be able to have a lot of fun with Epic Chef.

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Nov 17, 2021

Faraday Protocol is advertised as a story-rich puzzle game, well, I agree. I wouldn’t go into specifics, but the buildup of the plot was amazing. Basically, it is about the evolution of a specific galactic civilization. Not only that, but the voice-acting was also exceptional. Both Raug and Iris’ voices suit their character. The game was short, but I got to hand it to the developers for giving me an immersive experience. I enjoyed playing Faraday Protocol. A veteran gamer can finish the game in 5 hours. But it took me more or less 8 hours—because I am bad at puzzle games. If you want unique gameplay and a story-driven experience, I would recommend getting this game.

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9 / 10 - Gynoug
Nov 14, 2021

Gynoug is not going to win any accolades for originality or for doing anything that is especially exciting but what it does, it does well. It has a good learning curve as well as being technically excellent and enjoyable to play. Let’s not forget that this is a 30-year-old game that has actually aged rather well. It still looks and sounds good and is perfect for fans of this type of game. Gynoug delivers another Shmup classic.

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Nov 12, 2021

It’s difficult to give a score to The Suicide of Rachel Foster. I could have loved this game. And I did really enjoy it, right up until the last moment. It was everything I wanted in a walking sim. Creepy, atmospheric, with interesting characters and a rich, detailed environment. But it was ultimately let down by the end of the story, which mishandles a pretty sensitive topic, and left me feeling disappointed and frustrated.

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Nov 11, 2021

At times the tiny enemies and their tiny bullets can get really frustrating but overall this is a great homage to run and gun games of the 1990’s and the learning curve is just about right. The game is without doubt a lot of fun and a real blast to play and all for less than a supermarket meal deal. For fans I would definitely recommend adding this one to your Nintendo Switch collection.

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Nov 8, 2021

I alway find that the problem with some puzzle games is that they can become all too dull and lose their magic quickly. However that is never the case with Ghosts and Apples as the art style, the puzzling itself and the two player local co op all keep the game fresh and interesting for as long as possible. In my 35 + years of gaming I have only ever found Tetris to be the perfect puzzle game but right now there is a new contender. Quite simply this game is a magical piece of puzzling and deserves to get full marks.

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8 / 10 - Glyph
Nov 5, 2021

Glyph is a beautifully designed puzzle, platform adventure game filled with ingenuity and despite the odd flaw is well worth your time and I can recommend that this game is a worthy addition to any Nintendo Switch collection.

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Nov 5, 2021

Overall, I’m very impressed with the amount of content in Sunshine Manor. It’s definitely a highlight for me in terms of indie games I’ve played this year. The story didn’t feel as cohesive perhaps as Camp Sunshine, and I did encounter a glitch, but the gameplay and gorgeous art style more than makes up for it. Oh, and you get to pet a dog. They get extra kudos for that, of course.

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6 / 10 - Cotton 100%
Nov 3, 2021

If you are fans of the Cotton series then I can say you will enjoy this port as it remains true to the original games and is certainly a collectors item. For anyone else it is just so hard to recommend it because it isn’t as good today as it was back in 1994. It is just a harsh reality that sometimes games stand the test of time and sometimes they don’t. Cotton 100% is somewhere in the middle and it’s okay, nothing more.

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The best part of the game is the abandonment of “war roles”; with Salim, the reluctant Iraqi soldier, and Jason Kolchek (Paul Zinno) – an almost stereotypical, Iraqi hating U.S. soldier armed with a gun, a southern drawl and a “hooah” to complete the look – able to forge quite the admirable bromance, should you make the right choices and keep them alive. Together, they come to understand that there is more that unites them than divides them. Yes, one is a white American Christian and yes, the other is a devout Islamic Iraqi, but in the face of adversity – in the form of vampiric space aliens – they live the same and they die the same. This is a message for life: we are all human. In spite of being the third in an anthology of horror games, the underlying message is one of positive, unifying forces, despite all of the dangers present in this world we inhabit. This message, combined with the design, structure, acting and story of the game, makes it the best in the series so far. If you are looking for a fun way to spend a few hours with friends – complete with teamwork, panic and a tremendous amount of scares, then you should give House of Ashes a go. Though it will be a lesser experience, you can still enjoy this game on its own.

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Nov 2, 2021

This game is almost beyond words. It is invigorating in just about every way and feels like an experience that manages to rip you away from reality with ease. If I had a minor critique of the game it’s that the story can feel a bit underdeveloped at times and admittedly the game does take a while to fully grip you. However, those minor critiques aren’t enough to stop me from considering this one of the most amazing gaming experiences I’ve had in a long, long time.

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Nov 1, 2021

I have played and played this game and I so wanted to enjoy it but the flaws with enemies and the lack of depth are just too much and it is such a shame because in here there is a really good game that wants to burst free. If you are a fan of the series then you might well still go for this as it is a good port, but in 2021 it just doesn’t stand up and therefore outside of fans, I simply cannot recommend this one.

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Oct 31, 2021

The graphics are cute and everything is easy to see and follow without being outstanding. The game is easy to learn but the challenge should not be underestimated as the game progresses. The music is really repetitive and sounds like a tinny version of the James Bond theme stuck on a loop. The game can become repetitive after a while but it’s a perfect title for the Nintendo Switch and for a decent price on the Nintendo eShop it will appeal to those looking for a speed running challenge or something to fill a few hours. 10 Second Ninja X is definitely one of those games where you will lose track of time as you keep saying ‘just one more go.’

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7 / 10 - Nuclear Blaze
Oct 28, 2021

On its own, Nuclear Blaze is an entertaining, intense game that ended abruptly just as it got interesting, leaving players with a lingering sour taste of missed opportunities in their mouths.

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