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4065 games reviewed
75.0 average score
78 median score
49.3% of games recommended

COGconnected's Reviews

89 / 100 - Mario Kart 8
May 22, 2014

There is no doubt that Mario Kart 8 is a great game, plain and simple.  With the power of the Wii U at their disposal Nintendo has been able to create some really great looking tracks, add a lot more racers for you to compete against, and there is a fairly robust local and online multiplayer component for fans to enjoy.  But don't get me wrong, there is also a bump or two that along the road to greatness as well.  At the end of the day if you have a Wii U you'd be crazy not to pick up this game.  If you're still don't own a Wii U Mario Kart 8 is yet another title to make you realize that Nintendo's "next-gen" machine is capable of great games that the whole family can enjoy.

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May 20, 2014

As I sit hear wondering how to wrap up this review, a definite thought crosses my mind.  If you want to have a lovely gaming experience where you get fluffy kitties for free, plug Animal Crossing back into your 3DS; however, If you want to yell, spit, grow chest hair and really EARN your fluffy kitties, buy Scram Kitty and His Rail Buddies, as the game is surprisingly addictive as it is rage inducing and fun all at the same time.

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May 19, 2014

This visually remarkable game features memorable characters, a terrific soundtrack and frantically entertaining gameplay. Wolfenstein: The New Order is hard to put down and for good reason – it simply kicks ass.

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80 / 100 - MLB 14: The Show
May 12, 2014

Sony's MLB franchise has unquestionably made a successful leap to PlayStation 4. The franchise has never looked better and the game has made yet another jump into the realm of 'true to life'. MLB: The Show retains its crown as the undisputed king of baseball games. This being said, it remains by in the large the same game we have played over the course of the past few years and the glitches do seem more prevalent.

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65 / 100 - Cel Damage HD
May 6, 2014

Remakes of games are tough to score. Without major changes, a remake of a mediocre game is only going to score so well. The source material being what it is, Finish Line has done well.

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May 4, 2014

This Spider-Man entry feels rushed, remains largely unchanged from previous Beenox Spider-Man games and the new web slinging mechanic zapped the fun out of arguably the most enjoyable things about Spider-Man games. I am confident the next entry will be vastly improved but for now you need to move along.

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90 / 100 - Child of Light
Apr 30, 2014

Between its artistic strengths and its addictive gameplay Child of Light is a fairy tale well worth the price of admission that I wish more studios would take notice of.

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65 / 100 - LEGO The Hobbit
Apr 25, 2014

The similarity of the various dwarf characters can prove to be a challenge. The sheer number of dwarves in Thoromir's party and their similarities in Lego form makes finding the right character with the right ability for any particular task more difficult than it probably should be. I do not discount my unfamiliarity with the movies being a contributing factor here but in the other Lego games I've played, character designs are varied enough for this not to be an issue. There's really only so much detail you can put on a Lego character yet there's no mistaking R2D2 with an Ewok, is there?

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70 / 100 - Contagion
Apr 25, 2014

Though zombie related entertainment appears to be finally coming down in its popularity, it’s still always fun to line up some head shots in just about any zombie themed video game. Contagion presents a tense survival based horror game, and if you can see past its rough exterior and occasionally shoddy technical performance, there is some fun to be had here. Rounding up some buddies to play the game as a team is highly recommended, as that is how the game is intended to be played. At $20, Contagion is worth any survival lover’s time and money.

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80 / 100 - Trials Fusion
Apr 17, 2014

After my first in-depth foray into the world of Trials I've got to admit I'm pretty impressed.  This series has graduated into a full fledged game with Trials Fusion given the hard work from RedLynx. Most gamers will love the pick–up and play aspect prevalent throughout the title, but you'll have to curb the urge to toss or bonk your controller in frustration as the difficulty ramps up.

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Apr 14, 2014

Call of Duty: Ghosts is now batting two for two when it comes to its downloadable content offerings.

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Apr 12, 2014

While not perfect Strike Suit Zero: Director's Cut is not a bad game at all.  Although it can get tough, and can seem repetitive at times, there are far worse games out there.  Those who are fans of space combat games can do no harm by checking out this game on the Xbox One, and those who haven't delved into the world of space combat to date should take a close look at this title too, as there is some fun to be had. 

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Apr 7, 2014

While the majority of motion control games seem be best suited for party play, KSR takes the genre beyond party play with its Hub, online features and equally compelling single player experience. Wrap it all up in a sharp, colourful package that is priced right and you have a winner.

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Apr 1, 2014

The game has escaped being a dismal grind, and is instead a series of outstanding adventures, one after the other with no end in sight. Blizzard has reclaimed the dungeon crawling throne in my books.

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Mar 20, 2014

I truly can't say enough good things about inFAMOUS: Second Son. A winning combination of great gameplay, challenging combat, solid acting, gorgeous visuals and more makes it one of the PlayStation 4's absolute must own titles.

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70 / 100 - Luftrausers
Mar 20, 2014

Unfortunately, that's all there really is to Luftrausers. It doesn't have the personalization of Beat Hazard and it doesn't have the level of content that Pac-Man Championship Edition has. In many ways for the entry point of ten dollars there are better options out there. But if any of what you've read sounds intriguing or if you see the game on sale, take to the skies and enjoy the ride.

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85 / 100 - Titanfall
Mar 13, 2014

In the end if you own an Xbox One, or have been on the fence to buy one, this game should give you the justification to have Microsoft's newest console in your home and have you utter the words "Xbox, Record That" as you play.

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60 / 100 - 1954: Alcatraz
Mar 11, 2014

All in all, 1954: Alcatraz left much to be desired. The puzzles, story and characters all were much stronger in concept than in execution. The blueprints are here, but some polish would have taken this game so much further.

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Sadly, regardless of how well the gameplay holds up, there are still things that reveal the 9 year hiatus that RE4 has taken from gaming. Quick time events and button prompts in boss fights are the most frustrating but there are some other nit-picks, such as not being able to save where ever you want. Plus, it's hard to get immersed in a game when you're constantly exiting to look at another screen. In all honesty immersion is not RE4's strength, nor its story or characters. What really makes Resident Evil 4 work so well, even by today's standards, is the gameplay.

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Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy, is a great, even perspective changing game that showed me that games don’t need endless action to be fun.

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