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2110 games reviewed
74.0 average score
75 median score
54.0% of games recommended

ZTGD's Reviews

Jan 11, 2023

With improved presentation and various quality of life changes, Tactics Ogre Reborn is a worthy remaster in all areas except for one. However, that one ends up being one of the most important as with poor balancing of difficulty with union levels and an overly inflated HP pool, it became an absolute chore to play early on in the experience and never quite recovered.

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Jan 10, 2023

Crossfire: Legion does a great job of evoking great memories playing better games in the RTS genre. It does very little if anything to innovate and leans heavily on the tracks that many other games have laid before it. But what hurts it most of all is the fact that there is NO A.I. matchmaking, which means that if players want to play the game, they must use the multiplayer option which seems to be on its way to being abandoned at this point. So that leaves players to repeat a lackluster campaign filled with generic characters (whom they utilized some top tier talent such as Ashly Burch who is wasted here) and cliché plots. Crossfire: X was my first introduction to the world of Crossfire and as you can read in my review it was a terrible first impression. And now with Legion being the mess that it is I think I may not give Crossfire a third chance to disappoint me.

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Jan 9, 2023

I can’t say enough good things about Marvel’s Midnight Suns, while I knew this was going to be a strategy game of sorts, I was pleasantly surprised with how deep its systems got for those that really want to dig in. The way that characters can be equipped and built out offers so much flexibility for players it is really astounding. And all of that directly corresponds with the relationship/friendship system. As players continually build those relationships they will be rewarded with various attacks, and buffs when using that hero. Not to mention the fantastic story that is built here, and while some will find some of the social elements a bore there is a payoff for a great deal of the interactions. Marvel’s Midnight Suns is a game that will demand your time and attention, its not a quick experience but it is just that, an experience one that is nicely balanced in its fantastic story and above average action for a perfect melding of what makes superheroes so cool to being with.

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At the end of the day, The Devil in Me feels like a safe bet for the series. Sure, it may not be imaginative like House of Ashes or Little Hope, but it serves as a decent choice-driven horror game that I didn’t mind going through the padding to see what was going to happen next. While this is the “season finale” of The Dark Pictures Anthology, I wonder if it will ever really return? I guess we’ll see. In the meantime, The Devil in Me offers a decent experience with little to no issues.

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Dec 19, 2022

This game wants to be Dead Space really, REALLY, bad, but what’s interesting about that is I haven’t even finished the first Dead Space game and I can see it. Is this a bad thing? No, it’s really not as Callisto Protocol isn’t a trash game at all, they tried some new things with the controls and stuff some of it worked but for me a lot more of it didn’t. The game’s depiction of excessive violence is fun but even it wears on to the point of feeling overboard, especially when you think why they have giant grinding machines in the open like this in the middle of a prison. The story, while predictable, was an enjoyable adventure, but as far as graphics this game looks incredible. But as most of us know by now, looks aren’t everything and so it is with Callisto Protocol.

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5 / 10.0 - RWBY: Arrowfell
Dec 16, 2022

RWBY: Arrowfell isn’t a terrible game, it just doesn’t feel like this game lived up to the pedigree set forth by the teams involved. As I said I am not a fan of the source material, so I am curious to see what fans think but as a fan of side-scrolling adventure games sadly I find this one is lacking in the essence that arguably really makes this genre fun and its combat. There just really is no joy to be found in the combat here and that’s really a shame.

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8 / 10.0 - Sonic Frontiers
Dec 15, 2022

Ultimately, that’s the feeling I leave Sonic Frontiers with. It’s not perfect and it could never be perfect with the chances it takes but ultimately the chances are generally the best parts of the game. I have not been this excited to talk about a Sonic game since Generations which was over a decade ago. Sonic is fun, and I think a lot of people will have fun with it. I hope the team expands upon what they built here because I genuinely believe the next game built off this framework could be amazing.

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9 / 10.0 - High on Life
Dec 14, 2022

High on Life is a fantastic experience hindered by some technical shortcomings. The world and characters are simply fantastic and it is genuinely hilarious, which is one of the hardest things in gaming to achieve. This game shot up my list of the best of 2022 from the outset and it didn’t disappoint by the end. I really enjoyed my time with it and look forward to what the team works on next. The fact that it is available on Game Pass is just icing on the cake. I can’t recommend this game enough, it is a wonderful way to end the year and more than worth playing through.

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Dec 14, 2022

I have no doubt that these will be fixed in time but when are WE as gamers/consumers going to stop allowing this to be the norm. I feel like I say this on far too many reviews, fact of the matter is the game should have launched without these technical issues but I won’t start preaching here… we have a podcast for that. Warhammer 40,000: Darktide is coming to Xbox at a later date and my hope is that all of its extremely rough edges are grind down to perfection by then, the moment to moment in battles is a blast to play but the pitiful rewards and technical issues just turns it into more of a chore than a joy to serve the Emperor.

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7.5 / 10.0 - The Rumble Fish 2
Dec 13, 2022

Rumble Fish 2 is a great game for people like me who enjoy solid fighting games. It won’t stick with most players beyond initial contact though. It feels like it borrows more than it innovates and in a sea of familiar brawlers that is rough. I enjoyed my time, but will likely forget it exists in a month or two. Then one day I will be browsing my game library and think to myself “hey, that was a pretty cool game!”

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9 / 10.0 - Jitsu Squad
Dec 13, 2022

Jitsu Squad is the definition of a pleasant surprise. I only learned about the game a month ago, the console launch has brought it to more platforms and I had an absolute blast playing through it. If you are like me and cannot get enough of the genre Jitsu Squad is a must own. I find myself revisiting this game over and over and learning the nuances of combat. That is a great sign of a great game. Definitely do not sleep on this colorful brawler.

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Dec 5, 2022

Now that’s not to say Sword and Fairy: Together Forever isn’t a fun game, because it very much is. The journey and world are overall linear, but the fun is in the experience, and the story is good enough to deal with the stiff combat if you enjoy your tales on the fantastical side. The graphics were great with the usual amount of graphical pop in that has become the staple of Unreal Engine 4 at this point but the way the fabrics and hair move when in combat is almost mesmerizing and makes up for the aging engine. If you are wanting to try something new, I’d recommend Sword and Fairy: Together Forever, even with it’s issues it was still a good time but hopefully we can do a better job with translating the next one.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Bravery and Greed
Dec 2, 2022

While I was able to complete some matches, I was disconnected in the lobby more times than I can count, and the awful wait time doesn’t help things. The latter being more an issue of sales than technical prowess, but it is notable if you want to play multiplayer but just don’t have friends who are interested. Bravery and Greed is a good time and for the price tag of $19.99 its low cost of entry is welcoming in this new age of the commonplace $79.99 games.

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, not to be confused with the sequel to Call of Duty 4, Modern Warfare 2 is a great package. The roughly 8-hour campaign throws more twists and turns at the players than a day at an amusement park. It was a joy to not have to clear one corridor of enemies after another for the entirety of its run. Not to mention the stellar graphics on the campaign mode, combine all that with what is arguably the best Call of Duty multiplayer experience we have had in years, and you end up with a recipe for success that Infinity Ward is all too familiar with cooking up.

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6 / 10.0 - Gungrave G.O.R.E
Nov 30, 2022

Gungrave G.O.R.E. is a game that feels stuck in the past. The design is excellent, the characters are fun, but the game just gets so repetitive and boring far too quickly. It isn’t a long game either and it feels like it is. That is not a good sign. I wanted to love it more than I did as I love the universe and have fond memories of those older PS2 games. This just feels like a continuation of those without the modern design and control scheme, and that drags down the fun factor over time.

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Nov 29, 2022

If there is one thing I could say about Sparks of Hope, it is that is more of the same, andthat isn’t a bad thing, far from it. But along with the improvements to gameplay, there are also some odd additions to be found, such as the Rabbids now spouting dialogue. Overall the package is a generous one, with plenty of content to enjoy and challenges to overcome. But it is hard to ignore the fact that Maio seems like a secondary character in his own game, as do all of the Mushroom Kingdom’s cast. Does the inclusion of Mario make Sparks of Hope a more appealing package, yes absolutely, but it stops at making it a better game. But it is hard to deny the appeal that the first game had and Sparks of Hope certainly makes good on the promises of the original. A game that places fun at its forefront.

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Nov 23, 2022

Due to a myriad of issues both big and small, Star Ocean: The Divine Force feels less like a step in the right direction but instead, a stumble towards the goal. Still, the excellent combat and a more enjoyable story shows that there is still life amongst the stars and I sincerely hope that the series will continue and improve even further.

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Aside from the art there isn’t much to love here, SBT can be one of those games that players can use when they want to turn their brain off and just move and shoot. But beyond that it’s just another day in the release of a Warhammer game; if you listen to the podcast, we make the joke about how they come every other week and only 1 is ever any good. Even for the price of $19.99 this game feels overpriced, there just simply isn’t enough game here even with the ability to play 4-player co-op. With the sluggish controls and aiming, and no real change in gameplay other than scenery this one may not please The God Emperor of Mankind.

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7.5 / 10.0 - WRC Generations
Nov 23, 2022

WRC Generations retreads a lot of familiar ground while adding enough new to make it feel fresh. It has been a solid series for years and I am sad to learn it won’t be returning after this entry. Still this feels like a solid swan song to end on and I can tell the developers really poured their hearts into this final entry. I do wonder what they will build next and whatever it is, they have my attention. I have always loved rally games and this is one of the few simulation offerings that I have enjoyed over the years.

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8 / 10.0 - Evil West
Nov 22, 2022

Evil West is a strong game that simply lacks enough diversity to make it a classic. It is visceral with fun characters that never takes itself too seriously. I had a blast playing it, but definitely could have done with a little more variety. Still it is an unapologetic romp that is a blast to play. There are not a lot of games willing to focus on strictly game play and I respect that. Combine that with the setting that is also highly underused and this is a game definitely worth checking out.

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