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2075 games reviewed
74.0 average score
75 median score
53.9% of games recommended

ZTGD's Reviews

7 / 10.0 - God of Rock
May 4, 2023

God of Rock is an interesting experiment that works sometimes. I do wish I could focus more on the action at the top. I also hate that I have to retrain my brain with the button combos and get frustrated when I miss notes as it usually leads to me failing and having a hard time getting back into rhythm. Still the idea is sound, the characters are excellent, and I really had fun with this one. A little more polish and this could easily become a whole new genre.

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When releasing a large collection of classic games, there is a lot that can be done to make them more accessible without compromising on the original vision of the game. Unfortunately, in the case of the Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection, very little was done, resulting in a barebones port that highlights the aged nature of these GBA titles that will likely sour the taste buds of those accustomed to modern sensibilities.

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May 2, 2023

Resident Evil 4 Remake is an absolute delight. Veterans of the original will love the changes and newcomers can now appreciate just how good this game actually is. Capcom continues the trend of keeping the series fresh in our minds. I cannot wait for the next new entry as well as what remake they do next. Almost guaranteed we will see RE5 next, but Capcom please listen to your fans and give us that Code Veronica remake we so rightly desire. Regardless, fans of the series are eating so good right now.

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7 / 10.0 - Redfall
May 1, 2023

It just makes no sense that Microsoft promotes this game as this grand co-op experience but then put in place every system known to man to hinder that process or make it harder than necessary; no quick match in a multiplayer game in 2023 is ridiculous. Sadly, Redfall is a prime example of what current day Xbox has become, the potential for greatness is there but they can’t get out of their own way to reach it.

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Apr 28, 2023

Cannon Dancer-Osman surprised me with how much fun I had, and I know it’s because I loved Strider so much. This game basically feels like Strider 2; but due to the creator leaving Capcom it obviously couldn’t be called that. It’s not the longest game and while its nice they included the cheats and things $29.99 is way too much for a game that last less than an hour. I loved this game but at that price I would honestly wait for a sale for this one if you are interested.

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7 / 10.0 - Nuclear Blaze
Apr 27, 2023

Nuclear Blaze is a decent romp that is impressive on the idea of how it was created. Firefighting games are few and far between so having a good one is always nice. Finally coming to consoles is good and I recommend giving it a shot if you enjoy the theme. I have always liked the idea and it is always good to get more entries in the genre.

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Apr 26, 2023

Jedi Survivor is a great Star Wars game with a lot of technical mishaps that really drag it down. The story is excellent, and I loved the characters. The combat still feels good. I just wish the navigation system was better. It feels like the game could have used a little more time, but once these issues are ironed out this game will go down as one of the better Star Wars video games just like the first one. The story of Cal is a great addition to the universe and I hope we see him again in other projects down the line.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Ghostwire: Tokyo
Apr 26, 2023

Listen, I really liked Ghostwire Tokyo quite a bit; the story of Akito trying to save his sister and KK’s need for revenge made a good pairing. As I said above both men grew over the course of the adventure and ended it differently than they began and that is what I love to see from any story…. growth. The spooky bits here aren’t as intense as Tango is usually known for and that may be due to the FPS nature of the action in the game but nonetheless Ghostwire Tokyo is a game that should be played and since its finally come home to Xbox the barrier of entry is even lower and if you like ghosts and things this one won’t disappoint.

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Despite the permanence of typical Atelier quirks, Atelier Ryza 3 is a wonderful conclusion to the trilogy featuring some of the best the series has to offer. While this marks the end of Ryza’s journey as the heroine, her influence to this unique and charming franchise will be felt long after the credits have rolled.

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7.5 / 10.0 - LUNARK
Apr 24, 2023

Lunark was a blast from the past for sure, I enjoyed my time with the sci-fi adventure game. As I said Flashback was one of my favorites and playing Lunark I was smiling the whole time thinking back on the fond memories I had as a youth. The more I played the more I really liked Leo and enjoyed seeing his story unfold, while there are issues with checkpoints and controls to get used to at the end of the day Lunark tells a great sci-fi story that fans of the genre will surely enjoy.

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Apr 21, 2023

While King of Arcade can be funny, the few laughs it evokes aren’t enough to help this game rise above just being mediocre. There will be some who will see this game as away to relive those memories of playing arcade games in dimly light rooms for hours with friends around cheering. It can be that, to some extent, but the lack of care that’s on display with the actual arcade games themselves hurts King of Arcade, especially when Arcade Paradise exist and did this better.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Minecraft Legends
Apr 19, 2023

Despite that, Minecraft Legends is a wonderful collection of genres that makes the usual RTS skill ceiling lower and approachable. Being a Minecraft game, Legends is set up for additional levels and scenarios via the Myths and Legends option at the main menu, which means the developers have plans to have fans continue mopping up Piglins for the foreseeable future. There are some fun and uniquely ‘Minecraft’ strategies to pull off in multiplayer, I just wish the campaign held the same appeal to me; while its not awful it’s just the tutorial for the multiplayer game to me.

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8 / 10.0 - Dead Island 2
Apr 18, 2023

Dead Island 2 delivers on the promise and provides and fun, sunny jaunt in a zombie filled ‘HELL-A’ that is an absolute blast with friends but also fun in solo.

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9.5 / 10.0 - Sifu
Apr 17, 2023

Sifu remains a difficult game taken at its standard difficulties but with the addition of an easy mode it is vastly more approachable than it was at launch. I loved this game at launch in 2022 and the fact that it’s more accessible now in 2023 just makes me love it even more. If you were on the fence before due to the difficulty, I would encourage you to give it a try especially for those of us waiting on the Xbox release; if you are a fan of things like the Matrix or Kung Fu movies in general then don’t sleep on Sifu.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Not For Broadcast
Apr 14, 2023

Not for Broadcast was a good time, while the later levels will test the reflexes of most due to the sheer number of things that are needed to juggle I never hated my time playing the game. The wit and humor here always managed to get a chuckle from me and the ability after each broadcast to replay your creation to see it uncut as the public did is a nice touch. Not for Broadcast feels quite timely as I said before with the amount of news that we see on any given day now, the developers managed to walk a line that won’t offend anyone but will instead get some laughs from them.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Mato Anomalies
Apr 13, 2023

At the end of the day, Mato Anomalies feels like a budget title with a lot of things going for it. It has some decent mechanics and some interesting story bits if you are willing to read a lot. The RPG side of the game can have some difficulty spikes and level grinding side dungeons will be needed in some instances, but for RPG fans and visual novel fans, if you can get past the different mechanics and are willing to learn some unconventional ones, this could be a decent experience for you even with the lower budget feel.

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7 / 10.0 - Road 96: Mile 0
Apr 12, 2023

Road 96: Mile 0 wasn’t a very long game at all but I mostly enjoyed what I played. As I said it’s a prequel so I know there are things that I would have appreciated more had I played the original; that being said those fans looking forward to this will find a decently developed game. No real bugs are issues other than the juggling of the tone of the game, the rollercoaster ride of emotions wasn’t necessary in my opinion.

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8 / 10.0 - Terra Nil
Apr 11, 2023

There are lots of games about the environment here lately and it’s understandable as to why given that is a very hot button issue in society today. Terra Nil’s approach to take that very real fear of the worst environmental disaster but instead of continually stoking the flames of that fear they present you with the tools of opportunity of recovering from the brink, in a word showing that there is hope for a better tomorrow. Much like the avatar that players will play as in game, Terra Nil is a fantastic little game that comes in, does its job and vanishes into the night once it’s done.

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Apr 10, 2023

Despite having some of the best combat I have seen in a 2D game and loving the dark and dreary art style I just couldn’t vibe with Have a Nice Death the same way I have with other games in the genre like Hades. While there are a few weapons to try and some combos to create with curses, It just never reached the same heights as the latter did for me. I will say that the writing here is top notch, and the commentary on display whether on purpose or not was genuinely funny. While I may not have loved this game personally, I do think there is a lot here for others to love not the least of which is the jingle that plays when Death spawns back in his office after having to RIP (Rest In Paperwork).

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Apr 7, 2023

Despite some shortcomings, Process of Elimination weaves an intriguing tale, bolstered by a cast of endearing characters. While it might not topple the giants in the visual novel genre, it is a story worth experiencing all the same.

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