Liam Croft

259 games reviewed
64.1 average score
70 median score
45.7% of games recommended
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If you're eager to get started with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, then the campaign will serve you well until the multiplayer and online co-op mode unlocks on Friday. With many missions that break away from the status quo, it's not always just about shooting the bad guys. From high-speed car chases and crafting systems to the turrets of an AC-130, Modern Warfare 2 thoroughly entertains when it's offline.

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2 / 10.0 - Submerged
Aug 27, 2015

Submerged can only be described as a huge disappointment that squandered its potential thanks to some terrible design decisions and being let out the door far too early. Its story is laughable at best, we couldn't muster up any care for the main character Miku and gameplay itself becomes a drag very quickly. The controls are dreadful and the core mechanic within gameplay, the climbing, is clunky and unresponsive. While the soundtrack is fantastic, it isn't enough to make us ignore the glaring problems the game has in terms of performance.

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2 / 10 - Left Alive
Mar 8, 2019

Left Alive categorically fails at everything it sets out to accomplish. Wonky and unreliable AI makes engaging in stealth a frustrating chore, poor gunplay leads to numerous misplaced shots whizzing past the bullet-sponge enemies, and an unfair difficulty means you'll need to repeat those enraging moments over and over again. This game could have filled a gaping hole in the market, but instead it needs to be taken round back and put out of its misery. This is a truly miserable experience for even the most die-hard supporters of the genre.

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2 / 10 - The Quiet Man
Nov 2, 2018

There's nothing else quite like The Quiet Man, and there's a reason for that. The blend of FMV and interactive combat sequences fails on every level with an unfathomable plot that raises far more questions than it answers, and encounters that fail to explain themselves and do little to engage. The Quiet Man is the most baffling release of 2018, to the point where a post-mortem investigation into its sheer existence sounds so much more exciting than this bizarre and convoluted comedy sketch.

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2 / 10 - DayZ
Jun 3, 2019

DayZ is a complete and utter disaster on PS4. Not only is it profoundly outdated in 2019, it's also technically inept. A horrendous frame rate brings the experience to a standstill on a worryingly consistent basis, while numerous bugs and glitches are a bewilderment. After taking five years to release, we can't help but feel like this was an outright waste of everyone's time.

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2 / 10 - Tennis
Jan 28, 2018

Tennis is so lacklustre in every single department that we're honestly baffled this managed to get a full release. The modes on offer are incredibly basic, the characters are dire, and the lack of any sort of progression through the game means there's absolutely nothing to keep you going. The Joy-Con controls are a very small highlight, but Tennis is one we'll want to forget in a hurry.

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Apr 7, 2015

Bladestorm: Nightmare is almost impossible to recommend to anyone but the most die-hard fans of musou games. While the game's story and setting does have some potential, it takes a backseat to the action and is left to a few throwaway cutscenes before battles. Gameplay becomes tedious far too early, and when combined with a combat system that requires little thought, it makes for a boring experience. When you throw all these monotonous elements into a game that also isn't very easy on the eye, then you get an example of a bad videogame. If you are a huge fan of these types of videogames then maybe you'll find something to enjoy, but anyone else should stay very far away.

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Jun 2, 2021

Necromunda: Hired Gun will need a lot of work to get it into a state anywhere close to one we could recommend playing. Actually activating aim assist shouldn't be a tall order, but the same cannot be said of the abysmal frame rate and long list of glitches and issues. Without them, the game could be considered somewhat average. With them, we question how Necromunda: Hired Gun was allowed to ship on PS5 in the first place.

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Aug 10, 2020

How Fast & Furious Crossroads wound up as a full-price release will forever remain a mystery. It is lacking in every department possible, from shallow and repetitive gameplay through to abysmal visuals that belong on the previous generation of consoles. Not even the most committed Fast & Furious fans should subject themselves to this monstrosity. That is unless you want to have a good laugh alongside Vin Diesel.

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Nov 15, 2019

Escape rooms are a great fit for PSVR, and so we have absolutely no idea how Last Labyrinth managed to get things so wrong.

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Oct 8, 2019

The problem is that while A Brave Plan has some neat ideas for this narrative-based adventure, they’re implemented poorly.

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Mar 27, 2019

Even if you're in love with its concept, Generation Zero is an experience you should avoid at all costs. Thanks to archaic co-operative design, an open world that feels sparse at even the best of times, and an inventory system that routinely works against you, disappointment takes centre stage here. You may catch one or two beautiful vistas along the way, but as the framerate drops into the single digits, you'll wish you never bothered.

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3 / 10 - Earthfall
Jul 17, 2018

There's still a lot of potential to be realised in a Left 4 Dead-like experience, but Earthfall is a complete miss. It fails to build upon the foundations abandoned by Valve, with repetitive AI spawns and an arsenal of weaponry that does nothing to distinguish themselves from one another. And with just four hours of content to work through, you'll be left feeling short-changed by an experience that gives you no reason to return once the credits roll.

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3 / 10 - Gal*Gun 2
Apr 11, 2018

Gal*Gun 2 will once again grab the headlines for all the wrong reasons, but what those will fail to tell you is that the underlying experience isn't worth any sort of price to begin with. Once the perverse novelty wears off, you're left with a bare-bones shooter that sorely needs to come off the rails it is tied to if it wants to create any excitement.

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3 / 10 - Beast Quest
Mar 16, 2018

Beast Quest feels unfinished. Its graphical presentation is put to shame by many PS3 titles, and we're absolutely baffled how the experience doesn't even manage to run at a consistent framerate on the PS4 Pro. But even if these two aspects were up to snuff, the gameplay and plot are still below average. Beast Quest has very little to offer to even the most die-hard fans of the book series, and everyone else is advised to steer well clear.

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3 / 10 - Oure
Nov 1, 2017

Oure is a masterclass in how not to follow up on the success of Abzu and Journey. A seemingly interesting set-up quickly disappears, repetitive and frustrating gameplay dampens the experience further, and the abysmal controls make every second spent playing a depressing chore.

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3 / 10 - Fall of Light
Aug 20, 2018

Fall of Light: Darkest Edition is far too basic and frustrating for us to consider any sort of recommendation. Thanks to a woeful control scheme that prioritises input lag and unresponsiveness, every one of its mediocre mechanics suffer to the point where Fall of Light feels more like work than fun.

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3 / 10 - Pool Billiard
Feb 20, 2018

Pool Billiard has to be one of the dullest experiences we've come across on Nintendo Switch so far. It functions in that it offers multiple games of pool to play, but it has nothing to serve up outside of that. This could have been somewhat alleviated by online functionality, but with no multiplayer in sight outside of a local match, you're going to very quickly tire of playing against the AI. We strongly recommend waiting for a better pool experience to take on the go.

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4 / 10.0 - LA Cops
Apr 9, 2015

Ultimately though, LA Cops is a very mediocre experience. The 1970s theme is largely unexplored, the story is almost non-existent and its gameplay is flawed in a number of ways. While the targeting system does have potential and we enjoyed progressing through the upgrade tree, they're not enough to save this game from utter mediocrity. There is some fun to be had in LA Cops, but its repetitive nature, frustrating AI and tedious gameplay means it will be very short-lived.

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Nov 19, 2014

Styx: Master Of Shadows showed some potential. Styx himself is an interesting character and the game's use of amber allows the player to be creative in their approach to each mission, but unfortunately these ideas have been thrown into a game which lacks the enjoyment to appreciate them. The frustrating moments far outweighed any fun we had with Styx, and the game's repetition solidified this by making us do those frustrating sections over and over again, which only helped to create a very unenjoyable experience. We only hope that Styx sticks to those shadows he is so masterful of, because we don't want to play a game like this again.

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