Michał Marasek
Throughout the entire game, I had an unpleasant feeling that this was the work of a team taking their first steps on such a large project, heavily drawing from the achievements of their predecessors. This title doesn’t mark a new beginning for the series. On one hand, we get a few innovations that feel like a step forward, but on the other, things that worked well in previous entries are either handled sloppily here or have been completely cut out. It’s a decent option for fans of clearing map markers, but overall, it’s a mediocre production that squandered the potential of a setting that fans of this IP have been waiting for years.
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Eternal Strands is a wonderful game. There are numerous physical interactions between objects, which means that even when tackling the same task, you can complete it in many different ways. Although there are some signs of budget constraints, the quality of execution surpasses many AAA games that proudly wield that label. It's not perfect, as the backtracking really got to me. However, considering all the feelings derived from the gameplay, I had an excellent time. I can only congratulate Yellow Brick Games on their fantastic debut. I hope we will see a sequel.
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Songs of Silence is a bold attempt to refresh the somewhat stiff genre of turn-based strategy games. It shines bright at the start, but unfortunately, the title loses appeal eventually due to the shallowness of its systems.
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Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered is a very successful refresh of the original. The introduced changes are not particularly groundbreaking anywhere, but they make a noticeable difference during gameplay. The game looks and sounds better, and the gameplay has greatly benefited from expanded gestures, facial expressions, and new movements of the heroine. If you didn't play it Horizon, then this remaster is an excellent choice. However, if you already know her story, then there's not enough new content here that could make you immerse yourself in this world again.
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Red Dead Redemption on PC is the best edition of John Marston's adventures one can play. In terms of music and story — excellent, graphically it falls short compared to modern titles, but in terms of gameplay, it remains exceptionally enjoyable. It's a brilliant western, causing both bursts of laughter and tears, while also skillfully addressing many issues like racism, immigration, and human rights. A beautiful, personal story in the Wild West that's slowly getting more civilized.
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Mirthwood was the title I was most looking forward to this year. The delay in its release disappointed me greatly, but today, the only thing I am disappointed with is the state of this production and all of its unfulfilled promises. I might return to it later, because I see the potential in it, and perhaps, like No Man's Sky, The Mirthwood will get fixed through the patches, but right now, it's simply not worth your time.
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Kong: Survivor Instinct is a mediocre game in every aspect. Boring storyline, craftsman-like mediocre gameplay, and visually appealing graphics. To be honest, it's hard for me to say who this game is for. Maybe for the biggest fans of the Monsterverse or Kong, who would be delighted by anything from their beloved universe? Alternatively, possibly for people really craving some Metroidvania gameplay. If you're not a member of the mentioned groups, then Kong won't be a good choice. It's not a bad game, but the only thing saving it is the name of the giant gorilla in the title.
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I didn't expect that this seemingly small indie game would grow into such a strong contender for my personal Game of the Year. Discovering this world, learning the stories of the characters I met along the way, and fighting — all of this was such fun in Drova. Just2D served up a great piece of code, that catches the wild spirit of Gothic just right. I highly recommend it and hope that Drova gets at least a nomination for the December 'game Oscars'. It deserves it!
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Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred offers a lot of enjoyable monster bashing, but also a pretty disappointing story campaign. It's an expansion mainly for fans of the base game. If you liked it — then Vessel of Hatred is as well for you, if you didn't, look somewhere else then.
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God of War Ragnarök is a highly successful, polished game that, with its PC version, shines like never before. Beautiful worlds and an engaging story are incredibly strong elements that make it difficult to pull away from this title. The exploration, however, might not be appealing to everyone, especially if you've maxed out the previous installment, as here we primarily get more of the same. Nevertheless, I wholeheartedly recommend the PC version of Ragnarök as it gave me with many moving moments as well as those that made me chuckle.
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To be honest — I'm not sure who can I recommend TDU: Solar Cown to? For those who enjoy racing, there are other games out there that do it better. You won't find great-looking locations to explore or a great soundtrack to enjoy here. This game has some elements that could have made for an excellent racing social MMO, had they been executed well. It feels like the developers aimed to do too much, resulting in a product that's not only unattractive, but also feels unfinished, and in this state, sadly, overpriced.
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V Rising is one of the most enjoyable survival games I've played. Surprisingly, survival mechanics are not the main focus of the game and do not hinder the gameplay. Throughout the game, we have a clearly defined objective, all garnished with a ton of excellent, meaty combat. If it weren't for the somewhat corridor-like small map, it would be even better, but it's still a pleasant game, definitely worth recommending.
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It's a delightful, fairy-tale title that can captivate with its locations and wipe the floor with the player during boss fights. I can even forgive how often I died during the platforming sections because I felt satisfaction when I finally managed to complete them. Do I recommend playing it? Yes. In its current version, it's a good title, and with further updates, it might get even better.
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