Luiz Estrella
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
- Xenoblade Chronicles 3
- Super Mario Odyssey
I'm not sure if Deck Nine has forgotten what the Life is Strange series should really be about or if Square Enix is pushing to make the series easier to sell; However, the path the franchise is taking does not appeal to me and the end of the game ends up leaving a bitter taste for the future. For fans of the franchise, I think you should play it and draw your own conclusions. The game isn't so bad that it's painful to play, as you'll at least be entertained by what's happening. However, I do not recommend playing it on Nintendo Switch, I really recommend that you try to play on another platform.
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I finished Stray in about 5 hours. It's a short game that can be extended a little longer if you want to find all the collectibles, but I have to tell you that the lenght of the experience is perfect. Everything happens at the right time and nothing takes too long, playing this from start to finish is like watching a great movie with a story that leaves you perfectly satisfied. Despite having a much larger universe than what is shown in the game, there is no need for Stray 2, what we have here is enough and beautifully wraps up the journey of an orange cat with his robot friend.
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Refind Self: The Personality Test Game does the best it can to deliver a new experience and manages [to deliver] a very positive result, for a experimental game, I consider this a success and I was left satisfied with an experience that, can you imagine, decided to do the same to me: while I'm here talking about the game, the game is there, talking about me.
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Keylocker is the type of “handcrafted” experience that I really like in the gaming world, packed with content and a lot of personality. It's the kind of product where you can clearly see the artist behind expressing themselves in every line of dialogue or even gameplay mechanics.
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In the end, the only thing that the shallow minigames in the collection offered me were a few minutes of distraction, which then became minutes in which I felt forced to play several levels just to make sure that stuff wouldn't get better later on. If you are really curious, I recommend that you buy just one of the two games from the collection, the second collection in particular is a little better, it is not that expensive and you will quickly satisfy that absurd desire to finally play “those games”.
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Despite the criticism, I have to admit: the game delivers what it promises. It's a light and fun experience for those who love kittens. So, answering my question at the beginning of the text, it is a well-intentioned cuteness that results in a fun experience. Don't expect the game to blow your mind with well-designed puzzles and platform challenges, but I think it's an interesting “break” between more intense games to enjoy something less ambitious.
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This collection fulfills its humble role of being fun and simple, taking me back to an era where I spent hours on sites playing flash games having fun in an unpretentious way, without analyzing gameplay, graphics, soundtrack and all that stuff.
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My conclusion about Born of Bread is divided: on one hand I think the game was made with a lot of care and the developers seems truly passionate about the genre and what they were doing, on the other hand I feel that the game failed to maintain my interest throughout the experience. Not that it was that hard to finish the game, but at several moments I found myself with little interest in continuing the adventure and figuring out what was going to happen. I believe this will be interesting mainly for Paper Mario fans to evaluate whether it is a good spiritual successor or not. For me, the game falls far short of the paper Mario franchise, mainly due to the less inspired writing. Still, the visuals, characters and combat may be enough to capture some people's attention. So it might be a good idea not to dismiss this game completely.
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Future Redemeed is one of the best experiences of 2023. If it seems like I was very critical in this review, be aware that I end up being that way because I am absolutely in love with this series, and, with the number of releases we have at the moment, there is a lot to compare to. I don't think the game is bad simply because I didn't have a deep emotional connection to the story; In fact, I think this could very well have been an element exclusive to my experience, right? Maybe I'll play it again in a year and connect way more with Matthew's story.
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Everybody 1-2 Switch! is clearly an expansion of the idea from the original 1-2 Switch, however, the game bothers me much less. In addition to having much more content, taking away the tech demo look of the original, the game also costs around half the price of its older brother. It's not a revolution in the world of party games and it doesn't convince anyone that all the “hidden” features of the Joy-Cons are sensational (for this purpose, Nintendo Labo continues to be much more surprising in my opinion), but it fulfills its purpose as a party game, which you will open 1 or 2 times a month when some of your friends show up at your house.
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The truth is that I would never be so tolerant of Clive 'N' Wrench faults if I didn't know the entire context that surrounds him. But playing with everything I've exposed here, I managed to have extreme sympathy with the creator and consequently with his work. More than that, I believe there is a lot of talent behind this game, because despite the lack of polish, it really manages to get it right in several aspects. Which makes me hopeful that the game will be a relative success and we will have more Rob Wass games in the future.
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Cris Tales is a pleasant surprise in many ways, the game surprises with its scale, execution and beautiful visuals. It doesn't reach the level of classics of the genre, but it has inspiration and a lot of effort behind it. After finishing the game, the feeling that remains is that I experienced a different but engaging journey, filled with characters and colorful worlds that leave a positive mark. I recommend it mainly for fans of turn-based RPGs, but I ask that you stay tuned for possible updates for the Nintendo Switch version, which currently suffers from loads that interrupt and harms the rhythm of the game.
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Button City is a short game with good ideas and good moments but ultimately offers little with its content. I believe that those with a strong nostalgia for arcades or even children can have fun with the game, but overall it is an unremarkable experience. Despite this, let's be clear: it is possible to see a visible commitment from the development team to create something unique and fun, with more experience, it is possible that the studio will deliver something even better in the future.
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Mario Golf: Super Rush is an extremely fun experience, as expected from a Mario sports game. The ideas that Camelot puts forward are interesting and work, creating yet another must-have multiplayer for the Nintendo Switch. If you are not used to playing with friends, the game may leave something to be desired with the amount of content, it is up to you to decide whether the promise of future updates is a valid exchange, there is always the option of waiting for the game to become more complete before buying it at launch.
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Legend of Mana is a simple but unusual RPG, the non-linear progression, the combat, the stories, in every corner the game presents something peculiar, and this ends up being the best and worst of the game. The oddities make it a charming and standout experience, difficult to find in other games, on the other hand, it brings strange decisions that make progress difficult without a guide. For those who played the original and want to relive some moments, I believe that this re-release will serve them very well, bringing the game faithfully but with some improvements. For new players, it is necessary to understand the context that surrounds it and be interested in the mechanics. It seems to me like the kind of experience that can lead to one of two feelings: either you fall in love with the game's quirky approach or you simply consider it an average game.
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Alba is not a revolutionary or ambitious game, but it is an enjoyable experience from start to finish. It sends a positive message while being fun, as a game originally designed for a mobile platform, it fits perfectly on the Nintendo Switch. It's a good recommendation for children up to 10 years old, but it also works for adults, thanks to the nostalgia that the game conveys in its representation of childhood.
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Miitopia is a very interesting experiment and I would say that it is largely successful one, the game shows the universality of miis even years after the launch of the Wii, the creative and humorous writing is also wonderful, highlighting the more comical side of Nintendo. Unfortunately, the experience was unable to maintain my constant engagement throughout all sections, mainly due to a certain “automation” in the gameplay, creating tedious sections. The recommendation applies mainly to those who want casual fun, to play in short periods and even have fun with family members by placing their Mii in the game.
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