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David Lovato


Favorite Games:
  • The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
  • Fallout 3
  • Resident Evil 4

51 games reviewed
68.0 average score
70 median score
39.2% of games recommended

David Lovato's Reviews

David is a writer and lover of video games currently residing in Kansas City, Missouri, United States.
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6 / 10 - Rogue Legacy
Sep 13, 2014

Rogue Legacy is a unique game that will appeal to a specific set of gamers and probably frustrate the rest. Those who find it fun will enjoy it greatly, with hours of playability, fun aesthetics, and enough variety to ensure no two playthroughs are alike. Rogue Legacy is brutal, punishing even slight mistakes on the player's part, and demanding many, many attempts at getting even one room farther than the previous attempt at conquering the dungeon.

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Jan 20, 2015

Shantae and the Pirate's Curse is at times frustrating, but is mostly a fun, light-hearted, and immediately and consistently enjoyable videogame. The characters are loveable, the music is catchy, the graphics are solid, and the amount of care put into the game's setting is admirable. It successfully blends old and current philosophies of game design and execution, being reminiscent of classics like Zelda and Sonic the Hedgehog but also striking out and standing firmly as its own series, and one that will hopefully be around for a long time.

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Life is Strange Episode 1: Chrysalis is a good introduction to the game world and story. There's a clear direction, setting, and tone Dontnod is going for, but splitting the game into episodes means a lot of waiting to see if it can carry it through to the end. There's a lot of potential here, both for success and failure, but at the very least Episode 1 provides a great experience full of exploration and intrigue. The cliff-hanger ending serves the episodic nature well enough, but separating chapters by several weeks could prove to be the game's downfall.

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Mar 20, 2015

It doesn't necessarily offer a lot that won't be found in other city-building games, but what it does offer is an open, friendly play-world where gamers can do what they want and have fun doing it. Cities: Skylines doesn't push its audience around or ask too much of them - where similar games might have forced online connectivity or reliance on fussy AI, Cities: Skylines instead opens its arms and asks players to come in, call the shots, and have a blast.

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The ending is far away, but the journey thus far has been excellent, and so far Life is Strange is proving to be an experience no gamer should miss.

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The Shin Megami Tensei games strive to be cool and quirky, yet philosophical and emotional, and Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 - Record Breaker achieves what it set out to do. It's a strong story with fun characters, clever tactical RPG and choice-based visual novel gameplay, an interesting, apocalyptic setting rich with Japanese culture, and plenty of replay value. It's tough but not impossible, it's long but not repetitive - there's no game quite like it.

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May 31, 2015

House of Wolves doesn't reinvent Destiny and might not appeal to people who aren't fans, but those who haven't picked the game up in a while will find a lot of new activities here, and those who play daily will have a lot more options for their continuous grind toward higher levels and coveted loot. The story is finally coming together, and House of Wolves sets the game up for bigger, better things to come.

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There's a lot of risk in making an episodic, story-centric game, but Dontnod and Square Enix have pulled out all the stops, as shown in Episode 3 - Chaos Theory. Even if the next two episodes bomb, the first three have already crossed the threshold from "videogame" into "interactive experience," and whatever the future holds, Life is Strange is a title people will remember for a long time.

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Atlus doesn't reinvent the Etrian Odyssey wheel with 2 Untold, but it does build on what made the first release so much fun, without making any readily apparent sacrifices. It features the original Etrian Odyssey 2, as well as a new story-based campaign, successfully separating itself from both the first Untold and the original sequel. While The Fafnir Knight could benefit from more inspired UI elements (especially in building the city and managing the restaurant) and maybe a little more life regarding the characters and NPCs, it's clear that this is a solid entry in a unique RPG franchise, and fans and newcomers alike are going to have a lot of fun with it.

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From the gate it was clear that Life is Strange was a title to keep an eye on. It's now evolved into an experience over a million players are constantly on the edge of their seats to continue, and is poised to become one they'll likely never forget. Even a seemingly shorter, more linear episode like this one shines in all the right places; it's a visual novel with a choose-your-own-adventure twist in which choices matter, and consequences are finally catching up like the dark cyclone ever hurdling toward Arcadia Bay.

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5 / 10 - Cities XXL
Sep 25, 2015

Anyone who loves city-builders and doesn't own a previous entry in the series will likely find a solid, valuable title in Cities XXL. It's not as snappy or attractive, or even as engaging, as some of its competitors, but it's a worthwhile endeavour in its own right.

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Sep 30, 2015

The price might seem high for how subtle or cosmetic these additions are, but many will likely find enough value in the overall strong developer support and thriving modding community to justify the cost, if the new layers of depth aren't enough for them.

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What replay value it has is dampened by how slow-moving Graham is and how cutscenes and bits of dialogue can't be skipped, but King's Quest begins a story anyone who plays it will want to follow through to the end.

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Oct 7, 2015

Bungie has finally delivered something akin to promises it has made in the past. Destiny is still not the open-world exploration adventure everyone thought it was going to be, but it is carving its own path in the videogame world, and it's getting better and more fun with every step.

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This is an example of what video games can do that no other medium can; it wouldn't work to see these things happen on a screen or read them on a page—Life is Strange draws its power from putting choices in players' hands, and while it may not amount to a perfect experience, it is one that they are never going to forget.

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7 / 10 - Stella Glow
Nov 13, 2015

All in all, Stella Glow is a strong story that puts a clever twist on the tactical RPG format. The pacing could be better; watching the same battle animations can get annoying, but they can be skipped or disabled entirely. There's a lot of text to get through, but much of it is voiced, and the characters are fun and engaging, as well as attractively designed. Hours can tick by with only a handful of actual battles, which might be too slow for those looking for action or a more casual adventure experience, but anyone who wants to dive in will find a lot of quality content. It's not likely to reach Final Fantasy or Xenoblade levels of RPG acclaim, but it does its own thing well, brings originality to the mix, and is sure to catch many an RPG fan's eye.

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King's Quest: Chapter 2 - Rubble Without a Cause presents a new environment, one that is attractive, if a little small, along with the same challenges as before, the same lovely graphics, strong morals, and goofy characteristics, along with a voice cast that is very talented, bringing a lot to the table. There have been some much needed improvements brought in for this chapter, thankfully, which bodes well for the next episode, although more emphasis could be put on actual decisions made throughout the adventure.

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Mar 6, 2016

Cities: Skylines - Snowfall adds some features that make sense and look nice, but for the price, there's just not much content here. The graphical updates are beautiful, but the content is severely lacking—those loading an existing file are likely to just dump all of their money into new pipes, while players starting anew can just build hot water pipes from the gate and might not know anything was even added. The changes make sense (excluding locking weather to certain maps) and they work well enough, but are so slight as to be almost offensive for their price tag.

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Rough horse and camera behaviour, combined with a mostly empty Hyrule Field, aren't enough to bog down what's otherwise one of the best titles in the Zelda series - and arguably in gaming history. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD's story of the worlds of Light and Twilight and their citizens is presented in HD glory, with strong emotional threads running throughout to make sure players want to spend time with these characters and save the worlds, and expertly crafted dungeons and puzzles guide them along that path. Most will likely consider Ocarina of Time to be the high point of the series, but take away the nostalgia factor, hold these two up by their merits, and Twilight Princess gives Ocarina a run for its money, while HD improves upon that in almost every way.

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Mar 24, 2016

The Division is a solid shooter, but there's nothing compelling about it, either in terms of story or gameplay. Those playing with others will likely have a lot more fun than those playing alone, although it's safe to say anyone who likes a decent shooter will probably want to check it out. Like Destiny, there's sure to be a dedicated following of players for whom the game simply clicks, and the endless grind is reason enough to keep coming back. For the rest, it will probably disappear to their shelves after a few months' time - unless Ubisoft comes up with some compelling post-launch content to keep them holding on.

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