Erin Soares
_________________________ “There is a depth to Origins unlike any of the other games of the series
Overall, Baja: Edge of Control is a remaster that has held up over the years though it is kind of baffling as to why we're getting a new version in the first place.
Even though the zombies adventure is sure to be fun for those who are hardcore fans, it is definitely not an experience that newbies or those on the fence will enjoy too much.
With a bunch of new features and more ways to play online than ever before, NHL 18 is sure to make both returning veterans and newbies happy.
With a ton of game to play, Greedy Guns is a vibrant and versatile mix of action and adventure that's sure to be a fun time.
Unfortunately even though there are some great moments within this third episode, it comes across a bit more lackluster than the previous installments.
There are graphics that pop with color, and an entrancing techno soundtrack that just keeps pulling you into the frenzy.
Although Tacoma is short, it does a fantastic job telling the stories of the different characters throughout the game, using the non-sequential AR memory recordings to build emotional ties to each.
While Absolution is by no means a disaster it just feels lacking in comparison to the rest of the content we've been given for Infinite Warfare so far. Although Absolution does add new content, and the Attack of the Radioactive Thing! is both complicated and fun, the multiplayer maps just don't fit very well within the constructs of Infinite Warfare.
_________________________ “Cars 3 nails the graphics, and has loads of content to play through, however the voice-overs just aren't on par to the movie and there is no real storyline, which is definitely disappointing.
Introversion Software and Double Eleven do a great job showing that simulation games do not have to be boring or mindless, and that they can be home to creativity, variety, and if you're feeling up to it, absolute chaos!
In the beginning it seems as if Telltale is struggling to find their groove, stumbling a bit before regaining focus.
When the puzzles and chase sequences are pulled off smoothly, they feel incredibly rewarding.
There is nothing else that quite compares to the excitement and joy you feel after stringing a bunch of moves together, making an epic combination, and kicking the big-bad to smithereens!
This first episode sets the stage in an entertaining and action-packed way, leaving just enough room amongst it all for the sarcastic group of characters many of us have come to know and love.
Three out of the four multiplayer maps are sleek, exciting and fun, and the Shaolin Shuffle is a perfectly balanced zombies map.
Overall Kôna doesn't inundate the player with a complicated story, and Parabole allows this captivating narrative and stellar graphics to speak for themselves.
The problem however is that the two parts of the game, the open building, and the linear story, just don't seem to mesh very well.
Rave in the Red Woods is by far the strongest part of the Sabotage DLC, and honestly one of the best zombies maps in years.
Unfortunately the slow movement adjustment and short gameplay that were a problem in the first episode are still present four episodes later.