John Walker

248 games reviewed
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Unscored - The Room Two
Jul 6, 2016

It’s fun, spooky, peculiar, unique, and most of all – and I use this word very carefully – interesting. That’s something games too often are not. The Room Two unquestionably is – a properly interesting experience.

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Jun 30, 2016

This is, for children, adults, anyone, a really lovely thing, funny, silly, and tremendous fun to play. If you've a kid who just got into Star Wars via the new movie, goodness me this can't be recommended highly enough. But at the same time, and I've been the one fighting off saying this for years longer than many others, it's getting stale. I

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Unscored - Breached
Jun 21, 2016

In the end, Breached is just too small in every aspect to feel satisfying. I’d love to see this fleshed out into something with more ambition and more purpose. As it is, even at the reasonable price of $7, it feels too fleeting.

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Jun 14, 2016

This is a disaster, and the biggest surprise about it is that Ubisoft thought it worth releasing.

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Nu Watson and Holmes look dangerously close to Downey Jr and Law, five years too late, and their new voices are bizarrely unenigmatic, if competently delivered. It's not a reboot, nor a refresh, right down to the repeated locations and character models of the likes of Lestrade, but rather the weirdness of the series continuing its morbidly fascinating spiraling descent into lunacy. If I find myself carrying on, I'll certainly let you know what happens next, but in the meantime, yeah, avoid.

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Unscored - SteamWorld Heist
Jun 7, 2016

I thoroughly recommend it, for those looking for something erring much more toward the more casual end of the strategy world, the only region of the genre with which I'm comfortable. It's bright, breezy, light and fun, and perhaps, after all, that's enough.

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May 19, 2016

It’s very silly, perhaps a little too easy in its build up, but tremendous fun.

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May 17, 2016

It's got this weird bubbling heart underneath it, a clear desire to be a great game despite not being able to reach it. It's packed, varied, and so bloody enormous. It's a real muddle, and a muddle for which I've developed a real soft spot.

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Unscored - Kathy Rain
May 9, 2016

I had a splendid time with Kathy Rain, and thoroughly enjoyed a game where I couldn’t see where it might be heading.

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May 5, 2016

[T]his is still Shadow Complex, well loved, and definitely a decent time. Just a decent time from six years ago and looking and feeling like it.

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Few games come close to being this well made, this lovingly animated, and so madly pleasurable to play.

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Apr 26, 2016

OPUS is very cute, and while the story obviously borrows heavily from elsewhere, and while the core mechanic will feel familiar to fans of Mass Effect, it was almost a lovely idea.

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It definitely makes me very interested to see what developers Lemonsucker do next.

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So yes, goodness me yes, get hold of this. Get hold of the first two, too. But most of all, get this.

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Apr 5, 2016

This is the genre done right, although with an upbeat, uncruel approach that feels atmospherically more reminiscent of Rogue Legacy than, say, Nuclear Throne. It's very silly in presentation, but very serious in pixel-perfect controls. Goodness knows if it's good deeper in, but I'm having a brilliant time not finding out.

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Mar 31, 2016

[T]here goes my time with Hyper Light Drifter, a completely gorgeous game I was utterly loving. It apparently doesn't want me to play it any more.

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Mar 31, 2016

It really is a lovely thing, offering a good amount of game for a tenner, rising above its own gimmick to be a little bit special.

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Unscored - Samorost 3
Mar 24, 2016

Samorost 3 is so bursting with life, so lovingly crafted, that it’s impossible not to adore. I cannot think of a game whose soundtrack comes close to this, and few that are so pretty. Gnome’s yelps of delight, or enthusiastic dances, or the way he sometimes says, “Hop!” when he jumps, are idiotically adorable. It’s so alive, so intricate, and so graceful. I wonder if the difficulty will see it be a less celebrated game than the last two, but it really is a thing of beauty.

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Mar 22, 2016

The overall result is a delightful, charming, and relaxing affair. It’s a Sunday afternoon television of a game, and goodness me, does that have a place. It’s funny, daft, and the look is incessantly fantastic. Backgrounds are beautifully drawn, characters are well animated, and the voice cast are all modestly strong. And it’s got Tom Baker in it. I had a thoroughly lovely time.

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Mar 21, 2016

I still adore this game. It’s still the smartest, most elegant, most entertaining adventure game ever made. And now, if you want, it looks new and sounds amazing.

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