John Walker

247 games reviewed
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Unscored - Torchlight III
Oct 13, 2020

Torchlight III feels an awful lot like what it is: a free-to-play multiplayer game that thought better of itself, and decided to become a proper full-price microtransaction-free primarily solo release. If I didn’t already know the path it had taken, I’d have spent my entire time playing the game being gnawed at by wondering just what it was that made it all feel so off.

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Unscored - Poly Bridge 2
Jun 3, 2020

To me it feels far more like an expansion pack than a whole new game, slightly improving the cutesy graphics and adding in a couple of extra construction materials, but even then it all overlaps a little too closely with the original. A sequel to a game that already looked awfully similar to another series seems like something that should have iterated a great deal further by now. I certainly recommend checking out people’s most elaborate and daft bridges on YouTube – as for creating them yourself, it’s harder to get excited about.

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Unscored - MO Astray
Nov 21, 2019

I’ve absolutely loved this. It’s so refined, so well crafted, so supremely gory for something with such deceptively simple presentation, and has a difficulty pitch that feels always challenging, but remarkably fair.

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Oct 23, 2019

I’ve had a very splendid time with this, and have much splendid time left with it. A proper fine achievement, and a game worthy of measuring against the mighty Metroid.

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Unscored - Pilgrims
Oct 8, 2019

For me, I saw the beginnings of a truly exceptional game, and feel a bit like I just finished its demo. But what a lovely demo!

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Sep 23, 2019

A visually stunning game, belying its origins as a creation of two animators, alongside some delightful writing, weaving a complexity of narrative that completely surprised me. But one that offers the player far too little actual investigating, and in the end, far too much tiresome wandering.

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Unscored - Supraland
Apr 16, 2019

It’s going to take a heck of a lot for anything to beat this game to be my favourite of 2019. What a splendid treat.

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Apr 18, 2019

This is a good adventure game! It’s actually an incredibly clever adventure game doing lots of very subtle smart things! It has its issues, but don’t we all.

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Unscored - Photographs
Apr 3, 2019

Photographs is a very novel experience (well, a very short story experience, fnarr), lovingly crafted, if not fully composed. I don’t love it as a puzzle game, but it’s a vignette of vignettes, and I like it for that.

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Unscored - Baba Is You
Mar 14, 2019

But this is wonderful. Completely wonderful. Original, inspired, challenging, and most importantly of all, that constant sense of “Oh no, how will I ever do this one!” so quickly followed by, “I AM A GENIUS!” It’s a very, very smart game, that has the humility to let you, the player, feel like the clever one

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Mar 12, 2019

There is just SO much to do, to explore, so many secrets I know I’ve missed, and bits I want to return to. This is completely splendid.

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Unscored - Vignettes
Mar 6, 2019

Vignettes is a toy. And that is why it’s completely splendid.

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Unscored - Delete
Feb 21, 2019

The result is a very decent puzzle game, that occasionally has completely inspired puzzles within it. If it could have focused on the buttoned levels, gosh, it’d have been a real classic. As it is, it’s a calm, gentle game, with intermittent moments of brilliance.

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Feb 26, 2018

There’s definitely a nice idea in playing as a tech support trapped behind deploying stock phrases, as some larger story unfolds about you, but Tech Support: Error Unknown just doesn’t deliver it.

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Mar 6, 2019

I just kept thinking of so many different ways this could have been a much more ambitious take on a cheerful anachronism from an ancient 16-bit era. Sadly, I appear to have been the only one.

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Unscored - Tametsi
Feb 20, 2019

I’m 32 puzzles in, and that’s taken me a good long while. That there are 68 more of these to go, plus another 60 that have been released since the game’s initial release, makes me a very happy little man.

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Unscored - Globesweeper
Feb 13, 2019

For less than a couple of quid, this is well worth it. Randomly generated puzzles, so you won’t run out, plenty of options, and that bonkers triangle mode for a real head-scratcher.

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Unscored - Art Sqool
Feb 6, 2019

Gosh I was all ready to love going to Art Sqool. But either I or it have failed. Nowhere near as odd or quirky as its trailers suggested it could be, and offering no surprises, its fun is over in the first few minutes. Bums.

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Unscored - Rainswept
Feb 15, 2019

Ultimately, Rainswept has a good story to tell. A sad story, one of grief, loss, murder and small-town cruelty.

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Unscored - Eastshade
Feb 11, 2019

A slow, gentle, personal RPG, with neat little stories, characters I remember, and a real sense of having spent time in a special place.

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