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Mark Delaney


Favorite Games:
  • Sea of Thieves

295 games reviewed
69.7 average score
70 median score
50.5% of games recommended

Mark Delaney's Reviews

Mark is an editor at GameSpot and a Boston transplant now biking across Portland, Oregon. He especially enjoys covering battle royale, horror, and sports games. He spends his free time with his family, marathoning HBO, and advocating for animal justice.
3 / 10 stars - Summer in Mara
Jun 15, 2020

Summer in Mara looks lovely right away, but the shine wears off quickly amid a long list of issues, both fixable and sadly, not fixable.

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Jun 4, 2020

The Outer Worlds is one of 2019's best games. On Switch in 2020, it's still pretty great, even if it is in some ways inferior to its counterparts.

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5 / 10 stars - Those Who Remain
Jun 3, 2020

Those Who Remain won't stay with you for long, but with some good scares and a story that twists more than I expected, it's a decent horror story for an evening.

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In 2020, Mafia 2 is a game greater than the sum of its parts. It shows its age in several areas, and though flawed, it still has its merits.

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May 20, 2020

Saints Row 3 is mechanically the best the series has ever been, and narratively the worst it's ever been, leaving this born-too-late remaster a mixed bag.

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May 15, 2020

The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners would be a great game even if it wasn't in VR.

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9 / 10 stars - Super Mega Baseball 3
May 12, 2020

Super Mega Baseball has never been given the accolades it's deserved, but this is the year baseball fans will finally notice this all-star.

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May 1, 2020

Get Packed is strangely not the only indie co-op arcade game about moving furniture to launch recently, but it ends up standing out with its own kind of hilarious chaos.

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7 / 10 stars - Dread Nautical
Apr 29, 2020

Dread Nautical has the unenviable position of following two genre giants that moved into its launch window, but it holds its own as a worthy opening act.

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Hot Garbage was assumed to be aimed at players who have seen the whole game by now, but it ends up playing best for those still scanning the alien world.

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In spite of some humor that hasn't aged well, Saints Row 4 on the Switch is still a sandbox well worth playing in.

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7 / 10 stars - In Other Waters
Mar 31, 2020

In Other Waters tells an intriguing tale that will get you thinking, but only if its slow crawl to the finish doesn't turn you away.

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Mar 28, 2020

If you found yourself turning over every stone in Control, The Foundation DLC will reward you with answers and new questions alike.

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Mar 17, 2020

With coronavirus taking real-world sports from us, people may look to games to satisfy their fandom. Unfortunately, RBI Baseball 20 is responsible for its own plague of issues.

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10 / 10 stars - Sayonara Wild Hearts
Feb 26, 2020

In its one-hour runtime, Sayonara Wild Hearts transcends video games and becomes not just a playable pop album, but a hypnotic self-help soundtrack. It's an endorphin factory.

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In its self-aware campiness and macabre action, there is a contagious confidence in Zombie Army 4 that will leave anyone who plays it a fan of this exciting co-op shooter.

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Journey to the Savage Planet is a satirical and colorful metroidvania that survives its corny jokes thanks to fun traversal and worthwhile exploration.

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Jan 20, 2020

Stories Untold is a boundlessly smart and stylish adventure game that both celebrates the past while changing the future.

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Jan 9, 2020

AO Tennis 2 feels like a sports sim built first and foremost to correct its predecessor's mistakes, and that's a directive that pays off for tennis fans.

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Dec 11, 2019

Tools Up wears its Overcooked inspirations on its suspenders. Though it lacks the polish of that game, it is still a co-op party game worth any genre fan's time.

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