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Kyle Durant


Favorite Games:
  • Kingdom Hearts

44 games reviewed
74.5 average score
80 median score
65.9% of games recommended
8.5 / 10.0 - Lethal VR
Dec 26, 2016

"Lethal VR is a neat simulation that provides mostly accurate representations of a virtual reality shooting range. The tracking works perfectly, except for throwables, and the sound effects bring a nice but minor touch to the realism. The many easter eggs were also enough to make me smile. It's just that those references went as far as the game's total content, which isn't much. You'll blow through this title in about an hour and anything after that is all about achieving better scores on each level. Still the price point is fair and Lethal VR is another great addition to our PS VR libraries."

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Jan 16, 2017

"I can see die-hard RTS fans enjoying Siegecraft Commander. I just don't expect it to make any gamer a fan of the genre. The story for both campaigns is interesting but it won't take anyone on a wondrous journey of entertainment. It's unfortunate that the gameplay may be even worse in that regard. The idea that everything you craft is connected is a cool idea but it falls flat due to inconsistent spawning methods, low structural health, and longer than needed respawn times. Nothing good can come out of the difficulty of a game stemming from mechanics rather than the enemies themselves. With a few improvements the title can be something noteworthy but at the moment it's something I can't recommend wholeheartedly."

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"Let me put it this way. Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue brought back memories of playing a new Kingdom Hearts experience on console for the first time with the highlight being 0.2 A Fragmentary Passage. It's sure to entertain and please fans for awhile with the story, boss battles, and handy carryover saves. The Back Cover, or cutscene movie, may not offer much in the way of answers but it raises some intriguing questions and lays some interesting groundwork for the road to come. Lastly, the Dream Drop Distance remaster may have some minor technical hiccups but otherwise you wouldn't be able to tell it came from a handheld. All and all it's a no-brainer that fans should pick this up. Heck, to some of us Aqua's story alone is worth the price of admission. Now if only money could build a working time machine and take us to a place that has Kingdom Hearts 3 on retail shelves."

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Jan 21, 2017

"Resident Evil 7 didn't just take the series back to form, it perfected it. Sure there will be satisfying combat but not before running around for your life filled with dread. The story and plot twists were entertaining as they were interesting and all the scares that came along with it. The voice actors did a phenomenal job and so did the level designers. There was never a time where I felt safe and ready to take on the next challenge. Old schools fans of the franchise will love this outing and is a perfect opportunity for new fans to hop on board. Just don't burn the midnight oil alone."

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7 / 10.0 - Dead Effect 2
Jan 29, 2017

"Without a doubt, Dead Effect 2 is the most enjoyable sci-fi, zombie shooter for twelve bucks. The story may be average at best but the gameplay and amount of options to utilize are awesome. I can't deny that I enjoyed shooting whatever Badfly threw at me, and the surprising amount of replayability the destruction offered. Considering this was originally a mobile game, I can see many people developing a guilty pleasure over this space faring adventure."

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4.7 / 10.0 - Double Dragon IV
Feb 2, 2017

"If the developers were looking to take Double Dragon IV back to the series' roots, great. It's just that the formula does not translate well after nearly thirty years. What was the standard then isn't the standard now. Having enemies who can move faster than you while your stuck with middling delays was not enjoyable in the slightest. The graphics and enemy design choices were nice but a side scrolling beat'em up is hardly judged on those alone. Absolute die-hard fans of the genre or the Double Dragon name may find something to like here, but anyone else should steer clear."

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8 / 10.0 - Semispheres
Feb 13, 2017

"Semispheres is a short, sweet, and succinct puzzle game. It's not too hard and the learning curve is fairly kind so non-puzzle gamers have nothing to fear here. The last few stages and levels will make you think though unless you exploit around them. Most will certainly appreciate the art and music which are arguably the game's best features. Hell, you could legitimately meditate to the tunes if you truly wanted. I can easily recommend this title to fans of the genre, just understand how long the experience will last."

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8.7 / 10.0 - Sniper Elite 4
Feb 13, 2017

"Minus some major and minor technical issues, Sniper Elite 4 is the pinnacle of the series. The story is straightforward and enjoyable but the gameplay is where the fun's at. Its diversity and amount of possibilities are good ol' sniping fun. You will spend hours in each map performing objectives and taking names through the X-Ray system. Which are brutally and beautifully on display thanks to the graphics. They also bleed over nicely into the rich environment. Here's hoping some problems are fixed because semi-open world stealth/action games are rarely this consistently entertaining."

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Feb 21, 2017

"It may not tread new ground, but Mervils: A VR Adventure is a decent start to platform RPGs on PlayStation VR. I can even say with confidence that if this released twenty years ago, you'd be seeing it as an underrated video game on top ten lists today. The story and gameplay are incredibly oversimplified but the platforming and minimal exploring make this a virtual reality endeavor worth experiencing. If nothing else because there's not a lot of other titles in the same genre out right now."

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8.5 / 10.0 - Night in the Woods
Feb 27, 2017

Night in the Woods is one of those art forms that takes you on a journey rather than providing exciting gameplay. This could have been a book or a movie and I would still relish the chance to dive into the world once more. The characters come to life like few other video game icons can and the conversations through written dialogue is some of the best gaming has to offer. It says something about a title when the only things you have to worry about are slight dips in pace and repetitive day to day motions. Although that very well could fit in with the game's theme. If you're looking for a unique and meaningful tale of self-discovery, Night in the Woods needs to be in your virtual library as soon as possible.

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10 / 10.0 - Horizon Zero Dawn
Mar 5, 2017

Horizon Zero Dawn is nothing short of a masterpiece that elevates Guerrilla Games to the likes of Naughty Dog and CD Projekt Red. The unique, engrossing story, complex and fast-paced gameplay, absolutely gorgeous open world to traverse, and so much more are brought to life thanks to the Killzone developer. The game has genuinely made it into my top ten list of all time and will probably make it higher once time has passed. There's nothing that should stop you from buying this title if you have a PlayStation 4. Hell if you don't have one, buy a system just for this game. This isn't just a magnificent RPG video game, it's a journey that everyone should experience.

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8 / 10.0 - Disc Jam
Mar 9, 2017

Athletes in general will find something to love with Disc Jam. The gameplay and controls are marvelously well designed that will bring out the competitive spirit and sport adoration in any fan. Matches are relatively short, intense, and bring what many arcade experiences fail at. Just something about throwing a metal disc is so much fun. Nevertheless, that doesn't excuse only having two online game modes and a lack of stat keeping. It's a good thing that a team is throwing tournaments so often. In the end though, as a PlayStation Plus title we could have gotten worse. If you enjoy sports definitely download this game.

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Mar 12, 2017

The main problem is Ghost Recon Wildlands plays like a tight, linear shooter in a giant open world. There is some gameplay to enjoy, but things will get very repetitive really fast in order to fit the open world mold. There's no usual Ubisoft online connection problems and the gameplay can be fun, but only if you're with other people. Even then you'll find yourself getting bored with your mission, objectives, and repetitive gameplay mechanics after an hour. Don't get me wrong, the shooting itself is solid. Just everything around it isn't.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Tiny Trax
Jul 24, 2017

Tiny Trax was a blast for an hour. That's how long it took me to play on all the circuits available. The gameplay was tight, the A.I. was slightly overpowered, and the positions for your all-encompassing view were a delight to experience.

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Aug 6, 2017

This spaceship shoot'em up will draw you in with interesting sounds, nice art design, wonderful weapons, and acceptable gameplay from industry standards. Just after it does, you might be kicked out by the repetitive levels, enemies, and lack of appropriate difficulty though. This is definitely one fans of the genre will enjoy and might even make a few new fans. However, if you were like me as a child Graceful Explosion Machine won't change your mind about these types of games. There's just not enough diversity going for it to have that effect.

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9 / 10.0 - Sparc
Aug 30, 2017

If any virtual reality title would convince people to dive into the technology or take it seriously as an eSport, Sparc is that title. It's simple playground fun with none of the bullying or awkward relationships. Needless to say, CCP Games' creation works and works well. Everything is as smooth as can be for a game that has competitive gaming dreams. Let's just hope that more arenas, items, and modes are added to keep the casual fan base around and even more complexity is inserted for the comp squads. Also, you know...if you like throwing a ball down a hallway, then this PSVR title will make you enjoy it like you were a kid again.

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8 / 10.0 - Everybody's Golf
Sep 5, 2017

Everybody’s Golf isn’t going to disappoint any fan of the series or the sport in general. It offers enough life and good ol’ golf fun that you’ll be more than happy with your purchase into this particular genre. It’s just that the open world mechanic that was advertised doesn’t really do anything and this effort could have been used to add more modes or online options. The repetitiveness will break through after a while and may make this title one that will take a backseat to other video games.

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Oct 24, 2017

Ubisoft needed to recapture the magic that made the series great in the first place, and it seems it has done so. It's just all the quintessential problems within said magic tag along for the ride.

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8 / 10.0 - The Station
Feb 18, 2018

The Station plops the player in an interesting political situation in the reaches of space. What to do when you finally discover an alien species that’s borderline barbaric to each other raises some interesting questions. Gameplay may not be as interesting or groundbreaking, but anyone who’s played a short adventure game will be right at home. The only problems you have to worry about are a few unclear solutions and a rather short playtime for the game’s premise. Other than that, fellow sci-fi lovers, welcome to a satisfying journey in space that doesn't include shooting something.

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4.5 / 10.0 - Apex Construct
Feb 19, 2018

I know many likened Apex Construct to Horizon: Zero Dawn in some capacity and I’m here to tell you that notion needs to be ripped, stomped on, and thrown away. There’s too many problems that gradually grow to the unforgivable sort. A game can’t succeed when shooting and picking things up are hardcore victims to lag and registration errors and performing the same requirement to progress the story. There are small glimmers of light that shine in this title except it’s like looking for a hay in a needlestack. You may be proud once you find it, but there’s much pain to go through first.

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