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Kyle Durant


Favorite Games:
  • Kingdom Hearts

44 games reviewed
74.5 average score
80 median score
65.9% of games recommended
8 / 10.0 - The Station
Feb 18, 2018

The Station plops the player in an interesting political situation in the reaches of space. What to do when you finally discover an alien species that’s borderline barbaric to each other raises some interesting questions. Gameplay may not be as interesting or groundbreaking, but anyone who’s played a short adventure game will be right at home. The only problems you have to worry about are a few unclear solutions and a rather short playtime for the game’s premise. Other than that, fellow sci-fi lovers, welcome to a satisfying journey in space that doesn't include shooting something.

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Mar 9, 2018

Burnout Paradise Remastered brings me back to the happy times of teenage gaming. Being able to play one of the greatest racing titles again, on the PlayStation 4, is a delight. I realize being a major fan of the original release skewers my perception slightly, but I am aware my nostalgia plays a role in my enjoyment. As I mentioned, the only positive things here in terms of a remaster are slightly improved textures and playing a beloved racing game again that holds up amazingly well. There’s no new content of any kind so this experience falls into the slight upgrade category. Here’s hoping Alex Ward and Fiona Sperry over at Three Fields Entertainment can come up with something brand new in the true Burnout spirit.

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7.9 / 10.0 - Dishonored 2
Nov 14, 2016

"Dishonored 2 will absolutely dazzle you with its gameplay, level design, crafting, and exploration methods. Never have I had a more thrilling experience making my way diversely through a world. Just don't expect that level of joy with the rest of the game. The story won't get to you emotionally but it is passable. The real problem you have to worry about is that the A.I. makes a bag of rocks look like a meeting of top thinkers. Not without its flaws, then, the game is still easy to recommend for fans of the previous title and whomever likes non-linear adventures."

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Sep 5, 2016

Nuka World is a fun 10-15 hour adventure. It's just a shame the beginning and end felt incredibly lackluster. The new areas to explore are superb, the new weapons and enemies bring good change to the game, and my inner child couldn't be happier with the setting. If only the plot in this DLC wasn't just tacked on to an already great idea of having an amusement park in Fallout. Still when I finished Nuka World I was satisfied with my twenty dollar purchase. After all some say Fallout's fun is in the exploration and discovery and that's exactly what you have to look forward too here.

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7.9 / 10.0 - Headmaster (VR)
Oct 21, 2016

"In the end, Headmaster is pure, simple fun. It's a basic premise but it was a lot more entertaining then I thought. The experience is definitely enjoyable in slow bursts and even exhilarating in my opinion. However, play it for longer than an hour and the cons will become apparent. As for if it's a good launch title, I would err on the side of yes absolutely. If you're a sports nut in particular, I'd say you would get the most out of this VR effort."

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7.5 / 10.0 - Tiny Trax
Jul 24, 2017

Tiny Trax was a blast for an hour. That's how long it took me to play on all the circuits available. The gameplay was tight, the A.I. was slightly overpowered, and the positions for your all-encompassing view were a delight to experience.

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7 / 10.0 - Unholy Heights
Sep 18, 2016

"Unholy Heights is a great real estate, simulation title. I originally enjoyed controlling prices, amenities, deciding who got a room, meeting all the various creatures, and in turn controlling satisfaction. It's just that this might get old because of the many difficulty spikes in order to extend the game's completion time. As tower defense experiences go, Unholy Heights is enjoyable but just kept from being a must buy due to difficulty mismanagement. Seeing as how this was released on the 3DS, I could easily recommend this for short/medium drives with the Vita's remote play feature."

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7 / 10.0 - Thumper (VR)
Nov 9, 2016

"Thumper offers enough to get people thinking about the future of rhythm games that don't include Guitar Hero or Rock Band. The visuals and soundtrack offer something that developers seem to shy away from nowadays and the gameplay, while not without its problems, is fast-paced and exciting. Gamers will probably be disappointed with the fun factor shift halfway through the experience but what's here is definitely a promising start for the genre within the PSVR ecosystem."

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7 / 10.0 - Dead Effect 2
Jan 29, 2017

"Without a doubt, Dead Effect 2 is the most enjoyable sci-fi, zombie shooter for twelve bucks. The story may be average at best but the gameplay and amount of options to utilize are awesome. I can't deny that I enjoyed shooting whatever Badfly threw at me, and the surprising amount of replayability the destruction offered. Considering this was originally a mobile game, I can see many people developing a guilty pleasure over this space faring adventure."

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Feb 21, 2017

"It may not tread new ground, but Mervils: A VR Adventure is a decent start to platform RPGs on PlayStation VR. I can even say with confidence that if this released twenty years ago, you'd be seeing it as an underrated video game on top ten lists today. The story and gameplay are incredibly oversimplified but the platforming and minimal exploring make this a virtual reality endeavor worth experiencing. If nothing else because there's not a lot of other titles in the same genre out right now."

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6.9 / 10.0 - 100ft Robot Golf
Oct 10, 2016

"In the end the gameplay isn't great. It's up to you and your compensation to pull through on that regard. However, every other aspect of 100ft Robot Golf is excellent. Largely thanks to the campy, cheesy story and hilarious dialogue. Which I found more than enticing to deal with the title's gameplay shortcomings. It's just a shame that once the plot ends, you basically have a broken golf game. I'm sure patches and fixes will improve everything considerably but at the moment all we have here is an arcade-like golf game failing to reach the plateaus it strived for."

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Aug 6, 2017

This spaceship shoot'em up will draw you in with interesting sounds, nice art design, wonderful weapons, and acceptable gameplay from industry standards. Just after it does, you might be kicked out by the repetitive levels, enemies, and lack of appropriate difficulty though. This is definitely one fans of the genre will enjoy and might even make a few new fans. However, if you were like me as a child Graceful Explosion Machine won't change your mind about these types of games. There's just not enough diversity going for it to have that effect.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Final Fantasy XV
Dec 7, 2016

"The story and writing really let Final Fantasy XV down. Even the least favorite entries of the series have a coherent narrative albeit some unlikable ones. Characters are either here for no reason or haven't been developed in any way and certain actions/lack of knowledge between our main heroes really deprive this experience. I'm just glad the gameplay, combat, and interesting open world to explore redeemed Final Fantasy XV from obscurity. I take no pleasure in feeling this way about the highly anticipated title and I literally fell into a small depression after I beat the story. There are good ideas to like here but none of it comes together better than a high school literature project. If gameplay and exploration isn't enough to sate you (ala No Man's Sky) then this title may well be one to avoid."

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6.5 / 10.0 - NHL 17
Sep 12, 2016

NHL 17 is more like the previous entry in that fun will mostly take a backseat to simulation/realism and the problems that entails. There is fun to be had when the cons keep to themselves but it happens a bit too much. However, all the customization and game modes will keep you busy for a very long time. Especially if you need to take breaks because you grow a little frustrated. In the same vein as those who enjoy racing simulators, sports fans will enjoy the latest entry into EA Sports' series but it will be another year that greatness wasn't achieved once again.

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6.3 / 10.0 - A Bastard's Tale
Oct 6, 2016

"A Bastard's Tale is definitely for the old school and self-hating gamer. Its core design is good and can provide a nice, "screw you" challenge that some of us love. I just wish that it wasn't so hard to tell which way to defend sometimes. The complete experience isn't terribly long but for the price and what's included is fair. It's just up to you if you want to hit a roadblock on most levels and hope you get lucky one of the many, many, many times you retry a level."

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6 / 10.0 - Lichtspeer
Sep 29, 2016

"Lichtspeer had all the components for a great arcade “reverse angry birds” game. You predominately throw spears, while stationary, at hilariously designed Germanic creatures and try to eviscerate their faces with their own blood. Alright, I may have gone a bit too far but that is essentially the point of this game. Sadly, certain design choices and technical slip-ups kept Lichtspeer from being a title that wants you to play it for over one hundred hours. Yes, there is a trophy that requires you to play the title for that long."

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5.9 / 10.0 - Perfect (VR)
Dec 14, 2016

"I guess the ultimate question is did I feel relaxed in this space? I suppose so, but only for a few minutes at best. The graphics weren't good enough to sustain a truly beautiful location and the lack of positions to take in the sights didn't offer any complexity. More to the point, only three maps to "escape" to make this ten dollar purchase feel like a tech demo. Sure the PS4 Pro might enhance the experience but I doubt it would change anything major. Luckily, if you just want to listen to some peaceful music, Perfect has you covered. Plus, some of the nature effects are just lovely. This PSVR escapade is a decent starting point for what it's trying to do, but it's just that. A starting point."

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Mar 12, 2017

The main problem is Ghost Recon Wildlands plays like a tight, linear shooter in a giant open world. There is some gameplay to enjoy, but things will get very repetitive really fast in order to fit the open world mold. There's no usual Ubisoft online connection problems and the gameplay can be fun, but only if you're with other people. Even then you'll find yourself getting bored with your mission, objectives, and repetitive gameplay mechanics after an hour. Don't get me wrong, the shooting itself is solid. Just everything around it isn't.

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5.5 / 10.0 - The Assembly (VR)
Oct 20, 2016

"The matter of the fact is you have to enjoy walking simulators to appreciate the few good things The Assembly brings to the table. Even then there still might be some frustration. Certain gameplay mechanics, and especially the graphics, will warrant a few breaks for this short lived adventure. If you can somehow muster to the end, there are some interesting options but the whole thing felt like it could have been grander. What we get instead is a middle of the road and slow-burn mystery that doesn't have a hook. Let alone a compelling narrative."

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Jan 16, 2017

"I can see die-hard RTS fans enjoying Siegecraft Commander. I just don't expect it to make any gamer a fan of the genre. The story for both campaigns is interesting but it won't take anyone on a wondrous journey of entertainment. It's unfortunate that the gameplay may be even worse in that regard. The idea that everything you craft is connected is a cool idea but it falls flat due to inconsistent spawning methods, low structural health, and longer than needed respawn times. Nothing good can come out of the difficulty of a game stemming from mechanics rather than the enemies themselves. With a few improvements the title can be something noteworthy but at the moment it's something I can't recommend wholeheartedly."

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