Justin Oneil

Favorite Games:
  • Metal Gear Solid Franchise
  • The Last of Us
  • God of War

570 games reviewed
75.6 average score
75 median score
48.8% of games recommended

Justin Oneil's Reviews

One of Head Writers and PR here on ThisGenGaming.com. I've been playing games for over 20 years now and play everything from AAA blockbusters to Indie games. You can find me on all the current consoles and on my twitter account.
8.5 / 10.0 - Shooty Fruity
Jan 18, 2018

I'll be the first to tell you that shooting gallery games can get old quick but nDreams seems to do just enough in Shooty Fruity to keep things fresh.

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5 / 10.0 - Mecho Tales
Oct 16, 2017

Mecho Tales isn't a bad game it just isn't very fun to play and doesn't pose much of a challenge outside that final cheap boss fight. The game isn't very long either especially for the asking price. Wait for a sale on this one unless the art style alone draws you in.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Knack 2
Sep 12, 2017

Knack is back and has improved himself enough to warrant being played by any 3D platformer fan.

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8 / 10.0 - The Escapists 2
Sep 4, 2017

There are quality of life upgrades here but The Escapists 2 is still that same challenging, unforgiving prison simulator that you either love or hated.

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8 / 10.0 - Nidhogg 2
Sep 4, 2017

Nidhogg 2 doesn't reinvent itself but rather just adds more to an already great multiplayer formula.

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7.5 / 10.0 - ChromaGun
Aug 27, 2017

ChromaGun is a fun and challenging first person puzzle game that achieves what it set out to be. The game constantly kept challenging me to think in new ways on how to mix the colors and use what I had at my disposal in order to reach my goal. I wasn't fond of having to replay portions though every time I made a mistake and I made a lot as a got further and further into the game. If you can look past that and are a fan of puzzle games ChromaGun is a must play in my opinion.

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Aug 27, 2017

I was blown away by Uncharted: The Lost Legacy and it now stands as probably my second favorite Uncharted game just behind Uncharted 2. Chloe shines brilliantly here and is backed up by some strong supporting characters. The production values here are nothing short of impressive either especially for the asking price.

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9 / 10.0 - ICEY
Aug 8, 2017

If you call yourself a fan of fast action games than ICEY is a must play for you. This game wasn't on my radar at all but it is one of the best indie games of 2017 that I've played. Fast, responsive combat mixed with a beautifully drawn world and a narrator who actually speaks to what the player is doing all combine to form a true gem.

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5 / 10.0 - Leaving Lyndow
Aug 8, 2017

To me it really does seem like a paid demo and I think you can find better things to play for 30 minutes of your time than this.

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Jul 30, 2017

Infinite Minigolf is a fun and easy to pick up and play game that anyone I think can enjoy.

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Jul 17, 2017

You don't see many open world games that feature absolutely no combat and Prideful Sloth I think took a gamble here making a game like that. However their small team succeeded in my eyes as Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles was a relaxing and entrancing game to play through.

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10 / 10.0 - Persona 5
Jul 16, 2017

When I was around 20-30 hours into Persona 5 I thought it was a fantastic game. By the 100 hour mark and upon finishing my first playthrough I realized this is a truly exceptional game.

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Jul 1, 2017

For those of you who are Star Trek fans it's probably the best game based on this license ever made.

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9.5 / 10.0 - Nex Machina
Jun 22, 2017

Nex Machina is yet another classic game from Housemarque and I feel it is the pinnacle of the twin stick shooter that every game that follows it needs to strive to match.

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Jun 9, 2017

Giant Sparrow had me worried about What Remains of Edith Finch with how quiet the game was for several years but I see now they were just working on nailing every little inch of this game. The story of Edith and her family is going to be one I remember for a long time. The characters, house, music, voice acting, and narrative all came together beautifully and I encourage anyone that is a fan of story games to play this game and do it knowing as little as possible.

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6 / 10.0 - Spellspire
Jun 4, 2017

While I've seen this kind of word building game on PlayStation before I did enjoy my time with Spellspire at least for awhile. In short bursts it can be fun but if you sit down for any length of time and play through it the lack of gameplay variety will quickly have it feeling stale.

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May 27, 2017

Puzzle Showdown 4K won't disappoint those who enjoy putting puzzles together as it is packed with plenty of them and options to vary them up. For those who don't like puzzles there really is no point for you to pick this game up though. It's a relaxing game to wind down to and kill some time but it can also bring some nice competition if you play it with family or friends.

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So while Skylar and Plux: Adventure on Clover Island didn't turn out to be a great game liked I had hoped it is a good first try by Right Nice Games and something they could build on in the future. If you're in the mood for a solid 3D plaformer it's worth checking out. Just don't expect it to surprise you with originality or last you very long.

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May 19, 2017

Overall Black & White: Bushido stands out for its visual style and cool hiding gameplay mechanic but the lack of modes and almost current none existent online player base will limit the audience for this game. If you however are looking for a fun new local multiplayer game to play with friends I highly recommend it.

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7.5 / 10.0 - VR Invaders
May 7, 2017

VR Invaders: Complete Edition is a ton of fun with tight responsive controls and great graphics and audio. It runs into the same problem many other VR games have right now though and that is that it’s short and doesn’t have a lot of content. It only lasted me around two hours before I kind of got bored with it but in that two hours I had a lot of fun with it. If what is here sounds worth it to you and you don’t mind the short length I highly recommend it.

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