Matt Eakins
If you want a fun, pretty mindless party game for you and your friends, it's not the worst choice. It's fun, but short on gas.
Without being overly flashy, Spellsworn aims to be accessible and enjoyable, and it nails that when everything is firing on all cylinders.
Developer 34BigThings offers a unique, engaging, and plain old fun game with Super Inefficient Golf. Though it's painfully short, it's an excellently crafted experience.
If you want a slow-moving, brick-by-brick resource gathering sim, then this might be yours. But if you're looking for something with deep complexity, endless creative options and rich world-building, you should probably look elsewhere.
From the beautiful colours that fly past you, to the wondrous creations of destruction you can craft, Blasters of the Universe is filled with things to love.
Despite my love of the 90s and all its radicalness, I won't be eagerly returning to this one, no matter how rad it may seem.
PSVR has found its champion, its poster child. Quill is so happy to have you join her on this journey, and the camaraderie you two create is unforgettable.
The total package offered by Under Night In-Birth Exe: Late[st] is one worth checking out.
Playing off the wonderful formula of Until Dawn, but polishing whatever rust was there, it succeeds in nearly every task it sets out to do. It is chilling without being cheesy. Horrifying without being overt. Disturbing without being grotesque.
Hand of Fate 2 is a defiantly different powerhouse fuelled by pure imagination. Speak to The Dealer, he has a story to tell, and he needs your help writing it.
I hadn't taken my 3DS out in a while, and I wouldn't recommend taking yours out for this one. Creeping Terror isn't a game devoid of any good moments, but it's one where they are so sparsely placed that it feels like you ended where you started, with the same questions.
Playing through Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon is a strange balance of joy and determination — long periods of boredom tend to surround shorter pockets of enjoyment.
Much like the original, Destiny 2 will be a second home for me and my friends. A place we can share laughs, hardships, defeat, and joy. That, in part, is what makes the Destiny 2 universe worth visiting: the brilliance of quality game design bringing people together.
While it does have cracks on its surface, underneath those cracks, Songbringer sings a beautiful tune.
There isn't really anything to be said negatively about Defiant Honor, other than, like Dragon of the North, I just want more.
Theseus is a story brimming with excitement and wonder, thrown into an experience ripe for improvement. Developer Forge Reply picked a great myth to tackle, and one that works astoundingly well in VR. The shortcomings are too numerous, however, to be overlooked.
It's a responsive, smooth experience, but Ancient Amuletor lacks the depth it needs to be a truly worthwhile PSVR title.
Aerea‘s story is great, the concept is lovely, but the execution doesn't hit the right note. It's colourful, full of bombastic music and character, but lacks depth and fluid gameplay mechanics.
Monolith is clearly a game with a lot of heart and it shines through with every moment.
The best analogy for NBA Playgrounds is that it's like a leaky ship. The exterior, with its charm and aesthetically pleasing look, hides an interior rife with small missteps and annoyances.