Can Arabacı
- Planescape: Torment
- Diablo II
- The Curse of the Monkey Island
Even if you're a huge Fairy Tail fan, stay away. In fact, if you're a huge Fairy Tail fan, you should especially stay away!
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We have a much more different and packed Diablo IV than we had a year ago. There is plenty of endgame activity now and it shows that Blizzard really is listening to it's community's desires, so we can say Diablo is back on the race. If you haven't played it for a while, now is the time to try again.
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If you have Playstation Plus, it's an ideal game to play for free and linger for a few hours. But it's a bit too small in diameter to pay for it. Actually it would fit into Hogwarts Legacy just fine.
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The War Within heralds a return to that Warcraft vibe we've been craving for many years. It's hard to speak too soon without seeing how the expansion pack does in MMOs, but if they can keep this momentum going, we may be facing one of the best expansions of WoW.
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Last Epoch is an ARPG that has great ideas on paper but often stumbles when trying to implement them. But if you somehow persist in climbing that first ramp, the rest goes downhill anyway...
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While it retains some of the flaws of the first game and is far from satisfying story-wise, it is a unique experience in terms of adventure with an open world that is fun to explore. Struggling to beat dragons in a sandpit has never been so enjoyable.
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There is a new contender for the "which Final Fantasy game is the best?" debates now. But if you ask me "which is the best Final Fantasy VII?", them we have a clear winner.
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We wouldn't object if they sold such a big, comprehensive and good DLC. But the fact that they're releasing it for free is incredible. And the fact that it complements Ragnarök even more is priceless.
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Persona 5's winning streak continues. Tactica is a Phantom Thieves story that, while narrowly missing perfection, is definitely worth playing.
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The games are good, MGS is good, the package is not bad... Visually, if they had a little makeover, it could have been perfect...
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We praised Larian a lot for Divinity: Original Sin 2, but Baldur's Gate 3 is without a doubt their masterpiece. It's an experience that deserves its name in every sense and trilogizes the Baldur's Gate saga in a spectacular way. If it makes up for its shortcomings with an Enhanced Edition, we can easily call it one of the best games of the 2000s.
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Darkest Dungeon II is a game that deserves to be evaluated independently from the first game, a game that paves its own path by moving in a different direction. With that in mind, it definitely deserves to be played.
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Diablo IV is definitely one of the best games Blizzard has ever made. And possibly the best story they've ever told.
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We have a great Star Wars experience that not only gets rid of the weaknesses of the previous game, but also strengthens these sides.
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Capcom somehow managed to bottle the same lightning twice! Resident Evil 4 Remake is everything you expect from the reimagining of the same game. My only gripe is the missing Separate Ways story. If they eventually add it as a DLC, then this should be the definitive best version of the timeless classic that is called “Resident Evil 4”.
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The best game ever to come out of the Wizarding World. Especially if you're still a fan of the series... It's an experience worth playing, even if it stumbles at times in the long run.
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It will undoubtedly take some time for Blizzard to regain the trust players lost, but to be honest, Dragonflight is definitely a solid step in that direction. If they keep their communication with the players and continue on this path, it may be the expansion that saves WoW which hit rock bottom with Shadowlands. We'll see if they can manage this or not.
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Ragnarök is here, and it is everything you expect from a God of War game (and some more). It has the personal, emotional storytelling of GoW (2018), epic and brutal battles of Greek-era and a unique, interesting take on Norse mythology. It's a beautiful and satisfying sequel through and through...
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Gwent offers a pleasant single player experience if you don't miss seeing it. Although the mechanics are not as complex as the original Gwent and Thronebreaker, its more simplified structure works in harmony with the Roguelike genre.
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Three Hopes tried to spice up the classic musou formula while staying faithful to the essence of Three Houses. If you like Fire Emblem you won't regret playing it, but if you're not famiiar with genre it may take some time to get used to.
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