Ed Orr
A gorgeous piece of skateboarding. The culmination of everything we've come to expect from OlliOlli with a heart-warmingly wholesome approach that reminds us anybody can board if you've got the urge.
A fantastic follow up to an amazing remaster. this off the wall adventure takes the core of an iconic set of Freelance's finest and keeps it strange in higher definition. Get Sam & Max Save The World then get this.
There’s an open ended element to Grow that makes it something special. Far beyond the inviting graphics and the urgent environmental tale it tells, this is a thoughtful and deliberate balance of cute and considered gameplay concepts that make it a serious time sink.
New World is not a paradise for all comers by any means. It's an escape for those willing to put up with some oddly misbalanced elements to get a taste of some really excellent PvP encounters. If you have a guild ready to grind out results and become kind of the mountain then New World is worth a look.
The Last Friend isn’t an overly deep game but some of the classics aren’t either. It is a knowing mix of beat ’em ups and tower defense titles wrapped up in a beautiful glossy finish that would make a collies coat seem dull. The pacing is more akin to a mobile title than a night long raid, but that’s all part of this game’s overwhelming charm. If you have a few hours to spare then, whether it’s collecting all the canine cohorts or bashing end of stage bosses, you’ll find The Last Friend puts a smile on your face.
A wonderful homage to classic RPG gaming that takes classic concepts and polishes them up with a level of care that is rare to find.
In the long run, Surgeon Simulator 2: Access All Areas is not a game about keeping poor Bob from bleeding out, however. Sure, there are plenty of scalpels and lots of missions but once you’re done cracking ribs with a bar stool or lighting up a lung it’s not the seasonal rewards or cosmetics that will get you coming back for more. Instead, Surgeon Simulator 2: Access All Areas will live or die by your creative skills rather than your deft scalpel skills.
A wonderfully laid back tale that side steps the traditional point and click spam in favour of some gorgeous Miyazaki inspired artwork. Get this if you have a lazy evening to use and you'll come out smiling.
Grime is, much like its central character, an odd amalgamation of ideas, from Souls based RPGs, to platforming punch em ups, all oddly twisted into something that looks like a little nightmare all its own. If you’re looking for something different but utterly beautiful, then Grime is worth your time.
A solid silly and utterly joyous romp through the Norse realms with a soundtrack that can row for days.
Sure, the idea’s aren’t genre defining and the story itself is a bit of a cheesy romp, but when my biggest complaint is that the port to Nintendo Switch could really have done with narrative and UI text that isn’t minuscule, there’s not a lot wrong. Pathway is a wonderfully upbeat ode to adventure flicks of old. The deliberately arcane pixel art shines though while the tone and setting never make gameplay a second fiddle.
Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade is an amazing but very pricey upgrade to a game that quite rightly got our Game of the Year 2020. Graphically, the difference this time around is notiacable and the brand new DLC is a fresh new look an an adventure we've played out many times before.
A wonderful coming of age adventure wrapped up in a gameplay loop that never asks much but delivers a gorgeous world to explore. Stonefly isn't going to save the world but it might make your insides a wee bit warmer.
A fantastic follow up to The Darkside Detective. A Fumble in the Dark is even more of the same irreverent action and spooktacular silliness from the best beat cops in Twin Lakes PD
A really lovely twist on sandbox RPGs that draws inspiration from choose your own adventure novels right through to Slay the Spire. Definitely for those itching to get off the dice and make your own luck.
A nice follow up to a much loved Doctor Who episode and a fun found phone game all rolled into one. For Doctor Who fans, there's more than one reason to keep your eyes on this new adventure.
As you dig into this tale of survival, I can’t help feel that it would have been better suited to a 2D point and click. The Uncertain: Light At The End does play on establish genre tropes but still manages it convincingly. Where it falls down is when it jams in odd immersion breaking puzzles and drops in yet another bug. Uncertain is an appropriate description for this tale of tin and while I’d give it a whirl once it’s had its chrome plated spit shine, I would hold off for some Walking Dead with better footing.
As day turns to night and summer speeds on, it’s obvious that this painless play style is entirely necessary. There are rarely enough hours in the days and the day/night cycle will rarely give gamers enough time to do much more than dash in and get a little of what they need, so frugal use of your time is utterly vital. Still, whether you’re ready to build the busiest town imaginable, officially become the cutest small hamlet in history or a famous fishing maestro you can. Littlewood is a picturesque escape into a magical world that doesn’t expect anything more than your own enjoyment. If you’re sick of the pressures of daily life, then quit being a hero and take some time in Littlewood, available on the Nintendo eShop now.
Despite Earthblood's roughshot ride over opportunities to dive deep into the lore of Werewolf: the Apocalypse, the focused exploration of this end of the World Of Darkness manages to deliver a bloody good time when the claws come out. It's just a shame that some of the loftier ideas are let down by repetitive stealth gameplay and poorly developed mechanics.
With a fairly direct narrative, this might not be the sort of game that you’ll head back to replay often but this is an experience worth picking up. Bloober Team’s latest story manages to be both unsettling and engaging in equal measure. The presentation is fantastic, the characterization and voice acting is great, and the nods to other horror tropes is knowing rather than sloppy. This team from Krakow clearly know their chosen genre inside out and while it might be hard to fully discuss this new horror title without ruining the twists in the tale, I can be certain that The Medium will make you think twice about your next vacation.