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Critic Reviews for GRIME
Grime is a highly accomplished Souls-like action-RPG that delivers a hefty challenge without being punitive.
Grime is a brutal rocky beast of a Metroidvania, set in a strange and truly alien world of bizarre monsters and darkly-beautiful landscapes.
Grime is a beautiful, well-designed, challenging game with a ton of content, but it runs extremely poorly on Switch, to the extent that it's hard to recommend this version of the game if you can get it on another platform. It's disappointing, because Grime does so much right, and developer Clover Bite has clearly put a lot of love into it over the years. But all of that love can't save an action game that just doesn't run well. In this genre, that's a deal-breaker. It's a shame Grime's Switch debut is so rocky, because playing as a rock creature with a black hole doubling as its cranium is really cool. Don't get us wrong: Grime is playable on Switch, but until (or if) things get ironed out with updates, this brutal world is one you might want to avoid.
Grime is simply a phenomenal game, and is one of the best hardcore Metroidvanias I've played in a while. I'd advise any fan of the genre to seek it out and give it a try, and I promise it won't disappoint.
Grime is a superb indie gem that will delight fans of challenging games. While its design is influenced by Metroidvanias, the difficulty and mentality are straight from From Software's book. There's some issues that are being worked on by the developers, but the combat is so good here that backtracking through areas rarely feels like a chore. In short, Grime is an essential purchase for anybody seeking a real challenge.
Grime does a great deal of things in metroidvania and soulsborne gameplay quite well. It’s got an engaging combat system full of customization and fun weapons. Additionally, the ability to absorb enemies for unique abilities is a really great way to individualize your playstyle. It’s also got some incredible environments to explore chockfull of unique enemies and platforming to overcome. I really wish it had a better handle on fast-travel because of how tough and frustrating it can be. That aside, Grime is an invigorating, fun, and challenging journey with a rather outlandish story and a great handle on action-RPG platforming and combat.
GRIME is an excellent soulslike metroidvania. Starting from a solid and consistent base layer that takes heavy inspiration from Dark Souls and Hollow Knight, it brings to the table its own ideas and concepts in order to offer an experience with its own rich personality. Inspired bosses, especially in the second half, and an excellent gameplay complete the package. Highly recommended.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Coming back to Grime many months after its release, I’m still impressed with the game’s art, combat, and its smart variations on the Soulslike genre. The new, generous, free DLC adds a significant amount of excellent content and rewards the player community for its commitment to the game. As it was when it released, Grime is still one of the best recent Soulslikes and the Colors of Rot only makes it better