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Claire Ferrin


415 games reviewed
60.0 average score
65 median score
61.9% of games recommended

Claire Ferrin's Reviews

Content creator - reviewing games since 2013! Also loves anime, film, manga, and cosplay.
3.5 / 10.0 - Gal*Gun 2
Aug 14, 2018
Gal*Gun 2 (ACTUAL Game Review) [PC] video thumbnail
3.5 / 10.0 - We Happy Few
Aug 10, 2018
We Happy Few (ACTUAL Game Review) [PC] video thumbnail
7 / 10.0 - Pool Panic
Jul 19, 2018

Definitely knocks it out of the park when it comes to creativity. The levels are fun and the game world is vibrant, but the game does lack a real options menu and the lock-on mechanic can be annoying.

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The gameplay itself is fun and the weapon variety is great, but the crashes really kill a lot of the fun. Outside of that, the game world is rather bland, but at least that doesn't break the game.

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The base game is excellent and the inclusion of the different modes and DLC is cool too, but it is a shame that the majority of these additions are just lazy reskins of the base game.

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5.5 / 10.0 - FRAMED Collection
Jun 28, 2018

A fair puzzle collection overall, even with the drop off in quality between the two. The mechanics are interesting and the soundtrack is excellent, but the game is brought down by its <2hr length.

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6 / 10.0 - Youropa
Jun 26, 2018

Youropa may have some technical issues, but it is still a decent puzzle game overall. The puzzle design is excellent and works well when combined with the game’s aesthetic.

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7 / 10.0 - Solo
Jun 20, 2018

Although it may not be the game for everyone, Solo manages to tell a captivating story while also having some excellent puzzle design. However, there are some technical issues, mainly with the camera.

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Jun 19, 2018

For a game that was in development for years and was funded as much as it was, it is pretty disappointing. Barely takes 2 hours to beat and that is on top of the repetitive gameplay stretching it out.

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Jun 17, 2018

Although CTB may have some technical flaws, it is still a great fighting game at its core. The streamlined skill/combo system shakes up the formula in a good way and the large cast helps too.

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For an Idea Factory game, Sorcery Saga is pretty good. The dungeon crawling may be simple, but it is quite fun. Even so, the game does suffer from some minor annoyances and a subpar story

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Jun 13, 2018

While the game does lack in terms of official content, it is fun regardless. The community levels provide for limitless playability and the gameplay itself is perfect to unwind to.

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4.5 / 10.0 - Moonlighter
Jun 12, 2018

Moonlighter is a fun game, but only when it works. The mix of shopkeeping and dungeon crawling elements was excellently done and the upgrades are cool, but the crippling bugs ruin the experience.

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4 / 10.0 - Jalopy
Jun 10, 2018

The simulation aspect of the game is great and the upgrade system is pretty cool, but it is still such an incredibly buggy game. The game should have stayed in Early Access.

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6 / 10.0 - Hex Two
Jun 8, 2018

The game may devolve into a mess of trial and error later on, but it is still a decent puzzle game overall. There is plenty of content and the accessibility features are nice to have as well.

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Jun 6, 2018

Shape of the World is a pretty nice meditative experience. The aesthetic is really cool and the music is excellent, but the game is rather short and lacks replayability.

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