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Claire Ferrin


415 games reviewed
60.0 average score
65 median score
61.9% of games recommended

Claire Ferrin's Reviews

Content creator - reviewing games since 2013! Also loves anime, film, manga, and cosplay.
Jun 5, 2018

Pretty good strategy game overall. The combat is engaging, the number of characters is vast, and the delegate feature is pretty handy. However, the graphics are rather subpar.

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Jun 1, 2018

If you are tired of the constant drama and love triangles in most VNs these days, then Fureraba can serve as a breath of fresh air. The pure love story and hilarious writing make it a nice read.

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May 29, 2018

All of the elements for a good beat 'em up are definitely there, Die for Valhalla! just does not use them properly. The combat is made to be repetitive and the level design is just lazy at times.

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May 29, 2018

The unique blend of metroidvania and pinball is done excellently and with a great aesthetic to match. The world is also full of secrets to find, but is victim to a number of boring fetch quests.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Hexologic
May 29, 2018

The gameplay is good and the atmosphere is indeed relaxing, but it is extremely short, with most puzzles being completed in just seconds. Even so, it is fun during that time.

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7 / 10.0 - 39 Days to Mars
May 25, 2018

Its simple, yet fun puzzles make the game quite accessible and the short length prevents it from growing stale. It is not worth it as a singleplayer title, but is fun to play with a friend or relative.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Juicy Realm
May 23, 2018

Pretty good game overall with a cool art style and some unique weapons. It does suffer from its very short length (roughly forty minutes) though.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Ancestors Legacy
May 21, 2018

It is not the greatest strategy game in the world, but it can be fun at times. The campaigns are easily the best part of the game, even if the combat can be tedious and buggy.

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May 18, 2018

The customization and upgrade system is pretty cool, but it does not make up for the frustratingly repetitive gameplay. The port itself isn't good either, having several control and UI issues.

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3.5 / 10.0 - Bullet Witch
May 13, 2018

The port itself is great, but the underlying game is just bad. The gameplay is dull, the enemy variety and AI is lacking, and the voice acting is just cringy.

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May 9, 2018

The story may be average and the game may have some blurry art, but the setting and game length make up for these faults. It is a nice little love story that is great to experience in the moment.

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May 3, 2018

Although a few technical issues do still exist, Ys VIII is still a fantastic JRPG. The combat is fun, the story is interesting, the soundtrack is excellent, and there is a ton of content to wade through.

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7 / 10.0 - Masters of Anima
Apr 26, 2018

With its great gameplay, fun exploration, and nice art style, Masters of Anima pretty much checks all the boxes for a game like this. It is, however, brought down by some confusing controls and a couple useless guardian types.

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2.5 / 10.0 - Extinction
Apr 22, 2018

It may be blanketed with a great art style and some slick animation, but what lies underneath is an incredibly boring and repetitive game. The frustrating controls and movement also do not help.

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4.5 / 10.0 - Dark Rose Valkyrie
Apr 17, 2018

Despite the cool combat system and character designs, Dark Rose Valkyrie simply lacks in several other areas. The gameplay grows repetitive, the optimization is not the greatest, and the graphics are rather subpar.

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Apr 2, 2018

While the effort is obviously there, it is just not a good game. The game’s defining feature is painful to use, the sound design is subpar, the combat is just bad, and there are quite a few bugs.

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6 / 10.0 - The Station
Apr 1, 2018

While the storyline may be decent, the many plot holes and cheap horror elements definitely do not work in the game’s favor. The experience is short though, so these elements do not completely ruin it.

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Mar 26, 2018

Despite some annoyances with a few of the enemy designs and the grindy nature of the game’s upgrade system, it is still a decent game. The good art and level design certainly help in that regard.

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Mar 22, 2018

Attack on Titan 2 is a fantastic game adaptation of a great series. The movement is fluid, the combat is fun, the game is optimized well, and there is plenty of content to play through.

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Mar 20, 2018

A weird experience, but combined with the good puzzle design, it definitely is worth it. The platforming can be frustrating at times and the game cannot seem to decide if it wants to be linear though.

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