Diego Cinelli
An action rpg that offers a solid combat system and interesting encounters (albeit with a never really demanding challenge), but fails to tell a story that can hold on to the player.
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We Are OFK is an intriguing visual novel, which in its best moments knows how to suck the player into the emotional vortex of the story, while following the birth of a group that is virtual, but strangely realistic.
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A soulsborne that lacks refinement, but manages to entertain thanks to an interesting combat system - even if the challenge is certainly not the most difficult ever to appear in this subgenre.
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DNF Duel is a surprisingly deep fighting game, that doesn't require a whole lot of learning to be enjoyed. Mechanically interesting and with a very diverse cast of fighters, this videogame has the potential to entertain both new players and old fans of this genre.
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From Yokai to creatures of the darkest Western legends: Sunbreak expands the world of Rise consistently - and not just through monsters. The techniques available to players multiply, in one of the most layered hunting experiences ever.
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Rough, sometimes intriguing, sometimes frustrating: Salt and Sacrifice does its job, but it doesn't always go smoothly. The Mage hunting sequences are clever, but the pieces of the puzzle sometimes simply don't fit together.
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Moss: Book II, the second part of Quill's journey is a much more complete and engaging experience. Building on the experience accumulated with the first chapter, Polyarc has built a sequel with ingenious puzzles and clashes with enemies that, although not particularly difficult , manage to maintain tension thanks to the variety of high interactions possible between the player, the environment, the enemies and the protagonist.
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Young Souls has a beat-em-up heart and an RPG brain. And, at the end of the day, when you jump into the fray, your heart commands. The action is compelling and has a good pace, and the self-irony that reigns in each text gives the game that extra something that helps it build its own identity.
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A compelling game, which loses a few shots due to a narrative that is not quite up to par.
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JETT - The Far Shore is an adventure that, at its best, conveys a sense of absolute freedom to the player in the exploration of an alien planet. The setting is full of ideas ... and it is a pity that many of these are not fully developed during the story. From a stylistic point of view, the contrast between the minimal graphic style and the orchestral soundtrack is excellent and gives a unique character to the work.
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Kena: Bridge of Spirits is an excellent debut. Even if the story ends a bit in the background, the beauty of the world, the animations and the combat system make the adventure of Kena and his friends Rot's truly memorable.
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TOEM is a light and funny story, which makes you put your hand to the camera much more often than necessary. Nothing can be done about it: the temptation to capture in an image the beauty, the light-heartedness and the joy of the creatures that inhabit this world is too much to ignore.
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Hoa is a sweet and light story, which systematically avoids complicating things too much to remain an adventure within everyone's reach - missing out on a few opportunities to challenge the players, while managing to maintain a good pace from start to finish.
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Pokémon Unite is a fun and carefree MOBA, at least until you realize how much time you have to spend accumulating resources to upgrade your characters without spending money. The premises are good, despite the fact that it is a game that risks very little: it will be the long-term strategies that will determine the goodness of the project and, of course, its success.
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With Guilty Gear -Strive-, Arc System Works has found a formula to make accessibility and depth coexist. The characters are memorable and the game mechanics guarantee always varied games, despite more limited move lists and combo routes than in the past.
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Monster Hunter Rise adds interesting elements to the basic formula of the series, also managing to present its contents to new players in a gradual manner. Yet it can't help but seem, in a sense, an unfinished game.
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The First Samurai is the worthy conclusion of a long journey, which reunites (without too many surprises) the beginning with the end in this epic narrative of a cycle of events that seems destined to repeat itself forever. Team Ninja recycles the formula of the first Nioh to bring to the most insatiable players an end-game able to entertain them for some time, without shining for inventiveness, but aiming for a pleasant more of the same.
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The Pathless is not a big game and doesn't want to gamble too much, but knows which aspects to really bet on. The heart of the game experience is exploration and does a good job of making you fully enjoy the rides and flights over its small but fascinating world.
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Spirit of the North: Enhanced Edition is a short and lighthearted adventure that boasts a good visual department but is crippled by several annoying technical problems.
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Just Dance 2021 is not a revolution but a confirmation, like every year. But, like every year, he also reiterates that his is a winning formula, which shows no sign of fading.
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