Paolo Besser

70 games reviewed
80.8 average score
81 median score
60.0% of games recommended
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7.8 / 10.0 - FORECLOSED
Aug 12, 2021

Foreclosed manages to condense in a single game a decent shooter, a basic role-playing game and, why not, even a bit of science fiction thriller, which doesn't hurt. The problem, however, is who exactly this game is meant for: it is too light as an FPS, too basic as an RPG, and the puzzles aren't deep enough for an adventure. It needs someone who wants to simply live a cyberpunk experience, as long as your expectations aren't set too high.

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Jul 24, 2021

If you liked Schizm and its sequel, you will simply love Nemezis as well. However, 15 years later, we'd expect something more, with a slightly enhanced gameplay, while Nemezis is just a harder, shorter "more of the same" of Schizm 2.

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5.8 / 10.0 - Open Country
Jun 14, 2021

A brave outdoor life simulator in which you have to explore, hunt, and carry out repetitive tasks and missions completely devoid of appeal. The result is a game that is beautiful to look at (for its price) but rather boring to play; only recommended to the most motivated players.

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8.8 / 10.0 - Days Gone
May 18, 2021

Days Gone provides a good challenge and an interesting story, which should make PC users really happy about this port from PS4. Technically speaking, it's a fairly good game with excellent graphics, a good soundtrack and expected stability. Some little quirks here and there, but it will keep you busy slaughtering monsters for a while.

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May 6, 2021

Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition for PC is an add-on that enables advanced ray tracing effects and it works only on RT-ready video cards from AMD and Nvidia. While it does look impressive on PC, it may be more interesting for next-gen console users, since it makes the most of advanced graphic capabilities of PS5 and Xbox Series X|S.

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8.6 / 10.0 - R-Type Final 2
Apr 29, 2021

R-Type Final 2 is an aesthetically brilliant 'reboot' of the classic arcade game by Irem Corporation. Old players will feel at home, either when approaching the game with the strategies of the past, or when they try to change habits by exploring the new possibilities offered by the game.

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8.6 / 10.0 - Spacebase Startopia
Mar 26, 2021

Spacebase Startopia is a next-generation reboot of an amazing, 20-years old sci-fi strategy game, with the same approach to gameplay but a fairly renewed graphics style, perfectly fitting the funny dark humour that pervades our star bases. It's incredible how Spacebase Startopia manages to look modern even today: further proof that good ideas never get old.

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7.4 / 10.0 - Lust From Beyond
Mar 16, 2021

Lust from Beyond is a more-than-average first person adventure dealing with difficult topics, such as psychiatric diseases, sexuality and the very idea of a cult based exclusively on physical pleasure. It does so by building an almost convincing narrative structure, without skimping on the crude representation of sex and violence, managing to maintain a difficult balance with all the other components of the game. The technical quality, however, is fluctuating, with 3D models that seem to come out of some game 20 years ago, animations at the limit of decency and sudden "coughs" of the script.

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Mar 1, 2021

Curse of the Dead Gods is a roguelike hack'n'slash with fast-paced action, and an immediate but also very deep combat system.

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Feb 1, 2021

Redout: Space Assault is an aestetically brilliant rail shooter, with a casual-gamer oriented gameplay but a lot of sci-fi appeal. Pleasant graphics, good sountrack and low price.

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7.9 / 10.0 - Exit Limbo: Opening
Nov 21, 2020

Exit Limbo: Opening is a violent, charismatic and gore-ish beat 'em up which is not only a videogame, but also an heavy metal band. Just what you need to kiss any pent-up sense of frustration goodbye, for example after a tought day at work or, even worse, of domestic captivity during the lockdown. Immersing yourself in its bloody ultraviolence is somehow liberating and it does not matter if proceeding, at first, will be tough: once you get the hang of the complex control system and the wide range of moves available, dismembering all the enemies will be really fun.

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8.7 / 10.0 - Noita
Oct 29, 2020

Original, challenging and incredibly deep, Noita is a roguelike capable of surprising every time you launch a new game. If you like tough challenges and love this genre of games, Noita is really for you. It doesn't cost much and guarantees plenty of hours of exploration, disruption, killing and fun. But beware: it's tough. Really tough!

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8.2 / 10.0 - Let's Sing Queen
Oct 3, 2020

A karaoke based game with the best and most famous songs from Queen. If you love singing and you're not scared by Freddie Mercury's challenging voice, you'd have a go with this.

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7.6 / 10.0 - Serious Sam 4
Sep 26, 2020

Joy, cheerfulness and the gleeful sounds of carnage accompany us in the carefree fragfest that is every battle, but still Serious Sam 4 feels old: it's like going back to the nineties without anything having changed. In its simplicity, Serious Sam 4 is the very essence of old school shooters, condensed into a dozen hours of gameplay. It represents first person shooters as they were in the beginning, in the fabulous beauty of their original sin: a bloodthirsty naivety made of exaggerated weapons, alien bits and frenetic battles against unreal hordes of enemies.

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Sep 25, 2020

There is no middle ground for BPM: either you love it, or you hate it. Personally, I feel this game crosses the line between challenge and frustration, offering a learning curve that is almost impossible to climb if you are not a true FPS lover. The soundtrack is excellent and the bundle with it is worth your money, but if you're not a very, very patient person with lightning-fast reflexes and an excellent sense of rhythm, you better look somewhere else.

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8.4 / 10.0 - Okunoka Madness
Sep 8, 2020

OkunoKA Madness is an eye-catching, compelling and graphically pleasing platformer, a bigger and more ruthless version of the original game for Nintendo Switch. It is incredibly well suited for the PC as well, as long you're playing on a joypad.

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7.6 / 10.0 - Metamorphosis
Aug 22, 2020

The world of Metamorphosis is surprising, imaginative, intriguing and full of color, although a certain poverty of the 3D models and textures betrays the independent nature of the project. All in all, a very interesting twist on Franz Kafka's novel.

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Jun 24, 2020

A Namco-centric collection of classics, which will be interesting exclusively to ex-Nintendo owners. Not exactly a mandatory buy for the others.

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8.1 / 10.0 - Fury Unleashed
May 13, 2020

An awesome, compelling but repetitive rogue-lite shoot 'em up with a lot of enemies to kill, and a comic-style story to discover, game after game.

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9.2 / 10.0 - HyperParasite
Apr 3, 2020

Exterminate all humans in this funny, complusive, frenetic rogue-lite classical shooter set in a crazier version of the Eighties.

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