Erickson Melchor

69 games reviewed
77.6 average score
80 median score
68.1% of games recommended
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Jul 15, 2024

Kunitsu-Gami Path of the Goddess is an amazing game deserving of a spot in Capcom's roster of games. I don't see it as something that'll get the Resident Evil treatment of world-building, but it is nonetheless another hit from Capcom. Hopefully, we may see another collaboration with Okami if the stars align. I highly recommend this game for players who enjoy a lot of hack-and-slash action in their games and wouldn't mind a small dose of RTS to round out the experience.

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7 / 10.0 - Sons of Valhalla
Apr 5, 2024

Sons of Valhalla may have fallen short in a couple of categories but it made up in the ones that truly matter, particularly in the gameplay department. You can also complete the campaign in a little more than 8 hours. I’ll still take that over any bloated open-world collect-a-thon any day. If you like 2D action games with a hint of base management, you can’t go wrong with Sons of Valhalla.

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Mar 25, 2024

Rise of the Ronin, in its entirety, is a Jack of all trades and master of none. It is a sampler platter of many design ideas stitched together, held in place with a captivating story and likable characters. If you are a fan of Team Ninja’s unique blend of combat and/or the time period this game takes place, then you are in for a treat. Just know that combat won’t be forgiving and you probably won’t like all the busy work. But barring all that, it is worth a couple of playthroughs just to see where the story possibilities go even if you can’t change history in the way you would’ve liked.

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10 / 10.0 - Helldivers II
Mar 4, 2024

Helldivers 2 is what every future live service game should aspire to be going forward. Beyond the stellar gameplay and the community building, we need more games like this and Deep Rock Galactic. Not the stress-induced run towards extract kind, but rather games that respect players’ time and money. Just don’t feel pressured to buy everything from the store just yet. The war is far from over and there are yet more sinister forces at play here pulling the strings from behind the scenes. There’s no better time than now to get into the thick of the action.

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Jan 29, 2024

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth isn’t just an adventure, it’s the whole damn package. By the time you reach the end credits, you’ll have done so much that you can consider yourself a true Hawaiin through your deeds and notoriety. You’ll have lost yourself in the scenic views and forged bonds with dozens if not hundreds of people. Most importantly of all, you’ll have gotten to know the people closest to you during the entire ordeal before ending your trip the only way Yakuza games know how – dramatic and over-the-top. If you love the Yakuza series, This is one you’ll want to keep in your library.

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Oct 31, 2023

RoboCop: Rogue City is the sequel to RoboCop 2 we wish we had. The developer’s adherence to the source material is to be commended. Never did I think that the game was something only fans could enjoy. The action is thrilling while the side quests serve as a nice distraction from non-stop shooting. Sadly, minor performance issues and visual bugs hinder this title from ascending the ranks even further. There’s also the developer’s conscious choice of reusing characters for background characters. But despite the shortcomings, Rogue City is a game I highly recommend as it goes above and beyond the call of duty.

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9 / 10.0 - Sea of Stars
Sep 4, 2023

Sea of Stars is greater than just the nostalgia that inspires it. If it’s not through gameplay and minigames, then it’s the story that’s going to win you over. It may have had one awkward plot point involving bread but the message behind it was well-received. After 45+ hours of gameplay, I am thoroughly convinced that Sea of Stars is well deserving of all the praises it has accumulated over the years in development. I wholeheartedly recommend this game to more than just RPG enthusiasts.

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Aug 30, 2023

Shadow Gambit The Cursed Crew hits all the right notes when it comes to a stealth strategy game. It would have been an okay game even without the memory shenanigans regardless. But that simply wasn’t going to cut it. It’s clear that the developers wanted this title to be of the highest quality possible. And it shows. Shadow Gambit is a solidly entertaining game that has the same level of awareness as Guybrush breaking the 4th wall. I can’t recommend this game enough if you are into stealth strategy games.

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9 / 10.0 - Remnant II
Aug 28, 2023

Remnant 2 is the closest thing to a perfect sequel as far as video games are concerned. It strikes that delicate balance of remaining faithful to the game that came before it while branching out in hopes of not being called a DLC for the game before. If you have played and loved the first Remnant game, you owe it to yourself to experience Remnant 2 sometime in the near future.

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Aug 28, 2023

Ultimately, Aveum is a fun time while you are in combat and quickly forgettable once you’re out. If you’re into lots of colorful explosions or particle effects in general, this game’s for you. For everyone else, it might be better to wait for a hefty price cut before playing it over a weekend. Admittedly, I had a bit of fun. But those moments are clearly highlighted after suffering entire segments of monotony and absolute boredom. There’s a good game in here, somewhere. But it is drowned out by meaningless mechanics meant to artificially extend playtime.

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Mar 8, 2023

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty offers a mixed gaming experience. While it attempts to blend elements from the “Souls” genre with Team Ninja’s signature combat, it falls short in storytelling and gear management. The combat system shines as a highlight, offering a satisfying and challenging experience. However, the game’s repetitiveness, issues with progression, and lackluster story may deter some players. In the end, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty has its merits but also a fair share of rough edges, making it a title that will resonate more with fans of Team Ninja’s combat style than those seeking a seamless “Souls” experience.

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8 / 10.0 - Atomic Heart
Feb 20, 2023

Atomic Heart is brilliant, well-intentioned, and yet flawed at the same time. Much like Dr. Sechenov. While I complained a fair bit about the gunplay and abilities, I was genuinely impressed with the enemies and bosses. On top of that, I walked away from the experience wanting to know more about the world of Atomic Heart. And finally, melee combat ended better than I expected. All these factors are enough to give the game a favorable outlook. If you’re in the market for an interesting FPS puzzle-solving experience, this might be what you’re looking for. If you’re looking for top-notch FPS action, you’d best look elsewhere.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Wild Hearts
Feb 16, 2023

Wild Hearts succeeds in areas other games take for granted. Whereas other games focus too much on fitting a mold, Wild Hearts takes said mold and runs with it. The amount of freedom afforded to the player in terms of movement is refreshing and only limited by one’s creativity. Unfortunately, for all its gains, its momentum is slowed down by technical and performance issues. Nothing game-breaking but each one distracts from what could have been an outstanding ARPG. Take some time and allow for patches to clean most of it up. But if you’re a fan of this genre of games, you have more reason than most to pick this up right now.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Rollerdrome
Aug 16, 2022

All in all, Rollerdrome absolutely nailed it in terms of gameplay but it came at the cost of other aspects such as the story. The two-tier system of guns and tricks is so well done that I constantly find myself trying to outdo my previous score because I know I can do better. Unfortunately, the game failed to tie the overarching story and gameplay together in any meaningful way. If it’s stylish action you’re looking for, Rollerdrome’s got that covered for a while. It’s just a shame that doesn’t offer much else.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Two Point Campus
Aug 4, 2022

Overall, Two Point Campus is a stellar addition to the Two Point series of games. The game is a perfect complementary piece to Two Point Hospital. There’s always something new to look forward whether it’s new item unlocks to decorate your campus with or new locations with their own set of challenges, you are guaranteed something new right up to the ending of the game. And just when you thought you had a handle on things, the game throws curve balls at you in ways you never thought possible in a Two Point game. But hey, that’s Two Point County in a nutshell. If you like management games with a light sense of humor, I strongly recommend this game.

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7 / 10.0 - Hard West 2
Aug 4, 2022

Overall, Hard West 2 has some interesting ideas but is ultimately held back in part because of a reliance on RNG mechanics that frustrates more than anything else. But a memorable cast of characters does save the game from being too one-dimensional… if you are willing to take the time to get to know your crewmates a little bit more. It’ll depend on your mileage but Hard West 2 does delivery where it counts, even if it has some additional luggage.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Souldiers
Jun 9, 2022

Overall, Souldiers is a unique title that honors old-school tough-as-nails platformers while offering something familiar to contemporary RPG enthusiasts. I wish I knew that going in but I suppose It all worked out well in the end. I ended up liking the game for completely different reasons. And hopefully, other players can give this title a try too. Maybe once the balancing issues have been sorted out.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Dolmen
May 30, 2022

Overall, Dolmen is a hastily assembled mess of a well-intentioned game. It is like a wannabe sports car. No matter how pretty it looks on the outside, if it’s running on a 2-cylinder engine underneath the hood, there are going to be awkward looks all around. But in the end, it’s going to depend on your millage. As much as I dislike the all-style, no substance presentation, I have to admit that some of the features are actually quite enjoyable. It may look pretty from afar. But its style over substance approach is what ultimately dulls the experience of this otherwise decent soul-like shooter.

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May 9, 2022

Overall, Wildcat Gun Machine is a decent shooter. There are aspects of the game that feels unpolished or even rushed but the core gameplay loop is fun and that is what should ultimately matter. Hopefully, the game gets better through patches. Cause as it is right now, it’s only worth a single 6-8 hour run with hardly any reason to go for a second or more.

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4.5 / 10.0 - Babylon's Fall
Mar 8, 2022

Babylon’s Fall is a failure on multiple levels made worse by a plethora of outdated ideas and Square’s reluctance to innovate on the games-as-a-service model that ensures that it’ll never stand out in a sea of other mediocre live service games. This would have been an ok game if it weren’t for the premium track battle pass that really doesn’t seem to appeal to anyone. In its current state, it’s not worth the asking price.

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