Edie W-K

65 games reviewed
71.1 average score
70 median score
60.0% of games recommended
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May 29, 2021

Operation: Tango gets the look and feel of being a secret agent team absolutely right, with a cool soundtrack to boot. But it’s held back by its hit-and-miss gameplay, which can range from super cool to frustrating. A longer campaign may have let the gameplay expand and deepen, but with only 6 short missions and little replay value, it ends up feeling a little shallow. The upside is, this makes the game a perfect candidate for some DLC.

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May 5, 2021

New Pokémon Snap is a fantastic sequel to a much-beloved N64 classic. It improves on everything from the original game, and the opportunity to snap cute pics of our favourite Pokémon with upgraded graphics is worth the purchase alone. Due to a few small annoyances, it falls short of being a masterpiece, but it’s certainly nothing that will ruin your enjoyment. New Pokémon Snap was worth the wait, and it’s a must-have for any Pokémon fan.

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Series fans will enjoy this game no matter what. But if you are a series fan, I’m assuming you’ve already played it on PS4. If you’re looking to buy it on another platform, the evidence stacks up in favour of the PC version because of the Switch’s downgraded graphics and lack of achievements unless you really want that handheld portability. If you’re not a series fan yet, then go back to page 1 and start at the beginning. This game will not make a lick of sense to you.

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7 / 10 - Root Film
Mar 17, 2021

Despite my problems with some of the storytelling, I enjoyed Root Film a lot. The beautiful anime-style art and relatable characters are more than enough to make up for my temporary frustrations, and I was happy to just be along for the ride. As an avid mystery game fan, I’ll guzzle down as many of these as publishers translate, so the fact that it wasn’t a perfect 10/10 doesn’t bother me, as long as the ending is satisfying – which for Root Film, it is

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Feb 17, 2021

I can safely say that any fan of Caesar III or Pharaoh will want to pick this one up, despite its problems. It’s fun enough to play around with, especially with building the temples, but it just doesn’t do any one aspect of city builders better than games that already exist.

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If you played the original release to bits and have sorely been missing its absence, this rerelease will be everything you wanted. For those of you like me who perhaps have let your nostalgia for it run away with you, it’s still a good game – but it’s no masterpiece, especially for those who are not fans of old-school beat-em-ups. It’s a little dated now since games like Streets of Rage 4 have raised the bar for the genre, but Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game – Complete Edition is still a fun, nostalgic title that’s great to play with friends.

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Dec 11, 2020

At the very least, Orwell’s Animal Farm made me want to read the original book after a decade of resenting its inclusion in my high school curriculum. I can see what the game was trying to do, and I had a passing amount of fun with it, but it’s just not engaging enough to play for more than a few hours. I can recommend Orwell’s Animal Farm only as a curiosity for fans of the novel.

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8 / 10 - Bugsnax
Nov 12, 2020

No matter how many times I get frustrated at the little things, I can never stay mad at Bugsnax. It’s got a perfect blend of exploration and narrative, with a story that climaxes in a surprising but satisfying way. It’s not exactly a Blockbuster title for the next generation of consoles, but it’s a delightful adventure with hidden depths. Due to the clunky controls while using a controller, my recommendation is for the PC version, but it’s a great time either way. I’ll be back to Snaktooth Island to catch more Bugsnax very soon.

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5 / 10 - The Signifier
Oct 23, 2020

The great ideas within The Signifier make it all the more frustrating when the overall experience doesn’t leave you with anything memorable. If it were expanded upon, the sum of its parts could make an amazing experience. The game has some shining moments in the memory sequences, but its ending does nothing with the fascinating threads offered up by its middle.

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Sep 16, 2020

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim is an amazing experience, and not just for Sci-fi or Mecha fans. Its unique combination of genres is refreshing and exciting, and its art style is the most gorgeous thing I’ve seen all year. The combat doesn’t quite match the majesty of the rest of the game, but it’s more than good enough to see the player through. It’s definitely worth it to see the ending which, while complex and difficult to fully understand, is a masterpiece.

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Sep 2, 2020

Crusader Kings III is for a niche audience: its own fans, and any new player that has the patience to learn how to play over multiple playthroughs (though it’d be faster to watch tips and tricks videos on YouTube). If you’re not a member of this audience, tread with caution. It’s a lot of looking at menus, clicking options, and waiting for all those in-game years to pass. If you are, however, it’s an experience you don’t want to miss. An imperfect tutorial is an annoyance, but it’s small potatoes compared to the majesty that awaits you on the other side.

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Aug 25, 2020

Taking into account everything No Straight Roads does right and wrong, it truly does feel like a game from the 2000s that I would be nostalgic as hell for.

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6 / 10 - Necrobarista
Jul 21, 2020

For all of my criticisms, I can’t stress enough how much potential I see in Necrobarista. From its fascinating supernatural setting to its amazing and dynamic art style, a sequel to this game would be an instant buy from me. If it’s going to stay as a standalone though, it needs more substance. Either way, I am excited to see more of Route 59’s work. They’ve created an incredible world and an even more incredible visual novel style.

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Jul 15, 2020

Paper Mario: The Origami King is a great game with plenty of reasons to keep you exploring – it’s just missing that Wow factor that Paper Mario needed to put it back on top of the charts. Just don’t come in expecting it to be like the old games and you’ll have a great time.

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Jun 27, 2020

My recommendation is for the mobile versions, as the graphics and the tap-and-swipe controls are clearly optimised for it. It’s a reasonable price on both mobile and PC though, so take your pick of platform.

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6 / 10 - VirtuaVerse
May 13, 2020

The premise, art, music, and potential are all fantastic. But when it came time to actively engage with the game, I was hindered by unremarkable characters and poorly-conveyed puzzles.

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Mar 20, 2020

"... if you want a relaxing lifestyle experience that’ll last you years, I can’t recommend this enough."

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7 / 10 - Kana Quest
Mar 12, 2020

Whether you want to learn Japanese or not, I would recommend Kana Quest. Just make sure you play with earphones for a taste of those chilled out jams.

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Feb 12, 2020

Arc of Alchemist could have been a fun tactical RPG. Trouble is, it’s squashed between outdated exploration, a half-formed battle system, and a general lack of polish that altogether makes the game’s flaws impossible to look past. Within the context of the many fantastic JRPGs that are out there, I can’t pretend Arc of Alchemist is worth your time.

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Liked - Neo Cab
Oct 5, 2019

Neo Cab makes me wish that big-budget publishers did games of this nature.

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