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Jamie Tarren


Favorite Games:
  • Fallout 76
  • Rainbow Six Vegas
  • Gears of War

36 games reviewed
71.0 average score
70 median score
55.6% of games recommended

Jamie Tarren's Reviews

Founder and Editor-in-Chief at Complete Xbox (www.completexbox.co.uk). Lover of Lucozade and father of 2.
Jun 2, 2018

Drive on Moscow is a niche strategy title that will likely immediately switch off a lot of players. It’s gameplay has a lot to be learnt and that takes time, and to be honest I wouldn’t spend that long with it if it wasn’t for this review. However if you do enjoy this type of game and spend the time to learn how to play, then I’m sure it will deliver short bursts of thought provoking gameplay.

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May 22, 2018

Raging Justice has a modernised feel, but lacks the enjoyment and excitement I felt for Streets of Rage when I used to play with my friends locally back during my childhood. Maybe it’s because it felt all too similar to Streets of Rage. Despite this, at its low price, I would still say it’s worth picking up from the store.

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May 12, 2018

Masters of Anima offers a different gameplay experience, relying on a combination of your own tactically play and your Guardian choice to progress and defeat enemies. There’s a nice challenge offered throughout, nothing too difficult, but enough to push you. If you enjoy tactical arcade style games, then Masters of Anima may very well be for you.

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May 9, 2018

In terms of story length, the game lasts about 2 hours, but offers a loop of playing the storyline again, so there’s lots to explore and discover in the house. From secret passages to significant items, traversing around the dimly lit corridors and rooms can be rewarding if you’re out for an interactive narrative experience.

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May 3, 2018

To summarise, The Adventure Pals is a light-hearted adventure filled with comical and enjoyable moments for all. Not only is it highly polished, but it also has an engaging story you’ll want to go back to and play all over again, maybe with a friend this time. I can at last say Castle Crashers has been replaced in my heart.

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Apr 28, 2018

Overall, Emily Wants To Play Too is a new and fun story told in the franchise, filled with new cruel games to play with the dolls and an interesting ending worth playing all the way through for. I won’t spoil it for anyone but I highly recommend picking this up particular as the price is cheap.

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80% - Ys Origin
Apr 18, 2018

Ys Origin launched alongside two other JRPGS: Earthlock and Regalia: Of Men and Monarchs in the ID@Xbox program. Could this be a turning point for Xbox to have more from this genre? I really do hope so, as consoles need to branch out into more niche genres like this and despite its age, the game feels so refreshing thanks to its intriguing gameplay and beautiful soundtrack.

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Apr 10, 2018

There are too many game mechanic flaws to Extinction to even begin to enjoy the glimpse of the game. Not only that, but the devs choice on the game’s direction was a missed opportunity. This would have been a fantastic open world adventure game, here’s still hoping they follow this up in the future.

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74% - Minit
Apr 4, 2018

Would I recommend Minit? Absolutely if you like challenging puzzlers with a sense of adventure. The 60 second timer creates a frantic playing experience and has you rushing to get to A to B whilst also being precise where you go. Obviously this isn’t going to be everyone’s cup of tea.

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Mar 30, 2018

In terms of length, putting it’s difficulty aside, the game is fairly short and I think there were only 4 friends to rescue spread across about 1-2 hour long levels. So Where Are My Friends? Will offer a challenge for those budding platformer lovers among us.

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Evidently from its superb voice-acting, this is a highly polished game. The lighting and facial animation on characters looks realistic and the manor itself has an eerie but warm feel to it. There are also points of interest such as adorned artifacts and paintings, which if you take time to endure, you’ll be thoroughly impressed by the attention to detail and historical accuracy.

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Mar 6, 2018

Graphically, the game holds up well with the odd occassional screen tear when water physics come on screen. However in regards to magical spells flying around on screen, the frame rate is pretty stable and doesn’t affect any enjoyment of the game.

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55% - Ben 10
Dec 7, 2017

Ben 10 isn’t going to push the boundaries for graphics or story. It also isn’t going to win any awards either, but it is a fairly solid game aimed for fans of the show and children.

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Based upon the storyline so far, I’d have to give the game my recommendation so far and if you’ve not checked out the first episode, I’d definitely tell you to go buy it. If you like your detective storyline’s, then this is definitely a title for you

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Feb 29, 2016

I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed LEGO Marvel Avengers and found myself playing it a lot after work, especially for its relaxing and humorous LEGO fun. I’d not only recommend this for kids, but also adults, as a lot of these films are most likely ones you’ve watched many times and enjoyed and playing it in a video game felt unique and refreshing.

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Nov 25, 2015

I really enjoyed Knight Squad and have to say the gameplay was nostalgic for me having played Bomberman a bit in the past. Additionally the game looks great visually and offers a nice variety of game modes for you and your friends to get stuck into one night.

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