David Flynn

314 games reviewed
78.1 average score
80 median score
59.8% of games recommended
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Jun 13, 2024

Monster Hunter Stories may be the lesser game compared to its sequel, but that doesn't mean it's not worth playing. It's a fun, lighthearted take on the monster collecting genre with a deep battle system and tons of Monsties to befriend. This version is better than ever, with gorgeous visuals and hammy voice acting, and is worth a try for any RPG fan.

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Jun 12, 2024

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance is the definitive way to experience SMTV. The new story is much more interesting and makes a perfect entry point for Persona fans, though it does miss out on some important plot points. The tweaks to combat make things feel that much tighter and strategic. With new bosses that even veterans will struggle with, Vengeance feels like an entirely new game.

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I want to love El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron, but the HD Remaster on Switch is not the place to do so. It runs so poorly you can't even navigate menus properly. Even besides those problems, the action and platforming are incredibly bland and the story is nigh incomprehensible, even as someone who loves artsy titles.The visuals are drop dead gorgeous and the voice acting is good, but that's not enough to carry a game.

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Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door on Switch shows why the game is considered one of the best in the first place. It's a magical, fun, and hilarious adventure with some dark turns that give a new perspective on Mario's world. Additions and changes are sometimes small, yet very significant, but this remake doesn't quite make the game a painless experience. Even so, it's well worth playing again and again for a reminder of why we fell in love with Paper Mario in the first place.

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100 / 100 - 1000xRESIST
May 18, 2024

1000xResist is one of those special games from a team of individuals laser focused on creating their masterpiece. It's story is meaningful, gripping, and heartfelt. This is a work of art you absolutely need to play.

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May 12, 2024

Endless Ocean Luminous' highs come early, with a relaxing atmosphere and excitement of seeing new sea creatures and learning about them. Those highs quickly drop off and what you're left with is an often frustrating, bland game that completely abandoned what made the series special in the first place.

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90 / 100 - Sea of Thieves
May 3, 2024

Sea of Thieves on PS5 is another great way to play a good multiplayer game. There's a lot more content now than at launch, with tons of things to do either solo or with a crew. With cross-play and save, a wealth of convenience options, and even more coming down the pirate pipeline, this may be the perfect time to brave the Sea of Thieves.

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Apr 26, 2024

The Rising Tide may not offer anything new or novel to Final Fantasy XVI, but it does continue its streak of incredibly polished and fun gameplay. The story is a nice cherry on top of the main adventure, and the Karios Gate mode will keep you coming back for more.

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Apr 23, 2024

Sucker for Love: Date to Die For is a surprisingly heartfelt, wholesome dating sim between a girl from a small town and a goat from beyond the stars. The comedy takes a backseat here in favor of some very tense horror and incredibly cute romance, though there are still jokes and gags a plenty. It's a short and sweet experience that will shock you, terrify you, and warm your heart.

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80 / 100 - Freedom Planet 2
Apr 22, 2024

Freedom Planet 2 suffers from many of the same problems that plagued the original game, with the additional problem of having way too much combat, but remains a delightful speed platformer at its core and is worth running through for any fans of the genre.

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My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! -Pirates of the Disturbance- feels like a few episodes of the anime put together into a well made visual novel package. The writing can feel clunky, but the charm of the characters shines through. Fans of the show, manga, or light novel will find something to like here, and otome game fans will find a game with a ton of options and robust ease of play.

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Horizon Forbidden West Complete Edition is an incredibly polished PC port with all the bells and whistles you could possibly ask for. It looks and runs incredibly, with the ability to tweak visuals and performance to suit your device. Nixxes continues their perfect streak of ports, and this is a fantastic way to experience Aloy's second adventure.

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95 / 100 - Hi-Fi Rush
Mar 18, 2024

Hi-Fi Rush comes back to the stage in a pitch-perfect port that may well be the best version of the game. It looks gorgeous and runs flawlessly, with the DualSense features being a great addition to the game.

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Feb 29, 2024

A compelling game lies at the heart of Penny's Big Breakaway. If you're willing to give it the proper staging and some time to practice, it will put on a great show as a speedy platformer with a fun learning curve. However, getting to that point requires seeing past its many distracting elements. I enjoyed my time with Penny, but if we're being honest, I think she needs to polish her act.

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Feb 29, 2024

Splatoon 3: Side Order can be a fun and interesting take on the rogue-lite genre, but there's simply not enough here to sustain everything the game wants you to do. There's too much repetition here, and as a result the DLC leaves me feeling unsatisfied.

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Feb 23, 2024

Arzette: The Jewel of Faramore revels in the absurd animation of the Zelda CDI games while avoiding most of their pitfalls. The princess' romp through Faramore is wacky and fun, with secrets to find around every corner and a new NPC with a hilarious cutscene just over the horizon.

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65 / 100 - Foamstars
Feb 15, 2024

Foamstars can be a blast under the right conditions. It's colorful, fast, fluid, and has a great party atmosphere. It's also disgustingly over monetized, has terrible voice acting, and a boring single player mode. When you're in a match with players of a similar skill level playing as your main, it's a ton of fun. But with only three main modes the fun can run out fairly quickly. Who knows how long Foamstars will last, but even with the negatives it's still worth giving it a shot.

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Jan 31, 2024

Granblue Fantasy: Relink is yet another bold leap for the franchise and it lands gracefully. The combat is a ton of fun with a massive and unique roster of characters. The game could have introduced characters much better and given them more quiet moments, but the story is nice to watch play out, and it all leads into a massive post-game that will keep you playing for a long time.

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95 / 100 - Persona 3 Reload
Jan 30, 2024

Persona 3 Reload is the best Persona game to date. It reimagines a fan favorite to be the best it can be, even if it does stumble in some ways. There are a few Social Links that could have used overhauling, and the game is a bit too faithful to the original in these ways. However, the overall experience is transcendent and took me straight back to hanging out with my virtual friends in high school, getting to know them and slicing up Shadows. There really is nothing out there like Persona.

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Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy only makes minor improvements to the three games it compiles, but the extras are well worth it for any fan to see. Some textures are still low resolution and the game is still capped at 30 fps across the board, but these are three fantastic games full of humor, drama, and heart.

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