Emanuele Feronato

115 games reviewed
81.4 average score
81 median score
75.4% of games recommended
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8 / 10.0 - Tchia
Mar 27, 2023

Tchia is an open world with many scenic settings to discover and just as many activities in which to engage while interacting with the Caledonian culture. The Soul Jump is one of the best features of the game, which, however, despite a well-told story risks to slip into boredom due to an almost complete absence of combat.

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8 / 10.0 - The Last Spell
Mar 9, 2023

The Last Spell combines RPG, Tower Defense, and City Builder genres, with the extermination of numerous hordes as seen in They Are Billions, managing combat with the beloved turn-based system. The problem is precisly here: each run is a complex and slow chess match that can last a very long time, so those expecting quick sessions may be disappointed.

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8.1 / 10.0 - Elderand
Mar 7, 2023

Elderand is a successful metroidvania take which adds nothing to the genre, but enhances what we are used to see in these games. The only drawback is a lack of action in the first minutes, but then the game starts to get interesting.

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8.4 / 10.0 - Scars Above
Feb 28, 2023

Scars Above is an excellent TPS with a plot that plays a leading role without stealing the show to the action. Due to a wave of alien monsters or some environmental trap and the above-average difficult, Kate Ward's every step is likely to be her last. Character growth is not as important, but anyway it remains a game that entices us to progress just to find out what new surprises are awaiting.

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Feb 24, 2023

void* tRrLM2(); ///Void Terrarium 2 with a well-designed dungeon crawler section could have been a great game. Unfortunately, the roguelike is far too simple and the new features added to the first chapter are really few, and mostly concentrated in crafting, making the gap with the rest of the game even clearer: you will really have to love Toriko like a daughter in order not to give too much weight to the shortcomings of everything that is not found inside the Terrarium.

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7.4 / 10.0 - Wanted: Dead
Feb 14, 2023

Wanted: Dead features a very fun combat system mainly based on the use of a blades, full of ultraviolence, combos and devastating final techniques, but it lacks a bit in everything else: the AI is inefficient, the mini-games are sometimes a pointless break between missions and the plot though interesting to follow constantly breaks up the action. Can this blade galore be enough to justify its purchase? Definitely yes, if you loved slashers of the very early 2000s, otherwise you may find the offering a bit sparse.

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Feb 9, 2023

Everything is very simple and fun in SpellForce: Conquest of Eo due to the bare-bones 4X gameplay, where the important thing is almost exclusively to come out victorious in battles in order to advance in the main story and side quests. Turn-based combat is the game's highlight, tactical but fast-paced. The offering probably won't please all SpellForce fans, but it will certainly enlist new ones.

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8 / 10.0 - Warlander
Jan 23, 2023

Warlander is a high-quality MOBA with a hack 'n' slash combat system that works well even in the most chaotic online situations. Regardless of the task at hand in battle, there is never a shortage of action, whether you seek for a fight to break through enemy lines or stay in the rear building defen-sive machines. Character growth and equipment provide satisfaction, and even without the Battle Pass, a lot of rewards can be unlocked. I am a bit afraid about the importance of in-game purchases, however, since the upgrades are not all merely cosmetic but directly affect player stats.

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Jan 3, 2023

Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator simulates the life of a novice alchemist trying to pave his way to fame and glory discovery after discovery. As in real life, it requires dedication and perseverance, which do not always go hand in hand with casual game philosophy. The system of moving along the alchemical map will entice you to experiment for a few hours in search of the ultimate formula, but an uninspired endgame relying on grinding might turn away even the most ambitious alchemists. If you're looking for an original sandbox puzzler and aren't afraid of repetitive gameplay, it's definite-ly an interesting game.

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8.1 / 10.0 - Hell is Others
Dec 14, 2022

Hell is Others is a mix of genres among which survival horror looter shooter stands out, but once you have acquired the right equipment, the Free for All mode also comes into play. Inventory slots reduced to the bone, permanent loss of loot and a rather high difficulty especially at the beginning make us move with circumspection, becoming more and more bold as our character grows. But it is a moment to find yourself back at the beginning, and the feeling of perpetual vulnerability guarantees a constant tension. As in all PvP the future will also be decided by the amount of updates and events entered by the developers, but for the first dozen hours fun is guaranteed.

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8.1 / 10.0 - Lords & Villeins
Nov 10, 2022

Lords and Villeins is a city builder which tries a different approach to the genre introducing families and dynasties, and although it does not revolutionize the gameplay, it gives it some spice of originality. Under the hood, however, it's a solid strategy game for players who love meticulous resource management, supported by excellent visuals that will make happy those who want to spend time in the creation of detailed cities and houses. An above average learning curve could lead to no that satisfying results in the first couple of runs, but nothing that will discourage players who love this kind of games.

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8 / 10.0 - Ghost Song
Nov 8, 2022

Ghost Song is a love letter to metroidvania genre with a huge map, so big that even the portion that can be immediately visited could almost represent a complete game. The game features an excellent graphic design, albeit with improvable animations, and an interesting story to follow despite starting with a little delay. The soulslike component makes things as hard as expected, and while it might annoy players who don't like repeating the same section again and again, it's part of the game. Definitely recommended for those who love exploration, too bad for the limited support for keyboard / mouse combo.

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8.1 / 10.0 - The Chant
Nov 3, 2022

he Chant is a well-made third-person survival horror action adventure, which despite not departing from the formula in which you have to recover a series of objects to unlock a new area and progress in the story, manages to excite thanks above all to the human and fragile nature of the protagonist, involuntarily chosen in a situation bigger than her.

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Sep 27, 2022

Midnight Fight Express is a brutal beat 'em up whose only goal, despite a story with a weird plot, is to slaughter enemy after enemy. Really enjoyable in the early levels when each new skill learned improves the way you fight, it becomes repetitive when you try to complete the secondary challeng-es, which require players to retry a lof of times the same game sequences. Those seeking for perfect completion of the game, however, will find a tough challenge, as the unlockable techniques are quite a lot and all beautifully animated. To be played at a very loud volume to get even more exalt-ed.

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8 / 10.0 - Sunday Gold
Sep 12, 2022

Sunday Gold is a successful mix of a point and click adventure and a turn-based combat game, with a bit of role-playing. Taken individually, these three components would not be that memorable: puzzles can be solved by trial and error, shooting is not very varied, and character builds are quite simple. Combined, however, they represent a successful alchemy capable of transmuting not so precious metals into gold. Flaws become less visible, limitations appear more distant, and one of the most difficult gameplay genres to innovate could find a new youth.

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8 / 10.0 - Arcade Paradise
Aug 27, 2022

I had forgotten that feeling of joy mixed with curiosity related to the unexpected arrival of a new cabinet in the arcade. Arcade Paradise made me relive this. I really liked a lot of the video games, while others, despite being quite good, simply weren't my cup of tea. But if you love retro/hyper-casual genre you will surely find at least a dozen of games that you will want to keep on playing, no matter if you already completed their quests. The managerial section, despite being an original part of the game, is the least developed feature; this is a video game for players who love more action and less thinking.

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Aug 23, 2022

Timothy and the Tower of Mu is a declaration of love for the NES carved in pixels. It's an hard but not frustrating platformer, with lot of contents and secrets to discover. It is unfortunately penalized by an imprecise control system and the lack of configuration options does not help. Players used to jump with precision and timing will ignore these shortcomings, but less experienced players may be put off by the difficulty and be unable to fully enjoy everything Kibou Entertainment created.

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Aug 19, 2022

Endling - Extinction is Forever is, first of all, a survival adventure for everyone since the difficulty setting is deliberately easy, so everybody will be able to enjoy the game at its fullest. The story is compelling and it deals with a pressing issue, exasperating the drama, but never declining into the banality of the so-called "educational games" thanks to the excellent storytelling. The artistic side is also awesome, and we can say that if extinction is forever, a diamond is forever too, so the game can be considered a small diamond that is worth playing.

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8.4 / 10.0 - Hell Pie
Jul 27, 2022

In Hell Pie there was the risk that all efforts made in the creation of a crazy and irreverent storytelling could detract energies and resources from the actual gameplay development. Luckily, devs did not get lost along the way and what we have here is an excellent 3D action platformer, which also entertains us with its demential humor without falling into the trap of being little more than a collection of crass jokes. There are some minor flaws, but nothing major.

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8.2 / 10.0 - Keplerth
Jul 4, 2022

Thanks to a constant hint system always suggesting what our next step should be, Keplerth guarantees a casual approach to the usually hardcore survival genre, as long as you select a low difficulty level. Just like in other sandboxes, you decide how to play, choosing whether to run along the main quest or dedicate to hunting, fishing, breeding, farming, expanding and improving our base. By activating permadeath the gameplay gets as tough as the meanest roguelike and it's worth a try.

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