Lisa Pollifroni

44 games reviewed
69.0 average score
70 median score
59.1% of games recommended
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Destroy All Humans! is a game that serves up high energy 1950s alien invasion realness. For me it ticked all the right boxes – fun, imaginative storyline, freedom to play the game in different ways and satirical humor. Throw in a good helping of 1950s architecture and culture, and this gaymer girl couldn’t help but love every second of this crazy space ride.

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It’s fun, it’s bright, it’s beautiful, it doesn’t take itself too seriously and its constantly changing mechanics keep it from being repetitive. It’s easy to see this game as superficial due to its graphics and light-hearted humour. However, so many of the characters, bosses and environments have been painstakingly researched to make sure it connects with Celtic mythology.

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Oct 20, 2022

New Tales from the Borderlands could have played it safe by using characters from the well-established universe that people know and love. However, Gearbox Quebec's decision to create a whole new bunch of ragtag characters that connect so clearly with Borderland's existing humour, art style, and lore has really paid off. New Tales from the Borderlands isn't a gameplay-heavy game, but the visuals, narrative, and the way the character's personalities are so well-developed kept me riveted and surprised. With what Gearbox has created here, I wouldn't be surprised if we see even Newer Tales From The Borderlands in the future.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Showgunners
May 2, 2023

Showgunners creates a bombastic, colourful, chaotic world that incorporates elements of reality TV, turn-based combat, dystopian energy and characters that grow alongside a strong narrative. All of these elements combined could have made the game a messy experience, but the story kept me engaged, and I felt intrinsically motivated to conquer Homicidal All-Stars so that Scarlett can finally find peace. Showgunners is a successful mash-up, and Artificer's inclusion of various intertwining gameplay features make the game an ever changing, fun ride that made me excited along each step of the way.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Venba
Jul 31, 2023

Venba is a love letter to many things, not just food. It beautifully depicts the story of two immigrants and their struggle to keep their culture alive in a Western society that does not seem to understand or appreciate it. Venba brings together incredible art, sound, narrative, and gameplay that is magnificently entrenched in Tamil customs, leaving the player with not only a deeper understanding but also a deeper respect for this underrepresented culture.

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8 / 10 - Beyond Blue
Jun 26, 2020

Beyond Blue handles educational material successfully. It makes its ideas easy to digest, approachable and most of all, fun.

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Nov 4, 2020

Watch Dogs: Legion is about getting a bunch of pissed off “we’re not gonna take it anymore” people to hit back with their special abilities and give back to the people what is rightfully theirs. People coming together to fight a common evil? I can’t think of something that is more 2020 than that.

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Although it doesn’t bring many new elements to the Metroidvania table, ENDER LILIES: Quietus of the Knights kept me glued to my controller due to its gorgeous art style and its way of enticing players through exploration. The game is a bit of a contradiction – it’s relaxing yet challenging and damaged yet beautiful. Ultimately though, I very much enjoyed roaming the medieval fantasy world of Land’s End and seeing what spirits would join Lily and help her on her quest to cure The Blighted.

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Oct 19, 2021

A Juggler’s Tale isn’t a long game, it will only take you a few hours to complete. However, its length is refreshing in a time where we are surrounded by massive open-world games that can leave us exhausted just by looking at their playtime... this puppet’s tale will make you realise that strength comes in all sizes, even in the shape of a little marionette whose only real talent is juggling.

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8 / 10.0 - Eternal Threads
May 20, 2022

Eternal Threads, at its core, is a story of six people sharing a home and experiencing pretty day to day problems. However, with the added element of time travel and the game’s emphasis on nothing being insignificant, you become invested in the way the characters’ lives play out and the choices you make for them. I found myself cringing when the characters made a mistake, feeling bad when I chose a path that hurt them, and rejoicing when they finally found peace. Due to the way these characters are given believable backstories and personalities, I took the power of having their lives in my hands seriously and made sure that my six new friends received the past and future that they rightfully deserved.

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8 / 10.0 - Tiny Thor
Jun 8, 2023

Although Tiny Thor may seem like a pretty simple platformer when you first encounter it, is actually quite complex. You will need to become a master of Thor's hammer and find the most effective ways to use it in order to progress throughout Asgard. The game never feels stale as each level brings some new gameplay element to continue to challenge the player and offer opportunities to use Thor's hammer in creative ways. Whilst the level of difficulty and the lack of health is a bit frustrating, fans of fast-paced, ever-changing, cute platformers will find a lot to love in Tiny Thor.

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Sep 11, 2023

Goodbye Volcano High is a fun, nerdy, queer narrative adventure that focuses on the last days of high school, and possibly, the last days on earth, for a group of quirky teenagers. Its narrative is full of heart and players will fall in love with its concept and characters. Some gameplay elements can be a bit hit and miss, though overall, you'll likely fall in love with the snappy dialogue and beautiful, wholesome relationship between these dino teens.

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8 / 10.0 - Ultros
Mar 14, 2024

Ultros is a stunning space ride through the trippy landscape of The Sarcophagus that will keep players wondering what secrets they will uncover amidst the captivating backdrop. Though the narrative can be hard to get your head around and the world is easy to get lost in the "gardenvania" concept brings additional magic to the Metroidvania genre. Ultros has paved the way for the genre to not play it safe and is one of those experiences that reiterates how games can still present us with unique ideas and worlds.

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8 / 10.0 - Evil West
Nov 25, 2022

Evil West's gameplay focuses around progression. It loves to introduce new elements like weapons, combat and enemies and then proceed to absolutely smash the player with an assortment of everything they have learnt by the end of each chapter. The constant change in how you play the game is overall satisfying, but its rinse and repeat formula of enemies and mini bosses became annoying the more time I spent with it. The location art and narrative is exciting, but I longed to be given more opportunities to explore and be rewarded for my endeavours based on the enticing nature of each area. Evil West is an exciting ride that will test your reflexes and ability to take on swarms of monsters which will either leave you feeling exhilarated, frustrated or like me, somewhere in between.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Mr. Saitou
Mar 28, 2023

Though Mr. Saitou isn't a long game, it does pack a lot of punch into its three-hour runtime. It takes the life of a miserable, depleted man and shows him the wonders that he could be experiencing if work wasn't his main focus. It's a narrative that seeks to find the light in the darkness of mundane existence when life becomes routine. Mr. Saitou will leave you with a feeling of hope that fun and adventure are around every corner, we've just got to look a little closer to find it.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Magical Delicacy
Jul 16, 2024

There is a lot to love about Magical Delicacy. It is super duper charming and wholesome, with platforming and side-scrolling mechanics that are mostly on the "cozy" side of gameplay. Exploring the very tops and the very bottoms of this world is fun, especially when you manage to uncover new areas of the map. However, the lack of information about some of the cooking methods and navigational hints may leave you a bit adrift in the world of Grat.

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...if you love a silly good time and blowing up a bunch of stuff then you’re sure to love messing around with the Saints!

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7 / 10 - Descenders
Aug 22, 2020

Descenders reiterated one of my motto’s in life – don’t knock it till you try it. I have no inclination in real life to be the next Evel Knievel or do any mountain biking, but I really enjoyed pressing the right buttons to make my little biker gal do tricks and swerve around the tracks like she was born to ride.

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Sam & Max Save The World Remastered looks damn good whilst being charming and super fun to play. For those who love a smart point and click narrative that is super chill and doesn’t take itself one bit seriously, this one has your name all over it!

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7 / 10 - Maquette
Mar 11, 2021

Maquette is a beautiful puzzle game with a catchy soundtrack that really sets the chill yet heart-breaking vibe of the game. The way it messes around with space and depth keeps things fresh throughout and the game looks damn fine, making it an overall positive experience. However, it had an opportunity to make much stronger links between its puzzle world and its narrative world and it saddens me that this didn’t occur.

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