Lisa Pollifroni

44 games reviewed
69.0 average score
70 median score
59.1% of games recommended
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...for those like myself who don’t know much about this world, I’d say it won’t pack enough punch for you to commit.

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Apr 25, 2022

The Serpent Rogue is a game that has a lot going on, which unfortunately has led to most of the game’s features feeling rushed and not fully executed. Keeping it simple would have been a good mantra for The Serpent Rogue to live by, but it instead tries to implement too many things with not enough finesse. The game certainly has interesting researching and crafting elements, with some other unique ideas too. However, it falls short with clunky mechanics and a lack of polish.

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5 / 10.0 - Sifu
Feb 6, 2022

Sifu is a game that could have been something amazing, with its fascinating premise and superbly crafted and fluid combat mechanics and animations. However, the game’s frustrating need to make the gameplay ridiculously hard just left me tired and annoyed. Sloclap really needs to think about how they can make this game more accessible, possibly by including more shortcuts, an adjustable difficulty setting, or just lowering the impact of health lost from fighting your average foe. Hopefully they will bring in some patches that will address these issues, but as it stands, I’d wait before investing time in the world of Sifu.

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5 / 10.0 - Blackwind
Jan 21, 2022

Blackwind presents a sci-fi platforming world that is fun to smash through and fly around its desolate landscapes. However, it sticks with its formula of killing enemies and unlocking areas so tightly that it lacks spontaneity and becomes too predictable too fast. Repetitive music, awkward dialogue and unvaried landscapes all lead to a pretty lackluster experience that even the fun combat can’t fix. Blackwind needs more time taking risks and experimenting with the very versatile genres it encompasses in order for it to stand out amongst the crowded population of action games.

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5 / 10 - The Falconeer
Nov 18, 2020

The Falconeer is a gorgeous game with some meditative elements to its gameplay. But with the good comes the bad, and repetitive and frustrating elements removed any zen the game had conjured.

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5 / 10 - Relicta
Aug 12, 2020

...if you are a fan of the puzzle platformer genre, Relicta may be a game worth diving into. However, if you’re like me and are just starting to dip your toes into the world of puzzle games, it may be better to start with something a little less demanding and come back to this one at a later date.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Arcadeggedon
Jul 17, 2022

When Arcadegeddon does what it’s supposed to do, it’s a rollicking good time. Experimenting with the zany weapon types, getting my butt kicked in the Battle Modes, and interacting with the vibrant neon world is so inviting. However, all those bright and sparkling qualities didn’t matter when Arcadegeddon’s glitches became too obtrusive to ignore. It’s a shame, as the game has a lot of potential to be a fan favourite for those who love to squad up with their mates and have a laugh whilst being challenged. As it is though, I would wait a bit longer to sink my teeth into this co-op experience.

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6 / 10.0 - SOULVARS
Jun 26, 2023

SOULVARS may have been a hit when it came out on mobile in 2022, but its PC version has not made enough changes for it to feel like it is meant to be played on other gaming devices. The game had an opportunity to increase its interactivity by including more explicit instructions, adding many more narrative elements and by spicing up the game's landscape. However, as it stands, I'd be sticking to the mobile version of SOULVARS as the ported version lacks a lot of soul.

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6 / 10.0 - Hindsight
Aug 9, 2022

Hindsight is an interesting analysis of the ways we can play with memories via the use of objects that symbolise important aspects of our lives. The game's mechanic that allows players to explore the protagonist's memories and piece them together will be something that most will connect with as our memories shape the way we see the world. However, it is the pace of these memories that lead to frustration and a disconnect from the story. The narrative, though beautifully written, is constantly repeating itself and becomes tiresome pretty quickly. Hindsight is an aesthetically beautiful game with fun and thought-provoking gameplay that unfortunately lacks in its narrative execution.

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6 / 10 - Gamedec
Sep 27, 2021

Gamedec doesn’t seem to know the benefits of the phrase “less is more” and instead of trusting in the beauty of the world it created, stuck its fingers into too many narrative pies. What is left is a pie full of so many ingredients that it’s hard to tell what the flavour of it actually is; it’s tasty and looks good, but you may be too full to go back for seconds.

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Though running around in circles and fighting battle after battle with samey demons can be more yawn than yay, Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne is a classic that anyone who values the genre should check out, even if it’s merely to delve into the roots of this complicated, intriguing universe.

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Though the game may look like a work of art, there are many things about it that make me think Redlock have released this without adding the finishing brushstrokes.

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Sep 14, 2020

I think the game needed a bit more time in development to truly shine; erase the above issues and it would have been one of my favourite games of 2020 so far due to its magical storyline and Ary’s strength. A bit more time for the devs to fill up the world with more life, make the NPCs less like cardboard cut-outs and give players a bit more direction would make this game really shine.

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Oct 24, 2023

Hot Wheels Unleashed 2: Turbocharged is a fun, nostalgic hit of fast-paced racing goodness that offers players a number of ways to have a good time. However, if you look a little closer, you can see that some of the game's paint is peeling due to the janky nature of its gameplay elements and its over-reliance on player speed rather than quality tracks. Hot Wheels Unleashed 2: Turbocharged is full of charm but fans of racing games may feel that this isn't enough for them to stick around and get turbocharged with Hot Wheels cars.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Varney Lake
Apr 21, 2023

Varney Lake tries to be a compelling thriller that obviously wants to keep its players guessing. The narrative lacked in its ability to keep me entertained and wanting to know what actually happened during that summer. What kept me interested was the way it looked, sounded and made me feel. It pulls off the "pixel" elements but very much fails to live up to the exciting, suspenseful narrative of the pulp fiction genre. If you're into game and audio design, or love the pixel artstyle , you may be able to forgive this, but if you're looking for a narrative that will have you clicking your mouse for more, best look elsewhere.

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Aug 31, 2022

Destroy All Humans! 2 Reprobed is like a younger, more immature sibling of the original. Gameplay wise, it is bolder and more logically put together, but overall it lacks the comedic intelligence that the original presented. Sure, Destroy All Humans! wasn’t exactly an intellectual experience, but it did offer discussions on social commentary that had a lot to say about society as a whole and problems with 1950s America. It seems as though the developers spent more time on improving gameplay than they did on developing a script and story that would offer the same elements of satire and intellect as the first. Although the original was released in 2006, a very different time socially and politically, this remaster could have ironed out a number of the narrative problematic edges. Unfortunately, by sticking with the “nature and soul” of the original release, the world of Destroy All Humans! 2 Reprobed doesn’t quite feel right in this more progressive world of 2022.

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6.5 / 10.0 - FAR: Changing Tides
Mar 30, 2022

FAR: Changing Tides is a stunning atmospheric adventure that makes you feel the ups and downs of sailing through a world that has been destroyed by unknown reasons. It excels at making you feel a connection to your vessel as it develops into something bigger, faster, and stronger throughout your time with it. However, opportunities for a deeper narrative and more rewarding exploration weren’t taken, so this intriguing world never felt fully realised. The tranquil atmosphere and art of FAR: Changing Tides is superb, it’s just a shame the somewhat repetitive gameplay loop wasn’t able to match those same standards.

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7 / 10.0 - LEGO 2K Drive
May 22, 2023

LEGO 2K Drive is an exciting, colourful romp through the endearing world of BrickLandia where everything is breakable, colourful and the good vibes are turned up to 11. The game shows how LEGO is for everyone no matter your age as I was "oohing" and "ahhing" throughout my playthrough at the care that was put into developing a world not made from LEGO but also interesting to explore and race around in. Though the game does have some issues, such as the not-so-enticing Garage vehicle building mechanics, I had a pretty fun time cruising round' an open world where everything is awesome.

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7 / 10.0 - Ten Dates
Feb 14, 2023

Ten Dates highlights the unspoken "rules" of dating and discusses what is needed in order for a date to go well. Though it does tend to follow a stereotypical heteronormative rom-com storyline, it gives the player enough autonomy to choose exactly what their character wants and doesn't want from their love life through each selection of dialogue. It's disappointing that the devs weren't forward thinking enough to allow players to decide on their character's sexuality and therefore force your Misha or Ryan to play as heterosexual. The way the game includes a chance flirty encounter with the same sex isn't realistic and makes same sex relationships seem lesser than heterosexual relationships, or an afterthought. Overall, Ten Dates is a good adventure to embark on if you like your choices to matter, your dialogue to be witty and your romance to be somewhat predictable.

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7 / 10.0 - Serial Cleaners
Oct 3, 2022

Serial Cleaners has taken the monotonous act of cleaning and spun it on its head by placing it in a gritty criminal world with characters that are eccentric and passionate about getting the job done. Though the gameplay can be repetitive and the dialogue may make you wince, the location art and the special abilities of each character makes up for the lack of "action" in this "action crime" game. Instead, the elements of dead bodies, shining pools of blood, and the game's dark colour palette brings the excitement as you clean up the carnage other games would usually have you create.

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