Matthew Kato
You'll notice some new things in here, but it's not radically different
The PS4 version is better than the current-gen ones. However, hopefully the next iteration will hopefully represent a bigger step forward
Forza 5 is a lot of fun to drive, but its structure off the track should be better
Yet another fun three-click golf disciple that offers a breadth of modes and experiences
The game's fun to play and the course creator will keep you up nights (in a good way), but it lacks a strong carrot to spur you on
There are definitely things to enjoy in every phase of the game, even though as a whole it isn't extraordinary
The outstanding gameplay makes any mode a blast to play, and FIFA 15 is the best entry in the franchise.
This sequel is a good showing for the series on the new system, but it won't blow your doors off
DriveClub doesn't revolutionize online play, but offers solid driving and just enough features to keep it engaging
The game is definitely better than last year and puts the series in good standing, but it's not a monument for the genre itself
I am nominally interested in all of The Crew's parts, but none of them hold my attention
Delivers scares with style even if it doesn't satisfy in all areas
The additions to this addictive series don't radically change what it is about, but rather plug into what the series is already doing so well
I've played many racers like this, but Project Cars still feels invigorating and fresh – and that's an accomplishment
Rory has solid gameplay and covers the basic feature bases, but it doesn't distinguish itself
It's a title that's fun to drive, but offers little to support it
This year delivers the kind of football moments we've wanted for a long time from the franchise. A clear step forward
New tracks and cars give you plenty to play with, but the re-styled career mode still doesn't provide sufficient motivation
I'd struggle to recommend Skyshine's Bedlam. It does have some interesting ideas and it's a fantastic setting to play around in, but fundamentally, there's a mix of ideas here that just doesn't quite work. I like that it's a difficult game, but it needs to be a fair one as well.
If you like soccer, football, or whatever you want to call it, you need to get this game